Most B&C Bucks


Long Time Member
'morning All,

From the Summer Fair Chase mag., the quarterly from Boone and Crocket Club

Best muley harvests since 1996...Top 5 states

1-Colorado 171 entries.... 37 Non-Typical---134 Typical

2-Wyoming 69 entries ... 12-NT----57 Typ

3-Idaho 60.....16----44

4-Saskatchewan 55......17---38

5-New Mexico 49.......9------40

Top 5 county's since 1996

Rio Arriba.. N.Mex 45 total

Sonora Mx. 28

Lincoln .. Wyo. 23

Eagle... Colo. 21

Gunnison... Colo. 18

Hope your muley tags are in one of these states or county's for 2006!!
Well I certainly won't able to hunt these counties this year. The County I hunt, not in the states listed, has never had a B&C buck recorded. For the last several years, that has been my goal. I fell short this last year, but a good buck. (184 gross, 171 net). I think there is still a book buck there!
What about Alberta? They've taken some whoppers there lately. I'll be hunting at least a couple of the places you've listed this year.
I can't believe Utah isn't there:)

You'd think with all of our great deer management and great conservation tags we'd atleast make the top 5!!!

(Sorry, I couldn't resist an opporunity!);)

Once again-WAKE UP UTAH!!! Talk about wasted potential....
Alberta is # 12 with 19 total for the 1996-2005 timeframe.

15 Typ. and 4 Non-Typ.

Utah is #6 with 32 Typ. and 8 Non-Typ. for 40 total....

Thats an average of 4 B&C bucks a year over the ten year period.... sad deal for Utah hutners with all the 'spin' we get on millions and millions of dollars 'going on the ground' for the last ten years...

Arizona is # 11 over the 1995-2005 timeframe.

20 total entry's

8 typicals and 12 Non- typicals...

Surprising with all the Strip Monsters....
NM can be misleading since most listed as coming from Rio Arriba County are coming out of the Jicarilla Res. w/in Rio Arriba county. Not many avg. joes can hunt that.
I think all of these stats can be a little mis-leading. I know every Muley Crazy mag I read it has a lot of Arizona deer in it, it is just that not all hunters send in the info to B&C or P&Y for that matter.
Sure, no doubt, alot of the rag-mags and DVD movies are guide scores that are gross scores or best side doubled.

Heck, I'd take any of 'em!! thats for sure!
Yup, a lot of guys inflate scores before they send them into the magazines. I know of a couple of outfitters that are notorious for this. I saw one that sent in a pic of a deer and called it 207" and I was struggling to get 180" out of it.

It does not suprise me that the numbers seem low, if I ever have the great fortune to take a buck that would qualify for B&C I doubt that I would enter it. I hope to have to make that decision one day.

Wonder where British Columbia falls on that list. I doubt very high. While we harvest a lot of bucks up here that make the B&C mins, not many ever see the book. Just ain't important to most people. There are a ton of bucks that are in the Trophy Wildlife Records of BC that ain't listed in the B&C and a ton more that just end up hanging in the woodshed that no one ever sees.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-06 AT 11:39AM (MST)[p]I think the scoring systems are becoming more and more of a joke. I bet 1% of hunters know how to score an animal, yet 90% sure know alot about "classes" of animals and are experts. Elk here in Utah are the best. Since we have trophy units, everyone is now an expert on a 400 bull. Cracks me up when you see a 360 bull and some dude tells you all about how he's 400. Same applies when they hit the dirt. Everyone blows up the measurements. I only trust a couple of friends when I hear a score. Most others, I take off 10-20% :)

These mags and videos are all about money, it's a business. They are going to round up every inch, stretch every tape, the works. It's all about size and score. That sells mags and DVD's and marketing them. Size sells. I wish more people would put out videos like Never Enough/Prism. He has realized it's more than just size and more about the everyday joe.

Kirt C.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-06 AT 11:57AM (MST)[p]Prism, you forgot to say, AND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it would be very interesting to see how many of the total were taken by, "average joes," how many are guided, or elitest auction/le high dollar hunts. . .

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).

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