More GOP Worries

If we go the way of CA this is what we can look forward to.

Major restrictions on hunting/trapping.
Bankruptcy of major cities.
State paying vendors with script.
Exodus of producers (companies and individuals alike)

Eldorado, not saying your wrong (problem is your right).

Republicans need to reinvent themselves and capture some of the growing population of minorities to remain relevant in the populated states.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
The teabagger token Allen West lost his seat in FL , that's a kick in the nards.

It goes to show bad things can happen to stupid people.

Stay thirsty my friends
You people seem just giddy that liberal socialists seem to be gaining control of our government. Be careful what you ask for.

Especially if you like to hunt or have any of the personal freedoms our country is use to having. Those days are coming to a swift end.

To all you staunch liberals like corn, piper, eldo..answer this. When they eventually come to confiscate your weapons, you know the ones you use for hunting, will you give them up or will you fight for your second amendment rights. Put nothing past them. If they get powerful enough that second amendment can go away real easy!
I've been waiting to have my arms confiscated with every Dem administration and it has never happened.
It's part of the GOP myth to scare guys like you to vote for them.

It takes overwhelming consent of both Congress and the states to make any Constitutional amendment.
Again, another GOP myth that Dems want to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

....they won't repeal it...they'll just ignore in la raza
The NRA filled my mailbox with the very same crap you're spouting when Clinton beat Bush. again when he ran for a second term. again when Obama ran, you bozos even created a shortage of ammo and components for a year.

What has changed since Obama took office? in fact gun ownership is more gauranteed through high court decisions than it ever been .

Pick your fights, and know when you're being stupid. you got thumped because you suck worse not because the dems are golden, once you understand this you can move to rectify it.

Stay thirsty my friends
Weapon confiscation may be way down the road, but, CA is definetly taking away hunting rights.

They have almost destroyed hunting in CA and they are not slowing down.

Most people will not sell guns to people in CA from out of state.
True story.

Closed down shooting ranges in CA.

Made lead bullets illegal in much of the state.

No hunting with dogs except for birds.

No steel traps.

No hunting mountain lions.

Closed some of the best off shore and coastal fishing in CA to sports fishing.

These people that make laws could care less about your hunting heritage.

Plenty more coming.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
440 glad to hear your a member of the NRA.

NRA does have to be extreme to keep the interest up. They are the reason that for the most part polititicians avoid the gun control issue.

The know it is thin ice. If NRA was not there, that ice would be a little thicker.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Eldorado or Eldorko, depends which one you want to be, there was an attempt by Dems to grab some hunting rifles under the guise of "assault weapons" in CA. when Gray Davis was govenor.

Gray Davis made a promise on not signing any bills that would effect hunting weapons when he ran for governor. After he got in, a Democrat sponsered bill was passed by the state Dems over objections by most GOP members. Davis signed the bill and after signing it into law, the NRA noticed that the way the Dems had written the bill, it would also include banning any semi auto hunting rifle that had a detachable magazine. That included the Browning BAR hunting rifle, Remington 740 & 7400 and a few other brands of semi auto hunting rifles.

It was brought to Gray Davis attention that he broke his campaign promise. Davis then had the Justice Dept.submit letters to all local law enforcement agencies if they felt the law he signed would be effective in curbing crimes.

As the firearms trainer for my dept. My sheriff handed me that letter from DOJ and requested I submit a reply to their inquiry. I advise them that it was deceiving in the way they described an "Assault weapon" to include all semi auto hunting rifles that was center fire and had detachable magazines. I also advised that the passing of the bill would not curb crime and would not be of benifit to law enforcement.

Gray Davis resended the bill and had it re-written where it would not include hunting rifles, but left the 10 round magazine ban in place for rifles and pistols.

You better open your eyes and never trust the majority of Democrats when it comes to your right to have firearms. More Democrats are anti gun then pro gun and do not fool yourself thinking other wise.

I believe you live in San Diego, if so you are in the middle of some of the most anti gun Democrats in our state goverment.

