More War

Not lucky, as I am going to be fishing and hunting anyway but I was wrong that they wouldn't hit oil infrastructure, hope they go after the illicit tankers as well.

Hope the pilots stay safe and have good luck whacking those guys.

Didn't think the Arabs would allow oil infrastructure to be targeted.

Nemont I am beginning to think that some of the Arab leaders now realize that ISIS is so radical. It's leaders are so power hungry, they fear the ISIS movement may displace them from their seat in power in their own Arab country.

As for the oil infrastructure, only ISIS was receiving any benefit from it. So they decided to disrupt the flow of oil. They can repair it after defeating ISIS and removing them as a threat.

Heck, I am in a good mood today as I got the last major project for the month done, wrote a nice size group, added some nice size life insurance cases to the hopper, come and hunt Pheasants or fish anyway.

The fishing has been fantastic. Lots of multi species day with northerns, walleyes, lakers, small mouth bass, drum and salmon.

Ambassador Thomas Jefferson had a wake up call the day he met with muslim leaders. Thomas Jefferson asked why are muslims attacking American ships when we are doing nothing to incite any form of violence. To his shock, he recorded the following words spoken by the muslim ambassador Abd Al-Rahman: ?it was written in the Qur?an, that all Nations who should not have acknowledged the authority of mohammad were sinners, that it was the right and duty of every muslim to make war upon nonmuslims they could find and to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Muslim who should be slain in battle was believed to go to Paradise.?

Hmmm, dont think this war was fought for Oil. There was another war between the muslims and the French,I'll see if I can find out who ordered the munitions to be coated with pig lard, Thats what the French did and the muslims wouldn't fight after that.Back then they didn't use all the excuses they do today, and they believed what was in the koran, Not just USE the koran as an excuse. There was a time when there were 16 major conflicts in the world, 1 direct war involving the US and 3 others indirectly with actual "boots on the ground. 14 of the 16 involved muslims VS someone....... Says a lot to me.
I know it wont mean anything to the primordial ooze crew. I also know that after I give my solution to end this and all muslim war I will get a lot of crap from the oozies, but I couldn't care less. I wont respond to any of it,as their opinion means less that $hit to me. Get ready to rant oozies.
To end this and all muslim (I will interject"Radical extremist" here for all who need it) wars. The answer is simple. KILL THEM ANYWAY POSSIBLE. With ANY MEANS NECESSARY. FORGET ABOUT COLLATERAL DAMAGE. (in successful bombing raids during WW2 did we have collateral damage and still call it successful, if the enemy was destroyed. If you dont want to be wiped out STAY AWAY FROM THE RADICALS! Your inconvenience to move away from them means little to me if there is a chance that killing a radical might save a single AMERICAN life.

Thats my answer, Kill em all let allah sort the pieces out. AND if you act in a radical way you don't go to gitmo, you get a 9mm to the temple, GAME OVER. ok oozies rant.....Like
I said I wont respond but I MIGHT come back a read your uneducated whining.
Nemont what are they saying the sharptail hatch is like in MT this year? I drew a Custer bison tag and was thinking of hunting south of Miles City on the way back in December.

I know that's not the best time of year on sharpies but I'm not going to be able to get away in October now that the rains have screwed up my fall work plans.

Stay thirsty my friends
Sounds like Sharpies are average to below average in most places.

I will be hunting over by Baker in October so I will have a better handle on numbers then. By December I will be chasing ducks and geese almost everyday
Would you please let a few flocks of ducks pass on by so we have something to shoot here in WY. Shooting ducks is something I look forward to every year.
I heard on the news today, this "war" could last "years".

Good thing we got rid of Bush and got Obama with his new foreign policy.


Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.
Keep it up eel and I'm goin over to that "favorite mm member thread" and castin my vote for u!
If Bush hadn't chosen to create a playground for Sunni extemists maybe Obama wouldn't have to fight them.

When you replace sunni leadership with shiite leadership chit is going to happen. we were warned.

Stay thirsty my friends
440 Why don't you expound on how Carter disposing the Shah has impacted the middle east? Think that may have destabilized things a bit then and now? How about Obama's meddling in the Arab Spring? It sure looks like he shook things up a bit after old Bush was gone doesn't it? Where's your accountability for that? Think Iran may be playing a big part in the mess? By the way what sect is the majority of Iranians?

