Mule Deer RFW options?


Very Active Member
I've got 20 pts. which should draw most GMU's this year and I see a few of the RFW properties are above what I have. As I know nothing about the RFW properties, I'm trying to decide if I should wait till I can draw one of those or go to a GMU like 44, 10 or 66. I'm not a big deer hunter but obviously been saving to have a chance for a "good" quality unit. I realize that deer have been declining each year so the hunts today are not what they were several years ago. I'm familiar with 44 as I went with a friend last year 4th season and wasn't real impressed relative to seeing many decent bucks and we worked pretty hard and finally found a shooter with the help of a couple locals on the next to last day (scouted 2 days and hunted 4). So, I'm thinking if I go with a general GMU, I'd go this year for sure (not positive on GMU or 3rd or 4th yet) but if any RFW hunts offer better chances, I might hold out. Any input or suggestions appreciated.
I have a few pts less than you and have the same decision to make! You are sitting in a great spot to have the choice of units plus season dates. If I had a few more pts I would likely choose 44 just from the fact that I know it very well and it historically produces many of the biggest bucks in Colo. You have spent time in 44 so that is an advantage over other options you are starting from scratch. You are likely aware that there are a lot of deep, dark hiding spots in 44 for whopper bucks to age. That is both good and bad! It may be tough finding them but there are amazing bucks in that country. With later dates there is better chance for snow to drive mature bucks down and head into the rut. It's just a matter of finding them!

In regard to RWF ranches. Each is set up a little different. I would look in detail at season dates plus when other hunters are on the ranch (cow and doe hunters). There are amazing bucks harvested on several of these ranches every year. Pay clients often get prime hunting dates and some ranches have more hunting pressure than others. I'm pretty sure all of these ranches allow public hunters a 10 day season so that is a lot of time. Obviously some have better season dates than others.

I've hunted several RWF over the years. There was a big learning curve for everyone when these first opened and some of the worse ranches got tossed from the program. Several of the current ranches have super bucks available. In fact, a couple I wouldn't hesitate to draw if I had a lot more pts.

Pulling the trigger on a unit after so many years of applying is a daunting task! Good luck with your decision! Once you draw your tag...the fun begins!

Colorado Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Rocky Mountain Ranches

Hunt some of the finest ranches in N.W. Colorado. Superb elk, mule deer, and antelope hunting.

Frazier Outfitting

Great Colorado elk hunting. Hunt the backcountry of unit 76. More than a hunt, it's an adventure!

CJ Outfitters

Hunt Colorado's premier trophy units, 2, 10 and 201 for trophy elk, deer and antelope.

Allout Guiding & Outfitting

Offering high quality mule deer, elk, bear and cougar hunts in Colorado units 40 and 61.

Ivory & Antler Outfitters

Hunt trophy elk, mule deer, moose, antelope, bear, cougar and turkey on both private land and BLM.

Urge 2 Hunt

We offer both DIY and guided hunts on large ranches all over Colorado for archery, muzzleloader and rifle hunts.

Hunters Domain

Colorado landowner tags for mule deer, elk and antelope. Tags for other states also available.

Flat Tops Elk Hunting

For the Do-It-Yourself hunters, an amazing cabin in GMU 12 for your groups elk or deer hunt.

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