Dude, there is 4 members of the Supreme Court that are well up in their 70's. What do you think will happen if Obama gets to appoint two more to the bench that is anti gun like some already appointed? Would they rule that the Constitution is a living document and subject to change to fit the times?

You said it yourself eldodo. CA is setting the trend. acces to firearms dwindle. Hunting right, shooting ranges, etc. slowly get chipped away at it. Its not a dem vs. rep issue. The constitution can be dealt with, or just ignored. The dems aren't going to take your guns but a socialist police state will.
Yes, the irrelevant GOP sure took a bath in the 2010 midterms.

Don't forget people, just two years ago, Republicans put a historic beating on the Democrats.
All you guys on the right claim the same thing every time a Dem wins and yet gun ownership is up and the 2nd Amendment is alive and well.

Ok, eldorko says everything is gonna be just fine, we're all gonna live long and prosper in our new liberal utopia. I'll sleep well tonight!
Eldorko, answer one question. Do you vote for Dems that have sponsered or voted for taking away firearm rights in CA. Yes or no!

That includes bills where they have restricted some gun rights under the guise of lowering the so called gun violence. They are not stupid to do it all at once. It will and is being done one little pieace at time.

When they passed the original assault weapon ban in CA. The anti gun Democrat who sponsered that bill took heat from Handguns Inc. for not having the Springfield M1A1 and the Ruger Mini-14 on the list of banned weapons as was promised.

His reply to Handgun Inc. was that too many Hi-powered rifle match shooters who used the M1A1 and police agencies were using the Mini-14 that he was fearful the bill would not past if those two semi-autos were included in the ban. He advised Handgun Inc. that they could later add those two guns to the list as the bill had been written so that more guns could be added to it by the Dept. of Justice. It was under Gray Davis that a revised bill was passed that included several hunting rifles.

Somehow I have a feeling you will and have voted for anti gun Democrats as gun rights are not your main priorty and will continue to vote for them in the future. You are just not man enough to admit it.

eldorado, I don't think conservatives need to adapt. If they "adapted" there would be no need for two political parties.

GOP needs to just bide their time and hope there is enough left, when you get through, to salvage.

You're in control. I wish you the best of luck.

I expect Obama will appoint at least one more judge to the bench, I hope anyway, as I've said that will end the Torquemada movement for the rest of my life. Manny's kids will have to resume his quest for a church state we'll be gone.

What will it mean for gun rights? who knows but I really really doubt it will effect me in the slightest. rambo gun owners , maybe. all the polls show support for gun rights but also support for more restrictive assult weapons and hi cap clip laws. it's unreasonable to think we can have an idiot shoot up someplace at least once a week and nothing will ever come of it.

Hunting is another subject, if you don't own or have access to private land you're a fool if you don't support the dems on the future of our public lands. the republicans would have already sold them off if they could.

Back to the subject. the republican party is already in reconstruction mode it's a fight for survival. anaconda as I said all the republicans needed to prove they don't have it is another chance to govern and they got it. you're pointing to the 2010 midterms as if that was a good thing, 2 years later the dems held both the whitehouse and the senate and turned you back with your tail between your legs. the fact is if the republicans don't kiss the mexicans and change their social issue platform they're never going to win another national election. you understand this don't you? I'm not sure what they'll do with you and the old hardliners but my guess is they're going to ignore you. they have your vote no matter what, now they're after the moderates like myself and I can tell you they can get it if they do as I've suggested.

Stay thirsty my friends
The dinosaurs tried to wait it out too, the ones who didn't adapt I've only seen in the Flintstones.

If the republicans don't moderate they're dead , want to bet on it.

Stay thirsty my friends
You are correct about public lands. The problem is the libs do not want us to use them. Private land is another issue. If public lands are for the most part closed, the owners of the private lands will be able to charge what they want to allow access. Sound like Germany? Only those who have money will be able to hunt, just like is the case in the majority of European countries that still allow hunting. In regard to the bad guns. We as free citizens should be able to own any firearm we choose and as many as we want, including full-auto weapons. Some of us just plain love to shoot. As long as the weapon is target-specific we should be able to own it. Weapons that fire HE or other ammo that is not target specific does not fit into this category. Thousands of people in this land have training that would allow them to do much more damage as terrorists if they so choose to use their skills against peaceful citizens utilizing numerous other over-the -counter products. No number of laws will change the sick acts of violence the parasites of our country choose to commit. It is not the "high capacity" magazines or the guns that are the issue it is the parasites. As a nation we would be far better off outlawing violent video games.
Our Right to own firearms has nothing to do with hunting. The government knows this and believe it or not they fear it.