Did Obama alienate the Saudis with his romancing the Iranians?

How well did Obama do trying to get the Muslim Brotherhood in power? oops you must have over looked that!

Who really opened the door or turned his back to create more issues? Has there been more unrest under Obama or Bush? How many countries are in turmoil now? Even you can figure that out with your internet search Cranial rectal degree. Oops looks like Obama wins again.

Who withdrew the American troops while in office and had the power to leave troops in the region? OBAMA I think history will show Carter and Obama failed on a much larger scale than old GW did.

Yes the Pentagon warned an inexperienced Obama not to take so many forces out just like the CIA. Did he listen? NO

Obama ALSO sure stirred things up in the Sunni playground didn't he? Just can't play the blame game when he made the MAJORITY of the calls on his watch.......But you keep trying eventually you may convince yourself....LOL It would appear the Dems foreign policy has created a ton of issues some that are still coming to Roost today.......Now go crawl back under your rock!
Another thing Obama did that may hurt this country. Of those top Army generals that sounded off about Obama being off base. Obama got rid of them. It is 8 or 9 top generals that Obama has cashiered in the past year because they did not agree with his foreign policy in the Middle East.

The CIC chooses who works for him. that's the way it works.

Bosgeek shut up and save yourself .

How did Carter take the Shah out? do tell.

What would leaving troops who can't fight in Iraq have done that we can't do today if we so chose? are you saying just knowing american troops were in Iraq would have prevented ISIS ?

How did Obama create the arab spring or decide who was elected to lead afterwards?

You ever hear of Henry Kissenger? I'm not a fan but I'd say he knows more than you do. maybe?

Stay thirsty my friends
Yes you are correct on that Dude about the CIC chooses who leads his military.

The president of Iraq also chose to cashier his good top military leaders and keep the ones that were faithful to him. Only problem was that they were not the good military leaders during war time and look what happen to the Iraq army when facing ISIS.

I don't think we have any serious problems with our military.

The CIC as an elected official should attempt to do as the voters tell him shouldn't he? that means he should have pulled the troops from Iraq and bombed ISIS. if we desire to have the military call the shots then change the constitution and expect a military state. Bosgeek would be fine with that as long as the leaders were conservative and white.

Too much of the time people look for problems where one doesn't exist.

Stay thirsty my friends
Some of the times, people look at problems that do exist and ignore them until it is too damn late. The Obama Administration is a very good example of this fallacy.

I don't agree. but if you're right that's what you get for crying wolf incessantly.

If you had been right 1% of the time we'd be living in something far worse than Stalinism.

Stay thirsty my friends
I was right on two occasions not to vote for the idiot we have in the White House. Your assessment of me is so far off base that it is as pathetic as you are.

Too bad that is what we expect from you on a daily basis.

Here read this and use your finger since you don't know what happened maybe this will open your eyes...... how his acts actually started a chain of events that cause issues for many future presidents........ Try to keep up will you.

August 26, 2007

Jimmy Carter's Human Rights Disaster in Iran

By Slater Bakhtavar

In the mid twentieth century, US-Iran relations prospered. Many Americans celebrated Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as a model king. President Lyndon B. Johnson pronounced in 1964: "What is going on in Iran is about the best thing going on anywhere in the world".

During the 1970's Iran's Shah propelled Iran into becoming a dynamic middle-east regional power. The Shah implemented broad economic and social reforms, including enhanced rights for women, and religious and ethnic minorities. Economic and educational reforms were adopted, initiatives to cleanse politics of social upheaval were systematized, and the civil service system was reformed. When sectors of society rioted to demand even greater freedom, the Shah promised constitutional reform to favor democracy. In the face of Soviet and fundamentalist Islamic pressures, constitutional reform remained on the back burner, as the Shah built what on paper was the world's fifth or sixth largest armed force. In 1976, it had an estimated 3,000 tanks, 890 helicopter gunships, over 200 advanced fighter aircraft, the largest fleet of hovercraft in any country and 9,000 anti-tank missiles.

The Shah used Iran's military might to address regional crises consistent with foreign relations goals of the United States. The Nixon and Ford administrations endorsed these efforts and allowed the Shah to acquire virtually unlimited quantities of any non-nuclear weapons in the American arsenal.

