Mule deer ivory?s?


Very Active Member
A buddy of mine was boiling out the skull of a muley he shot this year when he discovered it had an ivory, apparently the other one was lost during the process.
Anybody ever seen or heard of this on a mule deer?
Hers a photo next to a couple of elk ivory?s for comparison.
Yeah it happens, but not very often, in fact might be considered rare. From what I remember the gene for vestigial upper canine teeth in deer is still in the pool, though not prevalent at all. Your buddy is lucky indeed!
>Looks like a tooth

It is a tooth, an upper canine and thus a pretty rare find. Its a vestige of prehistoric tusks that deer and elk once had.
Yes, seriously. I shot a buck with those canines in Colorado a few years ago. Had him done by beetles as a European and saved those teeth. Looks pretty cool.

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