I don't buy into the argument that "libs" don't want you to use public lands, its another rightwing myth spread by the narrow minded antiwilderness crowd.

Where would you draw the line on citizen owned weapons?, anti aircraft? chemical? fullauto street sweepers?
Im not so sure about your beliefs and Im sure the majority of citizens aren't keen on your ideas.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-12 AT 11:08AM (MST)[p]You guys are in total denial. So go ahead and continue to believe the spiel your party feeds you. Facts are facts that your party will become irrelevant if it doesn't adapt to the clear demographic trend of the last two elections. But I guess it's easy to blame others for your party's woes than to fix the problem. All I can say is carry on boys because according to most of you your party is doing a bang up job.

I do not think to many conservatives (including myself) are to crazy about the Republican party, so dont put words in peoples mouths.

It is the closest think to a relevant conservative party there is.
Problem is that it is much more popular to be a taker and hate those that pay the bills.
As far as not believing that elements of the Democrat party would not end hunting and gun ownership, well, that is just naive.
Look who gravitates towards the democrat party, holly wood types, occupy movement, Peta types, and eco terrorists etc.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
I would like any of you liberals to answer these two simple questions about gun control:

1. which new laws regarding gun control will criminals obey?

2. Why should I have my constitutional right infringed upon because someone else does not obey the laws we currently have?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-12 AT 12:14PM (MST)[p]NMpaul- You mean people like Eva Longoria? who looks good at the pistol range, or Rush Limbaugh, peta member,? if its what he cares about, so what.

What has the occupy movement got to do with gun ownership? Eco terrorists love weapons and don't like the government telling them anything.
The problem with so called conservatives is the fact that they arent conservative at all when it comes to spending taxpayer money, and their penchant for borrowing is legendary.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-12 AT 12:24PM (MST)[p]NMPaul,

So, what's your solution? All I read were how bad the Dems are. Like I said before, the GOP is faced with a real problem that will require real and honest solutions. No amount of spinning will change this problem that the GOP seems to have with newer, younger, and more diverse voters.

Piper, you are so uninformed your not even worth responding to.

Eldorado, I have no solution, but, it will need to start with compromise to have a party that is "truly" fiscally conservative and libertarian when it comes to social issues.
As I stated before, if someone wants to kill babies, fine. Dont sugar coat it as a womans right, but, call it what it is. Killing an unwanted baby. To many selfish parents out there that do not want to raise their kids.
Homos want to marry, I am against it and I think it further erodes our declining culture, but, the government should take a pass on it.
We got bigger problems.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
no one wants to kill babies, where do you get off on this stuff?

You want to see less abortions? you start from the bottom up by having a better economy for working people, having healthcare that doesn't destroy working class people financially.
The GOP of the past believed in conservative but responsible governance. They were not obstructionists or ideologues who made governance impossible but who believed in the need to govern by compromise. How times have changed and unfortunately for the worst.

Eldorado, You completly avoided my question. Do you vote for Democrats that have a history of being anti gun, even anti hunting. You and I both know the answer to that don't we?

>....they won't repeal it...they'll just ignore
> in la raza

even worse, Hawaii, read their laws: drive through town with a box of ammo in your car and unless it's an approved trip ( gun range or hunting) it's 20 felonies coming at ya. Keep in mind over there you have to check you rifle in with the public hunting lands gatekeeper. You can have a 2A but this is what they will do to it, repuke or demonrat.
Why would I narrow my options because of one issue. I vote for the best candidate on all the issues.

