Mr. Ulmer's Latest


Very Active Member
Helluva deer from Nevada. Say what you think about Randy, but I've had the pleasure to meet him a few times, shoot at his home, and meet his family. Great guy, very generous, and always happy to chat with we knuckle-draggin fanboys.

And he's the man, myth and legend when it comes to muleys.


"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
That guy gets it done and has fun doing it. Congrats Randy!

I would love to see pics of his trophy room.
They'll Stretch that one to 170"!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Randy does kill some great bucks
How does he get all those great tags all the time though. Must have a lot of money to hire outfitters and buy tags I suppose.
I see he's got a new angle for picture taking. I kind of like that getting above look.
Well, anybody can shoot em at night :) Good for him. Living the dream. Congrats to him. He must have an awful nice trophy room.
What a great buck!!

I understand that he goes to great lengths to be an ethical and successful archery hunter.

He must have the funds to buy the tags but to consistently take the biggest buck in the unit takes a very skilled archer.
A lot of guys have time and money. Very few have results like Randy Ulmer. I don't know him but he strikes me as a true hunter and a good dude. Maybe it's that big old smile!
Not to stir the pot but I imagine he hires guides to consistently find deer like that. Does anyone know for sure. If he locates all these monsters by himself he is the ultimate hunter, but I don't believe anyone could match his accomplishments without help.
My comment about time and money is that alot more people have the ambition and will to go after a big mulie, they don't have the time or money to do it...

To consistently do it, you have to have all three; time, money, and ambition.
I may be wrong but I recall a pic that looks the same to me as a buck from about 3 or 4 years ago. I did not have the old pic to compare but I seem to recognize this pic.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-19 AT 04:46PM (MST)[p] I like the fact that the guy isn't scared to grab that bad boy by the antlers. And display him proudly instead of propping him up and getting back 10 feet. Just my personal preference. :D
>My comment about time and money
>is that alot more people
>have the ambition and will
>to go after a big
>mulie, they don't have the
>time or money to do
>To consistently do it, you have
>to have all three; time,
>money, and ambition.

I'd argue that if you have enough ambition, you will find the time and money to make it happen.

The way that Randy has structured his life around hunting these big critters would lead me to believe he has a bit more ambition than most. Every person who says "if they only had the time and money", could have done exactly what Randy did if they had his ambition, but they didn't.

No knock on anybody. I'd just say killing big deer is a bit higher on Randy's priority list than it is on most peoples.
Agreed. You will find the time and means to do it if that's what drives you. But how many times and how much time is the question.
I believe he had a guide for this buck, but not necessarily for all of his trophies, that's for sure. But like others have said, we would do the same thing, if we were in his position.

Plus, I don't know this, but I wonder if guides are chompin at the bit to hunt with a guy like Randy, and subsequently give a deep discount....Just think how much press an outfitter would get with his name underneath a picture like that.

Again, I don't know, but wondering. Like Mossback on all those auction/gov tags.

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
Everyone is so quick to hate when someone is consistently successful. He does have all three I am sure: time, money and ambition, but I know many of the big bucks he has killed in CO are in 1 or 2 point units...

That doesn't take money, just time and a whole lot of ambition. Congrats on the awesome buck.
Well said Cozy, but i'd add a fourth sub-characteristic, and that is fitness. He's a beast of a hiker/rider/runner. He passes my brother-in-law like he's standing still on every mountain bike race they're in....and at probably 2x his age.

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
He does often use guides, but probably not all the time. A large number of the huge mule deer he has taken are kept at an archery shop in north Phoenix, Arizona Archery Club, which is a public archery shop if you're ever in the area and want to see them.

Congratulations Randy, another amazing buck!
You wanna know why he kills big bucks. He has an awesome business that allows him time. He puts in work. Has alot of good dudes that help him. Hunts his butt off. He did a podcast with Epic outdoors that is worth listening to. Super interesting guy and seems like he is down to earth. Congrats to the man, I remember early in my bowhunting adventures, seeing pics year after year of the animals he's killed. And he is still doing it good on him.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."

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