My 08 Utah Archery Buck


Active Member
Well here's my buck after 15 days of hunting on two different trips. I took my son and my daughter for the first 5 days and my brother and I went up for 11 more days. I shot him on the second to last day of our trip. The hunting pressure was pretty rough for the first two weeks of the hunt, but then people started leaving and the bucks started getting back to their normal routine. We found this buck on Friday and I finally got him on Sunday, it was an awesome hunt, 8 out of 10 hunters filled tags. I know the date on the camera is a day behind. I still have an early rifle deer tag for Nev. and my daughter has her first Junior tag for Nev. so maybe we'll have more photos soon. Good luck to everyone on their hunts.
Well here's my buck after 15 days of hunting on two different trips. I took my son and my daughter for the first 5 days and my brother and I went up for 11 more days. I shot him on the second to last day of our trip. The hunting pressure was pretty rough for the first two weeks of the hunt, but then people started leaving and the bucks started getting back to their normal routine. We found this buck on Friday and I finally got him on Sunday, it was an awesome hunt, 8 out of 10 hunters filled tags. I know the date on the camera is a day behind. I still have an early rifle deer tag for Nev. and my daughter has her first Junior tag for Nev. so maybe we'll have more photos soon. Good luck to everyone on their hunts.




Nevadaguy, sounds like you put in the time for this buck. Also, sounds like you have a couple more great hunts. Nice buck. Thanks for sharing. Best of luck on the rest of your hunts this year - shoot straight and post the pictures!!!
Way to stick with it.....a great reward. Congratulations on a fine mule deer and thanks for sharing.

BOHNTR )))---------->
great looking buck. Its sweet that he is still in velvet. Hope you aren't going to strip it.
Nice buck bro.It was awesome to see it all happen.I'll have a hard time beatin that one,but it gives me somethin to shoot for.I guess I am going to have to hold out a little longer.Good things usually happen to those who wait.
NeverStopHuntin-the buck is at the taxidermist right now and he is going to preserve the velvet.My brother was really worried about the velvet because the buck scraped it in a few spots and the velvet also felt real soft like it was getting close to coming off,but the taxidermist says he can preserve whats left.
Brandon, nice buck. I had heard someone had killed a good buck and I figured it was you. Send me a Pm and give me the details and I will give you my info on the week worths of guiding. Again nice buck and congrates.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-08 AT 08:14AM (MST)[p]Thanks everyone for all the nice comments. It's starting off pretty good this year. During the archery hunt in Nev. this year with my daughter we found some pretty awesome bucks and hopefully in a couple weeks she'll be putting her tag on one of them. Good luck to everyone and Jeff I'll give you all the details if I get a chance today.
You spoil a perfectly good hunt by taking Brian with you? j/k

I may have some photos of your buck from the past year or two. Nice job!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-08 AT 08:49AM (MST)[p]Tree I would like to see the pics if you don't mind. I've hunted with Brian all my life and man we've had some good times. I think Brian and my brother are getting tired of helping me pack my animals out though:)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-08 AT 05:37PM (MST)[p]If it's not him, I'd guess a very close relative. PM me a general location, if you don't mind.


LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-08 AT 08:32AM (MST)[p]Tree, thanks for posting the pics. That is a real nice buck, but I don't think its the same deer. I shot him a couple hours away from Salt Lake.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-08 AT 09:17AM (MST)[p]All right I'm sure I'll talk to him tonight before I head to Ely to go after the elk:) Good luck with that buck!

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