I told you where I would draw the line. Target specific weapons. No HE, WP, etc. In regard to public lands. In the PRC (Peoples Republic of California) the feds have sewn up large areas of public lands both NF and BLM. So regardless of you not buying into it, it is happening as is the erosion of our gun ownership Rights.


440, what if the GOP moderates? Maybe they will win an election. What about the next election cycle? Moderate again? If the GOP keeps on moderating, let's just cut to the chase and call it the Super Progressive Liberal Party. At least we can win? Win what exactly?

>440, what if the GOP moderates?
>Maybe they will win an
>election. What about the next
>election cycle? Moderate again? If
>the GOP keeps on moderating,
>let's just cut to the
>chase and call it the
>Super Progressive Liberal Party. At
>least we can win? Win
>what exactly?

Well if that happens they can call themselves the Also Democrat Party.

Is anyone going to tell us how many guns they've had taken by the democrats or not? this fear is based on nonsense. if they could take them they'd be gone. you act like it never crossed their minds before Obama. maybe someday, but you've got so much more serious problems on your plate this debate is senseless.

Eel , I'll tell you excactly what's going to happen. the libs will get more liberal and the conservatives will get more liberal until todays libs will look like republicans. then one day the mexicans will have the votes to run the country and we'll become a a boundry adjustment to Mexico. try to be on the other side of the grass due to old age by the time that hasppens. and it will happen .

Stay thirsty my friends
In the PRC the roberti-roose act (assault weapons ban) made thousands of owners of so called assault weapons have to make a choice, register their weapons, turn them in or be a criminal. Most chose to be a criminal. No, authorities have not actively sought out the owners of these bad guns, however if for some reason a person is caught with one charges are filed. This law had zero impact on violent crime rates in Kalifornia. As anyone with half a brain knows parasites don't give a rats crap about laws. clinton's ban was very successful in deterring crime also, wasn't it?
Whats up with the guy that made the evil anti muslim film. I have not read much about it but heard he was sentenced to a year in jail. If it was behind his expressing his freedom of speech, directly or indirectly behind some other trumped up charge that is a bunch of bs also. Like I said I have not looked into it only heard about the jail time.
I do not agree that we have more serious issues at stake at this time. The issue of gun control is a threat to our Rights. Our economic situation and the southern invasion are not a violation of our Rights, just poor decision making and failure to secure our boarders by our socialist government. Until we make this country business/industry friendly and quit spending our dollars on other countries and entitlement programs we will continue to fall. It is not the government's job to make jobs in a capitalist economy, only to make an environment that promotes manufacturing and production. The problem we have at this time is that our government does not want to represent us, it wants to, and is controlling us. It has taken decades for the government to make a substantial segment of our population dependent on handouts and to make people ask "what is the government going to do about this".


Norkal are you asking that there be no oversight or regulation to the domestic arms industry? That would be irresponsible and dangerous and no administration, regardless of party affiliation, would sanction such an outcome.
You are wrong Norkal when you state that gun rights should be the greatest concern of government. The greatest concern and priority should be to put the American people back to work. This will ensure a healthier and vibrant economy that will make us secure and prosperous. Trademarks of a free and democratic society.

Nimrod once again you're not in the game. I don't follow all your California stuff but you republicans are always hot for states rights, you should embrace it.

Here in the real world , ( outside TX and CA ) I haven't lost a gun to anyone. I don't play GI Joe or want to shoot up a theater so your ban wouldn't effect me anyway .

The fact is gun control even in these times of weekly mass killings is way off the radar screen. don't cry before you're hurt, right now they're not even looking your way.

Do you need a list of things that will effect your life long before gun control ?

