Muley Archery =Tag Soup

Ticks N Tines

Very Active Member
This is my 6th year of eating archery mule deer tag soup. Many of you guys make this archery thing look so dang easy, but I just can't get it done. I see awesome bucks every year on the Utah Extended hunt. I close into 100 yards of shooter bucks every year, but getting closer seems near impossible. I have had a great time hunting big bucks during the rut with a bow, but I'm not sure how much defeat I can take. 6 years without a buck sucks!

My dilemma is as follows. When I get a rifle or muzzy tag I see half as many bucks (sometimes none at all) and there is always competition. The hunt is shorter and the bucks are out in the morning and evenings and that's about it.

On the Extended hunt I can see several bucks in a day and always find a good buck. I rarely see other hunters and I can hunt for over a month. The deer are out longer in the day as well.

So are my odds of killing a decent buck really better with a rifle or muzzy or not? I would almost rather see a bunch of bucks and get close to some bigguns vs hutning for a week and seeing one or two small bucks.

I'm torn on what I should do in the future. I just really need to get a good buck under my belt. I have passed several small bucks with my bow and also rifle and muzzy in hopes of getting a good one, but it just hasn't happened for me. In the 10 years I have been hunting I have killed a spike buck, and I have worked my butt off.

What the heck am I doing wrong?
HJB, get a trespass archery hunt on the property next to my'll get shots and you won't have to freeze your ass off like the prior 6 years cuz you'll be done in August!! :)

HJB, I somewhat feel your pain. I have only killed bucks out of tree stands and those are white tails. With Muley?s I just can't seem to get it done with spot and stalk yet. I keep trying and for me that's half the fun of it. It's stressful and frustrating sometimes but I am getting better at it. One of the worst stalks I had the deer was actually still there and I blew it because I thought he left long before I got there and I just blundered into him. One day I will connect but until then I enjoy the experience of every blown stalk I ever had. I think there are more of us non-successful guy?s out there than there is otherwise. Yes, some of these guys just plain have a knack/skill for it and make it seem so easy. Maybe it easier than we think, we just haven't mastered the art of it yet. But I truly have great respect for those who can do this every year. Personally I will keep trying until I'm too old to archery hunt. It appears you are getting plenty of opportunity for spot and stalks. Obviously if I was you I would keep trying until I got it done. Don?t let it get you down, that's part of hunting with a bow. I cant get enough of it.

Youre not doing anything wrong. If you're any type of trophy hunter, killing big deer is a HUGE accomplishment on the Front.

Im just like you, NEVER killed a big buck on the Wasatch.

To me its more about seeing huge deer every year and killing myself to get a crack at them. Ive blown so many opportunites that wouldve been "lay-ups" with a muzz or rifle. Hiked up and down day after day. Froze my butt off.

I hear of/see guys get deer 200 yds from the road when Im on a ridge on top in 30 inches of snow. Im jealous but at the same time when/if I ever take one, the effort and time will make him that much more valuable to me.

We look deer over for hours sometimes before we decide if they merit a stalk. Thats why theyre such exceptional trophies.

The guys on here that consistently kill big deer on the front are unreal hunters. Time in the field, getting up earlier, staying out later, hiking farther, practicing tough and awkward incline shots etc. make them such.

Dont hang up your bow. If you need a "killing fix" go buy an OTC antelope tag in Wyoming!

Keep pounding it and you'll make it happen.

My hats off to anyone that has killed a Wasatch

"You skin grizz?"
>My hats off to anyone that
>has killed a Wasatch

Nice to see I'm not the only one blowing stalks and getting frustrated.

What I think is unreal is how many huge bucks I could have killed with a muzzy or rifle, and it's only a couple weeks after the rifle hunt.

I guess I will have to see what happens to the extended hunt next year before I make a decision. I sure hope they keep it around.
I have hunted the Wasatch hard for several years now and I have nothing to show for it other than some amazing memories. Every year I pass on numerous smaller bucks holding out for something special. One of these days it will all come together for me . . . I hope!


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
That's bowhunting man. To me it seems pretty streaky too. I killed p&Y bucks 3 years running and have gotten nothing but tag soup this year. A couple of points to ponder:

To get close enough to a good buck and get an arrow in them you need a lot of luck on your side. Its not an easy thing to do, just because you see some big ones get taken down think of all the unfilled tags in that unit EVERY year. Its like getting a hard to draw LE tag - keep putting in and eventually you will get it.

