Mud on objective


Very Active Member
I've a VX III with a good blob of mud on the objective. I've left it alone for the time being. What is the best way get this off? I've thought of satuating it with 100% alcohol (or the closest I can find to it) and then using cotton to wick it it up, but... I'd hate to scratch it up. Your advice will be appreciated.
That scope is waterproof! I'd hold it over the sink with the objective lens down and spray it off using something with low pressure like a squirt bottle filled with water. Give it a good rinsing, and then give a good cleaning using cotton balls and q-tips. Scott/couesbitten
Sounds like the right thing to do. I would fill the sink first and kind of soak the objective to soften the mud up and let it allow itself to come off with no force.
For future reference, with a waterproof optic, you are always better off doing this asap because once the mud drys and hardens it becomes more corse.
Compress air(the kind you use on computors) works great for cleaning your lens I keep one can in the truck just for that.
Next time, when youre still in the field, dab it off BEFORE it dries! If you let it dry it WILL damage the coatings. It will leave behind minerals that will damage the glass and the coatings.

If it is truly water proof, than use a little water on in, but be sure to DRY it off, NEVER let water dry on the lens objective.

DO NOT use anything but modern lens cleaning solution like Peck pads with elcips or ziess optics cleaner. The coatings on new glass is VERY sensitive and you can destroy it with alcohol.

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