Stay thirsty my friends
Again, you do not understand me. I do not suffer from "me syndrome". I am not worried about me. As a rule I worry about me least of all. I am worried about the fall of the United States and the freedom it stands for. I am very secure in my future, as you are well aware. Again I will state; this is not about republicans and/or democrats, this is about the destruction of this country as it transforms into socialism. Also, I am not one to cry or whine, I just state my opinion. I don't "play GI Joe" either. My training and the people I have trained has been work related and payed for by the citizen's taxes. You state "your ban wouldn't effect me anyway", you very well could be correct. Depending on how long in the tooth you are you might pass before "hunting" weapons are made illegal. Do you have children or grandchildren? If you do, do you care about what kind of country and freedoms we leave them? I believe you would/do. I want your family to have the same Rights and freedoms we have enjoyed. Just because you do not have any use for the "bad, assault, black, military type" weapons does not mean others feel the same way. The vast majority of violent crimes involving firearms do not involve the use of "assault" weapons or weapons with "high capacity" magazines. Just wondering, are you familiar with the work of Lt. Col. Dave Grossman? He is recognized as one of the worlds foremost experts on the reasons for the rise in violent crimes resulting in SBI/death and the psychological effects of taking another humans life. Our problems have nothing to do with the type of weapons that are available in todays world. Even if all the "good" law abiding citizens were to turn in their "bad" guns the parasites would still get them if they so desired, and with or without guns the rise in violent crime would continue. Again, they do not recognize societies laws. In fact they operate on the wager that their victims abide by the laws they ignore. I know this to be true as I have personally interviewed thousands (no exaggeration)of these parasites.
On another note; You seem to be familiar with the Bible, and have strong opinions about God just as I have mine, just different. Have you read all of it? I am just curious. If I'm digging to deep, let me know, I'll back off.

You know the rest of it, thats right, I'm still and will continue to pray for you and others! Can't hurt!


Like I say, don't compare CA to the rest of the country it just doesn't work.

Norkal don't worry about digging too deep if I can dish it out I can take it. I know very little about the bible other than what's unavoidable in this society. I tried to read a little of it when I was younger but even if I could understand the churchese , which I couln't ,it was utter nonsense that I just couldn't continue on with.

As far as gun control goes you're right I have no use for Rambo guns and 100 round drums, those are military weapons and a have no need for them. I do think if someone else wants them they have the right, but I'm not going to fight for that right with them. might this mean once the black rifles are taken the antis will be after mine? maybe, but I'll be long gone before that happens and to answer you question no I don't have kids.

What I predict is the antis will regroup and go after black rifles and hi cap clips, I will say in time they will succeed. the 2nd amendment was written when muskets were the weapon of the day, I feel a case can be made that the founding fathers didn't intend a well armed militia to have street sweepers. public opinion supports an assult weapons ban but not a ban on sporting arms. polls confirm this.

So to sum it up assult weapons will be banned in time, and sporting weapons will be legal for as long as our constitution means anything. don't mistake the evolution of an overpopulated society with rampant socialism. and if through our constitutional free elections we become socialist what are you going to do about it? scrap the constitution? if socialism is what the majority wants you're not going to shoot your way out of it.

Stay thirsty my friends

Why do you believe the assault /black weapons will eventually be banned? I believe the statisyics show cheaper saturday night specials commit most crimes. I am not understanding the logic. FYI, i don't have any of these type weapons, at least not yet. I don't want the right to have one taken away. Also, please answer, which criminals will obey a new AWB?
What difference does it make what laws the crooks will obey? with that logic why have any laws somebody is going to break them anyway.

The only thing an AWB will do is reduce the supply, since there's already a billion of them out there that's not going to make any difference whatsoever other than those who now have them will make a lot of money if they chose to sell them.

I think they will be banned because they're being used more and more by LEGAL owners who did things by the book right up until they shot someone. this fact is all to real. the supreme court, can and in my opinion will at some point draw a line on what's needed for a well armed militia and what's not.

Polls say the vast majority of americans favor gun ownership rights, about half favor an assult weapons ban and a clear majority favor a ban on hi cap clips, as do I on the clips.

I'm a realist, just because I say something is going to happen doesn't mean I always agree with it or like it, it just means that's what I think is going to come to pass. if it were my call I'd make no new laws on guns but if you commit a crime with one it's a manditory death penalty, but since I'm a realist I know that's as likely to happen as assult weapons not being banned.

