Mt. Massive & Elbert cell service?


Very Active Member
Wondering if there is cell phone service in the Mt Massive / Mt Elbert areas. I will be gone from home for 5 weeks on three differnt hunts including a G-17 goat hunt. My anniversary falls right in the middle of this 5 week trip. Would like to call my very understanding wife on our anniversary.

Will I be able to finde service in this unit or do I need to plan a trip back to the trailhead to make a call out?
I get fine service with Verizon all around there. Obviousely if you are in a canyon service will suck, but pretty much all the high spots will have service.
Thanks - she will be glad to hear from me occasionally. She isn't too happy that I am going solo on this trip, so a call once in a while will keep her mind at ease.
Yes it will work. And while you are there keep an eye out for my cell phone. It's somewhere between 12000 and 13000 feet.
LOL...I was sitting at 12,300' watching a guy walk in circles...that you Marley?

J.K but we did have to backtrack looking for my buddies sunglasses. Not many landmarks in the willows above timberline!
LOL. That was the worst night of my life. Somehow lost my cell phone, gps, and flashlight. They were all in the same pocket of my pack and they somehow came out. Had to try to find my truck in the black timber in pitch black night with no gps, flashlight and no way to call for help. It was a long cold night.

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Rocky Mountain Ranches

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Frazier Outfitting

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CJ Outfitters

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Allout Guiding & Outfitting

Offering high quality mule deer, elk, bear and cougar hunts in Colorado units 40 and 61.

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Hunters Domain

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Flat Tops Elk Hunting

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