I have found in all my blown stalks the last 6 years, every time it was because I moved too fast. Not to say it would have worked out on all those, but I find that patience kills deer. I get close and get excited and impatient and get busted. If there is any question whether or not to do this or that, just stop and wait and watch and think about it. I can also say every deer I got an arrow into never had any idea I was there. You have to get close and get drawn without getting detected at all to be successful in my experience.

In my areas, I think its about 10% of stalks that come together. The more you can put together, the better your chances. If you are only getting 1-2 stalks in a day on good bucks, you need to hunt more days to up your chances.

Lastly, if its a really good deer, you are better off watching that deer for 3 days to let it get into a good stalkable spot and then going in that trying to get on him when he's not in a good position.

Overall though, its bowhunting. Its not about whackin and stackin, its about getting close and being in them.
It sounds like you are doing everything right in finding god deer... My suggestion- hunting partner. I know lots of guys like huntin alone, and they get it done, but you can't put a price on having two more competent eyes, ears, or boots on the ground with you. In my archery experience, having a partner has multiplied my chances on good deer. Maybe give this a try, you and a family member or friend could really build some memories...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I usually hunt alone, but I have hunted in the past with someone else and it can either help the situation or totally ruin it. Double the bodies means double the noise, scent, and movement. If you can spot the buck before he spots you, it can work well. If the buck smells, hears, or sees one of you before you know he's there, you're screwed.

I think there are pros and cons to both situations. But, I see more animals when I'm alone for sure.
You are by far not alone man!

I feel your pain but that's what it's all about. Someday it will all come together, at least that's what I keep telling myself.


I also second what Browningrage said. Hunting with someone has definitely helped me out. Although I will say you have to make sure you pick your hunting partner well. You have to make sure they are somewhat of a competent hunter and understand the do's and dont's of the game. Many times when hunting with a partner one of you are more likely to get a shot if something goes south.

We always try and put a plan together that includes one of us getting in the path that we think the buck will use to escape, and if you've watched the buck for a while then you will probably have a pretty good idea of this.

Defintely doesn't always work, obviously, but I have been closer to more bucks hunting with a partner than without.

Good luck and keep at it, or, just put your bow away so I have less competition on the front :D

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
I killed a decent archery muley spot and stalk this year but it took lots and lots of hours. I made a ton of mistakes and screwed up a bunch of stalks. We have a large population of mulies and it seems like does or smaller bucks are always in my way. I still have 30 days to keep archery hunting we are allowed two bucks. I'm hoping the weather will change and help me out a little.
You are not the only one. It is very frustrating, but I would rather see consistent B&C bucks vs 1/2 dozen forked horns.

Send me one of those private property tags too.

I don't think there is any other quality
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller
Anyone know the success rate on the Front? I heard something like 8% for 2010? Does that sound right?

I don't think there is any other quality
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller
Are your odds better at rifle or archery?

They are better with rifle, even with the archery perks.

I know one person who can consistantly kill big deer on the Wasatch. He starts long the before the season though. He scouts all summer and prepares blinds long before the season. He doesn't have a formal job. As much time as you are putting into it, he puts in more. A lot of the time he is tagged out before the rut.

You must be hunting some nasty country as I always see archers on the front.

If you want a big buck with a bow then put in more time. If you just want a big buck, hunt rifle and put the same amount of time into before the hunt as what you are putting into archery right now. BTW I see few muzzleloader hunters on the front.

You have to ask yourself, do you feel lucky? We'll do yah?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-11 AT 03:49PM (MST)[p]I doubt you're doing anything wrong man...

...the only "maybe" for me would be if you're passing stalking opportunities on bucks you'd shoot, or even maybe on bucks you wouldn't shoot.

I know lots of guys feel like it's better to wait until a given buck is in a "good" position for a stalk before they try it...and that's fine, nothing wrong with it. But...FOR ME...I have much more success when I'm aggressive and stalk every single buck I'd be willing to shoot every single time. Some of the stalks that seem impossible from across the canyon actually turn out to be the best! We all know things look different when you get over there, and sometimes different means better!

It's a numbers game...say you get inside bow range one out of every ten stalks you make, or whatever...then make ten as quickly as possible. If you only make ten stalks a year you only get inside bow range once in that year, and everybody knows getting inside bow range is just the start...still lots of work to do from might take 3 or 4 times inside bow range to get a good shot, depending on the situations.

And stalking bucks that you wouldn't shoot? That serves a good get over there and learn how to get in close without any pressure. You know you're not gonna shoot him anyway right? So sneak in and try different things...if you blow him out, no biggie. But keep in mind...sometimes you get over there and get in close...dinky deer look lots better at 40 yards!! LOL
I am in your same shoes, I have been consistently seeing big bucks up there, but have been unable to get any closer than 80 yards. Until I read this I just considered myself a bad bow Hunter, now that is not ruled out, but its nice to know there are others in my same shoes. I never thought I would work this hard for tag soup. But it has been a blast seeing all the bucks there are up there. One day everything will come together. Keep after it.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Killing a big muley on the front is no joke and no easy thing to accomplish. Your doing everything right so keep your head up!