Stay thirsty my friends
I have zero use for assault weapons, but I will never be in support of a firearm ban of any kind. Opens too many doors for future bans. I do think the libs will eventually get the black guns, I just hope it aint anytime soon.
If I really thought getting the rambo guns would make the anti's go away I'd jump at the chance to ban them.

We all know the black rifles are the first target because of both their obvious intended use and the anti's know to start with the easiest goal first. beyond that it will be a steep uphill battle with most likely little public support. I didn't back the NRA when they tried to keep armour piercing bullets and I won't for hi cap clips or assult weapons. if you guys want to knock yourself out. the end result will be the same as the bullet fight, pick your battles.

Stay thirsty my friends
I'm not trying to be circular but it is a weak logic to suggest we need any kind of additional gun control laws. Giving the anti's the black gun ban would be the same as admitting we need more laws (which we don't) It's against the law to kill someone or threaten to kill someone. That's enough law isn't it? Why do we need more? 3x2, your thinking like a dem when you say we might as well do it, because it is inevitable. WTH?
When did I say just do it? I said they're going to get it done.

I would support a clip ban , 10 rounds is enough. other than that I'm against anymore bans or laws, I never said or implied otherwise.

Stay thirsty my friends
Herein lies the problem. You give them an inch and that isn't enough. What they really what is the whole hog. And they won't stop until they get it.

You're right 440. We'll probably be dead and gone when it happens, but I don't want my progeny living in an unarmed police state.

You compromise and give them mag capacity and they'll take it. But that won't be enough and the anti's keep chipping away at our 2nd amendment.

Do you honestly think a ban on black guns and high cap mags will pacify them. Give them that and they'll suddenly go away. I doubt it.
I said they won't go away, but they're going to run into a brick wall. the constitution and public opinion will protect the guns most hunters want for as long as I can foresee.

I consider myself a reasonable person, if confronted by a family member of one of the CO theater victims I wouldn't be able to offer them even a lame excuse as to why crazy people have a legal right to own weapons like that. 100 round mags for a military design weapon? what the hell can you say? what if the piece of crap hadn't jammed? 50 dead?

What about the AZ shooter? they jumped him while he was changing clips. what if he had larger clips? oh well a few more bodies then we'll have a chance at him.

If I were them and some joker laid the give them and inch and they'll take a mile crap on me I'd put them out. this is why I say they will prevail on part of their goals.

Stay thirsty my friends
OK 440, take away all the guns. Whats a crazy person hell bent on destruction to do now. He rolls a homemade pipe bomb into that crowded theater thats what! The internet is full of nice juicy info for a crazy person to use. If they want to kill, they'll find a way...they're crazy.
True, but I bet we wouldn't allow Walmart to have a legal bomb building dept for them would we?

One of the problems with rambo guns is it gives the crazy person the confidence they need to take their ideas to the next level. in most cases they don't choose a M94 or a M70 or an O/U shotgun do they? no they want something that makes them feel like they're in total control. sure it might still happen but less often and with a lower body count. if you're going to have guns that's about all you can do.

Stay thirsty my friends
Take away their guns, big explosions make the crazies feel just as warm and fuzzy. We can argue this in circles all day long. It doesn't matter if they have access to guns or not. The fact of the matter is that a crazy person hell bent on causing death and destruction will find a way.

What concerns me is in that most of these cases, these individuals have been witnessed to have some sort of concerning behavior. But the system doesn't act on it because we have become too candy azzed politically correct. We don't want to violate a persons right to express themselves. So they slip through the cracks as being eccentric and end up killing.
We better hope some nut job does not get the wise idea of taking a Ford truck and at 70 mph slamming into a large gathering of people and killing 10 or more in seconds. Some idiot would start shouting that Ford trucks should be banned.

I do not own any black rifle, but I am wise enough to know that is where the anti gunners will start and will continue until all guns are banned or they are priced out of reach by putting taxes on them.

The system we use for selling guns is flawed, crazy people should be denied. so who is too crazy to own a gun? where do you draw that line and where does HIPAA end ?

The NRA is going to fight this harder than the libs will. so gun owners are going to be in the position of defending crazy peoples rights, which makes us look crazy.

Stay thirsty my friends

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