In accord with the pleasant US-Iran relations then-existing, President Carter spent New Year's Eve in 1977 with the Shah and toasted Iran as "an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world". Nonetheless, between 1975 and 1978, the Shah's popularity fell due to the Carter administration's misguided implementation of human rights policies.

The election of Mr. Carter as president of the United States in 1976, with his vocal emphasis on the importance of human rights in international affairs, was a turning point in US-Iran relations. The Shah of Iran was accused of torturing over 3000 prisoners. Under the banner of promoting human rights, Carter made excessive demands of the Shah, threatening to withhold military and social aid. Carter pressured the Shah to release "political prisoners", whose ranks included radical fundamentalists, communists and terrorists. Many of these individuals are now among the opponents we face in our "war on terrorism".

The Carter Administration insisted that the Shah disband military tribunals, demanding they be replaced by civil courts. The effect was to allow trials to serve as platforms for anti-government propaganda. Carter pressured Iran to permit "free assembly", which encouraged and fostered fundamentalist anti-government rallies. The British government and its MI6 intelligence agency also heightened the Shah's precariousness. The government-controlled BBC presented Iranians with a dossier of twenty hour newscasts detailing the location of all anti-Shah demonstrations and consistent interviews with the exiled outcast Ayatollah Khomeini, making a religious scholar few Iranians knew about into an overnight sensation.

When the Shah was unable to meet the Carter Administration and British demands, the Carter Administration reportedly ordered the Central Intelligence Agency to stop $4 million per year in funding to religious Mullahs who then became outspoken and vehement opponents of the Shah. Unfortunately, the Shah's efforts to defuse the volatile situation in Iran failed, despite the grant even of free and democratic elections. Confronted with lack of US support and unleashed Mullah fury, the Shah of Iran fled the country.

Subsequent to the Carter Administration's ill-conceived foreign policy initiative, Iran is now a dungeon. Ayatollah Khomeini's dictatorship executed the Shah's prisoners, predominantly communist militants, along with more than 20,000 pro-Western Iranians. Women were sent back into servitude. Citizens were arrested merely for owning satellite dishes that could tune to Western programs. American diplomats were taken hostage, and the Soviet Union invaded Iran's eastern neighbor Afghanistan as a result of this chaos, allowing it to secure greater influence in Iran and Pakistan. The struggle against the Soviets in Afghanistan, and the defeat of this invading Superpower with help from the United States under President Reagan gave rise to the radicalization and emergence of Muslim zealots like Osama bin Laden. Moreover, within a year of the Shah's ouster, Iran on its western flank was locked into the Iran-Iraq War, in which the U.S. sided with secular Iraq and its military dictator Saddam Hussein.

In retrospect, the Iran-Iraq War would never have occurred had Jimmy Carter not weakened the Shah's regime. This conflict cost the two nations more than 500,000 lives, including thousands of Iranians killed by Saddam Hussein's use of chemical weapons. The Iran-Iraq war triggered the rise of Saddam Hussein as a major power whose invasion of Kuwait was repelled by Desert Storm. The United States refrained from deposing Saddam Hussein in a continuation of the Desert Storm operation out of concern that the resulting "power vacuum" would be filled by Iran's Ayatollahs.

Thus Jimmy Carter's misguided implementation of human rights policies not only indirectly led to overthrow of the Shah of Iran, but also paved the way for loss of more than 600,000 lives, Iran's rule by Ayatollahs, the Iran-Iraq War, Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait and Desert Storm, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and the mass murder of Americans and destruction of the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001.

In the mid twentieth century, US-Iran relations prospered. Many Americans celebrated Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as a model king. President Lyndon B. Johnson pronounced in 1964: "What is going on in Iran is about the best thing going on anywhere in the world".

During the 1970's Iran's Shah propelled Iran into becoming a dynamic middle-east regional power. The Shah implemented broad economic and social reforms, including enhanced rights for women, and religious and ethnic minorities. Economic and educational reforms were adopted, initiatives to cleanse politics of social upheaval were systematized, and the civil service system was reformed. When sectors of society rioted to demand even greater freedom, the Shah promised constitutional reform to favor democracy. In the face of Soviet and fundamentalist Islamic pressures, constitutional reform remained on the back burner, as the Shah built what on paper was the world's fifth or sixth largest armed force. In 1976, it had an estimated 3,000 tanks, 890 helicopter gunships, over 200 advanced fighter aircraft, the largest fleet of hovercraft in any country and 9,000 anti-tank missiles.