N-C quit selling trespass tags dammit! I don't need more people in there next year!!! Lol
I feel your pain brother. Before I began hunting with a bow, I shot a 4 point every year. I eventually started only shooting bucks that 25" or better with my rifle. A couple years of that, and I started hunting with a bow. I have had tag soup ever since (6 years). I have learned that there are areas that you can kill bucks, and other areas you have to get lucky. I hunt one of those areas, that you have to be lucky. I consistently see and even photograph 160+ class bucks, but haven't killed anything in 6 years. I threaten to take my rifle up for revenge, but I always feel like I am cheating. That is just me, I don't judge others for doing it. It is hard to get it done with a bow. I have a huge amount of respect for those who do it year after year. I believe that they have put in the time to learn their areas. If you put in 5-8 years hunting an area, you will get"lucky" more often. But that is a lot of time, and most won't do it. I have put in the time in my area. One of these days this dummy will figure it out and kill a nice one.
Your not doing anything wrong man. That is the beauty of the WF hunt.

Almost non stop hunting opportunity from Aug. till Dec. Great bucks are not uncommon to see. Tons and tons of hunters. Stalks upon stalks, an occasional monster shot, and it is all General season public land.

Why? Very little easy access and very low success rates. IMO the key to quality Mule Deer.
A few have expressed that by learning your area you will have a better chance at success. While this might be true it is not the general rule for the guy?s that are able to archery kill big bucks every year.

We have a couple of guys on this site that hunt different States every year with no way of getting to know a certain area with lots of time much less a certain buck. These guys have a talent and a know how or ?knack? if you will that puts them on the deer within bow range and then are able to get off a shot.

I have learned a few things from these individuals that had gotten me closer and one of those things is watching a buck and putting him to bed. Eventually he will lay down, it's then you have time to take your time to get in close and to be patient to allow the buck to stand up for the shot.

Two people are a great help as one can signal if the deer got up and moved and re-bedded. I don't usually have that luxury when it comes to deer hunting so it's very hard, no it's extremely hard to stay slow and patient because I worry that I will get there too late and the deer will get up and move.

Being patient and really slow I believe is key to getting within bow range. Getting the shot off, well let's just say I am still working on that one? LOL

Man 6 years that stinks my dad until last january hadn't killed a deer in 8 or 9 years. My first archery hunt he got me 2 shots and I muffed both of them. If your really not looking for those big huge bucks take shots at the little 21" bucks there definitely not as hard to stalk and there not as quick to bolt and just leave, they sit around. My dad was trying to glass a buck we had put a stalk on and it turns out he was 30 yards away bedded behind a tree, but then the wind switched and he was gone.
I agree that having a partner can be a big help with not only directing you on a stalk, but also in glassing more animals. I also think that you need to experience success at some point. That is what does and small bucks are for. It puts meat in the freezer and also helps to improve your confidence, this is more important than you might think.
I would shoot a small 4 if I could find one. Most of the time I see a ton of little stinkers and a couple big experienced bucks. The decent little bucks must hang out somewhere else.
HJB your what I call a 1% 'er last year I shot a buck on the front that I thought was a decent two he was a crabbed four kinda glad becouse i killed one on the front but not happy that I killed what could have been a giant one day. This year different ball game Ill be honest I saw 7 bucks in the 150-190 range. screwed up on a good 150 two days in a row. Thanksgiving found me up a nasty hell hole and on a 180- 190 tops 4x5 I missed him so ya its tough on that unit lots of pressure and smart deer. But if you stick to your standards one day you will get a slammer. Not all of us are david longs or kip fowlers or shawn monsens ect. Those guys are just junkies and good hunters I wish I was killing as many big deer as they have but theyve worked alot harder than me im guessing. The more stalks you can get the more youll increase your odds on killing good luck tag soup for me as well this year but good management will pay off we let some great deer live for next year.
With a bow it's all about moving as slow as possible. When you rush it is when they spook. It's hard when you want to kill something super bad.
I killed a 4x4 last year on the front... It was a combo of stalking well and the guys(who I never met) on the road honking to alert me that the deer changed direction. It walked to me and 20 yrds it got an arrow. I found the best way is to predict the direction they will go and have someone push them to you. The snow and bushes suck to try and be quiet in.


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