Mountain Lion video (kill shot)


Very Active Member
I finally got the video up on youtube. This is the link to the video as I put it as unlisted. Whoever says expandables don't open up until they are inside is nuts! Warning: for those of you that get queezy at the sight of blood....this is not for you! The 2nd shot was not necessary but we didn't want him to die on that branch and not be able to get him.

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Hard to believe he lost that much blood and was still up in that tree. I would agree that without the followup shots that he would have laid down up there and somebody would have had to go up and get him!
Ive never seen how cat hunting is done before. That was kind of cool. I almost felt bad for the cat though. I didnt think that it would take that long for it to die but I guess thats how it goes though. It is also good that the cat chose to go up a tree that offered a shot through the branches i guess, I would think that finding a shot through the branches and such might be the hardest thing to figure out with a bow. Congratulations on the cool hunt.
I don't want to sound like a pansy, and I have killed a mountain lion with a bow myself, but that was a little bit hard to watch.

Congrats on a beautiful cat.

Invest in some Montechs!

If that woulda been a Deer or an Elk you'd still be lookin for him!:D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
That video brings back some great/very tiring memories! Congrats on the lion man!

wow, that was awesome. just shows you how tough animals are. thanks for sharing, gets the heart pumping
Heck of a video, Those cats are tough.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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It's not often that you see something bleed out during an archery hunt. If it had been an elk or deer with the same shot it would've ran off leaving a blood trail like none other. I would've waited at least 30 mins. before going after it even though it would've been dead in less than 4 mins. like this cat. I don't know why you think I would still be tracking an elk or deer. It is a little hard to watch but it is the reality of an archery kill, the animal has to bleed out to expire. I don't feel that the lion suffered. Had I shot it and left it, it would've of just, in a sense, fallen asleep from lack of blood just like any other animal that gets shot and runs off. I did not, however, want it to do that on that limb.

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LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-11 AT 02:51PM (MST)[p]+1 on the still trackin part.
Good video though.
I've never wanted to hunt lions 'til watching that. Awesome video. Great shot too. Its amazing how tough animals are.

I didn't mind the blood, but I have always felt uneasy seeing animals, bear or cat, fall from trees. Something about the falling just makes me feel so bad for them.
>I've never wanted to hunt lions
>'til watching that. Awesome video.
>Great shot too. Its amazing
>how tough animals are.
>I didn't mind the blood, but
>I have always felt uneasy
>seeing animals, bear or cat,
>fall from trees. Something about
>the falling just makes me
>feel so bad for them.

Would you rather he repel down and die? :)

It was a good shot at a good distance. The 645 yarders are the ones I have a problem with.
Great video, intense for a few I'm sure...congratulations though on a great animal!!
Just wanted to make a point that with every animal taken, there probably is a moment of sadness..whether it's how they fall, how they hang in there for that last breath before they expire or whether it appears that they may have suffered a bit more than the hunter intended. Bottom line is that it is a real life, living breathing animal that a successful hunter has just had the opportunity to harvest. What's important is the respect for the hunt, respect for the animal and respect for our heritage that is displayed in moments before, during and after the hunt. Respect the trophy you have just earned, and take pride in your success and again...congratulations!!!


"I'll see ya on the mountain sometime, and if I do...then it's my own damn fault for not getting far enough away from the road!!"
Cool video. I've killed 2 cats & I'm amazed at how hard to kill they are. One took several arrows like yours and the other took about 10 rounds from a 9mm from about 10 feet.
Well put Alinrut. Thanks guys for the comments. I think it was the most intense hunt I've been on. I never get the shakes for the shot and I couldn't contain myself. My knee was bouncing like a dog getting scratched in that perfect spot. If you ever get the chance to go on a cat hunt.....jump all over the opportunity.

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alot of people would view this like a high fence hunt, baiting bears, ect. people see the easy part. they don't realize the time and effort it takes to get one... getting up at 2 am to cut a track and try to beat the other lion hunters. plus almost always you are hiking in stuff you would rather not hike especially in the snow! plus if your dog goes... you go. no choices there. you never know how long you'll be out hunting in this game. Congrats! this looked to be a pretty sweet hunt and great lion.

Well put. I never had a desire because of the reasons you stated until last year a guy offered to take me in February when no other hunts were going on. I went and have been hooked ever since. I find myself looking for tracks during my lunch breaks this time of year. This crap gets in your blood and it is more work than most other hunts I've done. This one was far enough in that I actually skinned it there and quartered it rather than trying to pack it out whole.

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alinrut, you are spot on! Very well said. Every animal I have taken there is a level of respect. I shot a yote this morning and took a moment to appreciate an awesome predator. That is hunting.
Awesome video and I am also amazed that cat lasted that long after such a good shot. I know they are extremely hard to kill but this shows just how tough they really are.Surprisingly I found myself wanting him to just die and fall from the tree. Have you tried the meat yet?
VERY intense! VERY cool!!!!

I went on my first lion hunt last spring down here in AZ. Didn't get one, but had the opportunity to chase the hounds on a hot trail over 6 miles (one way) of rocky, cactus covered desert mountains! It was the single most intense day of hunting that I have ever had, and we didn't even end up with the lion on a bluff. (gave the dogs the sneak somehow....) I will definitely go again, but I will definitly be prepared for the physical intensity of it next time!! ;-)

Congrats on your lion!

Thanks for sharing!


I used to hunt with a guy who had hounds. We hunted mostly Bobcats. I shot a few with my long bow (because it was before compounds). We used to tie the dogs back before the shot so the dogs wouldn't get tangled up with a broadhead. I couldn't tell from your video if you did that or not.

Brings back old memories. Thanks!

We did tie the dogs back so they wouldn't jump on a broadhead. Once we pulled the broadheads we let them have their reward.

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