The Shah used Iran's military might to address regional crises consistent with foreign relations goals of the United States. The Nixon and Ford administrations endorsed these efforts and allowed the Shah to acquire virtually unlimited quantities of any non-nuclear weapons in the American arsenal.

In accord with the pleasant US-Iran relations then-existing, President Carter spent New Year's Eve in 1977 with the Shah and toasted Iran as "an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world". Nonetheless, between 1975 and 1978, the Shah's popularity fell due to the Carter administration's misguided implementation of human rights policies.

The election of Mr. Carter as president of the United States in 1976, with his vocal emphasis on the importance of human rights in international affairs, was a turning point in US-Iran relations. The Shah of Iran was accused of torturing over 3000 prisoners. Under the banner of promoting human rights, Carter made excessive demands of the Shah, threatening to withhold military and social aid. Carter pressured the Shah to release "political prisoners", whose ranks included radical fundamentalists, communists and terrorists. Many of these individuals are now among the opponents we face in our "war on terrorism".

The Carter Administration insisted that the Shah disband military tribunals, demanding they be replaced by civil courts. The effect was to allow trials to serve as platforms for anti-government propaganda. Carter pressured Iran to permit "free assembly", which encouraged and fostered fundamentalist anti-government rallies. The British government and its MI6 intelligence agency also heightened the Shah's precariousness. The government-controlled BBC presented Iranians with a dossier of twenty hour newscasts detailing the location of all anti-Shah demonstrations and consistent interviews with the exiled outcast Ayatollah Khomeini, making a religious scholar few Iranians knew about into an overnight sensation.

When the Shah was unable to meet the Carter Administration and British demands, the Carter Administration reportedly ordered the Central Intelligence Agency to stop $4 million per year in funding to religious Mullahs who then became outspoken and vehement opponents of the Shah. Unfortunately, the Shah's efforts to defuse the volatile situation in Iran failed, despite the grant even of free and democratic elections. Confronted with lack of US support and unleashed Mullah fury, the Shah of Iran fled the country.

Subsequent to the Carter Administration's ill-conceived foreign policy initiative, Iran is now a dungeon. Ayatollah Khomeini's dictatorship executed the Shah's prisoners, predominantly communist militants, along with more than 20,000 pro-Western Iranians. Women were sent back into servitude. Citizens were arrested merely for owning satellite dishes that could tune to Western programs. American diplomats were taken hostage, and the Soviet Union invaded Iran's eastern neighbor Afghanistan as a result of this chaos, allowing it to secure greater influence in Iran and Pakistan. The struggle against the Soviets in Afghanistan, and the defeat of this invading Superpower with help from the United States under President Reagan gave rise to the radicalization and emergence of Muslim zealots like Osama bin Laden. Moreover, within a year of the Shah's ouster, Iran on its western flank was locked into the Iran-Iraq War, in which the U.S. sided with secular Iraq and its military dictator Saddam Hussein.

In retrospect, the Iran-Iraq War would never have occurred had Jimmy Carter not weakened the Shah's regime. This conflict cost the two nations more than 500,000 lives, including thousands of Iranians killed by Saddam Hussein's use of chemical weapons. The Iran-Iraq war triggered the rise of Saddam Hussein as a major power whose invasion of Kuwait was repelled by Desert Storm. The United States refrained from deposing Saddam Hussein in a continuation of the Desert Storm operation out of concern that the resulting "power vacuum" would be filled by Iran's Ayatollahs.

Thus Jimmy Carter's misguided implementation of human rights policies not only indirectly led to overthrow of the Shah of Iran, but also paved the way for loss of more than 600,000 lives, Iran's rule by Ayatollahs, the Iran-Iraq War, Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait and Desert Storm, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and the mass murder of Americans and destruction of the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-14 AT 09:33AM (MST)[p]

Why hell yes, it's Carters fault for not giving a hated dictator the nukes he needed to fight off his own countrymen.

From totally selfish standpoint installing and prorecting dictators who are in our pocket can be effective. but it's expensive, it comes with complications and it's unethical as hell.

