Muzz vs. Reg. Scope


Very Active Member
This has probably been asked before, but, what is the difference between a muzzloader scope and a normal high powered rifle scope? In general, high powered rifles have more recoil so I was curious.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-08 AT 09:40PM (MST)[p]You may want to check the regs for the state and season you are hunting! I can tell you from experience that there is a definite advantage having a powered scope rather than a spot-dot 1x scope. It becomes apparent if you consider shooting through brush/trees, longer distance, or in dark situations. A 1x scope is like looking through the scope with your naked eye with no power.

On last year's elk hunt there were several instances I could have easily taken shots with a power scope but with my dot scope there is no way I was 100% sure of my shot. Depending upon the shot distance and the size of the dot, the dot may cover most of the target you are aiming at while fine cross-hairs will only cover a fraction of the target and you can pin-point the exact spot you want to shoot!

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