But as a good conservatard looking out for yourself is all that matters isn't it? you proved that in Iraq.

tay thirsty my friends
Your ignorance is only over shadowed by your complete lack of intelligence. Carter betrayed one of the best allies we had in the region by turning his back on him and threw stability out the window and hundreds of millions of your tax dollars into arming the opposition again. They actually had a plan and it had been working so why did he decide to change it? Human right's my azz more people died as a result of them snookering him than they would have lost with the Shah in control.

Our policy actually helped keep the peace you moron. We weren't fighting them they were working with us and helping to protect our interests. Carters actions allowed the Soviets to come in there and establish the relationships that have caused us issues for years. His actions allowed IRAN to set up one of the worlds largest terrorist funding machines in modern history. Think any of that led to many of the issues we face today?

Carter didn't do what was in the best interests of his country just like Obama didn't.... See any similarities here? He was advised differently and then he got betrayed in the end by not doing what was in his country's best interest. The soviets helped turn them into our mortal enemy... even though he helped them get rid of the Shah! Gee isn't propaganda & manipulation a wonderful thing, guess the Soviets managed to turn them into their ally... so how'd that work out?

Things globally were more peaceful because of what we did and our people and economy flourished as a result, like many others during the same timeframe. The wall came down as a result of how we did things not because we shot it down.

We didn't have leaders cowering to the Soviets and telling them they'd weaken their nations defenses when a microphones was left on....... All these things happened as a result of our leadership..... So why don't you reach into your bag of useless rhetoric and try to spin that.

We've spent hundreds of millions of dollars influencing elections, toppling dictators, providing weapons and paying bribes to support many country's and regions of the world to protect our interests (Obama TOO). Just because you won't find it on the internet doesn't mean it didn't happen.....and you aren't reading about the failures are you or blaming them publicly to take the heat off ourselves like Obama does.

You essentially have no idea of how we effected the outcomes on many issues on the world stage in many places because truthfully you couldn't stand the mortal wound to your FAKE bleeding heart.

You buy the hype but I'll let you in a on a little secret you only read about what they want you to know and Obama has been guilty of many cases of misdirection on that hasn't he. Wake up skippy those stars on the wall in CIA headquarters weren't put there because they are disclosing what really went down but because they made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the interests of this country and since you have a new found sense of fake morality I doubt you'd agree, grasp the intent, or comprehend the magnitude of what they did.
Now Dude up until Obama came along I have said on threads in this forum that Carter was the worse President we have had in my lifetime. That is until Obama replaced him as the worse President. Nixon ranks #3 behind Obama and Carter since he was not in long enough to screw things up as much as your favorite hero, and you have the unmitigated gall to call us stupid and ignorant. Take a good look in the mirror if you want to see stupid and outright ignorance. You do fit in with the stone age and living in a cave.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-14 AT 07:03AM (MST)[p]Looks like it's all the intelligence community's fault. Wasn't barry's fault at all. Wait a minute isn't this where we say barry lied? On a side note isn't it time we admit clapper needs to go?
Obummhole and Dude are out playing another round of golf somewhere north of Bend, OR.
Yes, all of our middle east problems which aren't the black guys fault can be traced back to Carter.

It's most unfortunete we most likely won't see another republican president for many years to fix everything like Nixon, Reagan and the Bush's did. very sad indeed.

It's all so simple to simple folks.

Stay thirsty my friends
Gee! Eldorko really thinks that Obama has a strategy plan to take care of ISIS. Hurry somebody and sell Eldorko that bridge in Booklyn as he is ripe for falling for that scam also.

The only strategy that Obama has had on anything is to blame someone else for his FUBARS and SNAFULS and now it is the head of the CIA. How many appointee heads has he blamed now for his FUBARS as CIC and leader of the pack.

The only problem republicans have is Obama isn't going far enough , you too?

Would boots on the ground make you feel safer ? would that shut you up? or would anything?

Stay thirsty my friends
What would shut me up is for that stupid idiot in office for once listen to the experts and formulate a plan to deal with the problem and stick to it. Will never happen with this idiot as he has his own agenda and will not accept any plan that goes against how he wants to be seen and judged by history.

What might the world look like if JFK had done as he was advised with the missle crisis? we may still glow at night.

There is a reason the CIC is an elected position.

Stay thirsty my friends

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