My 2011 archery bull


Active Member


Here is a couple pictures of my 2011 bull. I hunted solo 10 out of 16 days and killed solo. Had a great friend that could hunt a morning show up about an hour after i shot my bull, so he got to help with the pack out. First shot is the far back one you can see in the picture, a quartering away shot at 30 yards. Second shot was a bad quick shot at 42 yards high in the shoulder. Bull went about 100 yards before piling up. Taxidemist green scored him 371 gross for those stuck on numbers.
Great Bull,
How about a short story? Did you call him or spot and stalk him? Long shot, short shot? Tough stalk, easy stalk? Inquiring minds want to know.
Sorry it took me so long to get a story up, but its that time of year! This year started just like almost any, apply for tags and hope to get lucky, the only difference was i really didnt think i would draw any tags in nevada so i applied for an easy to draw area in colorado. Then it was wait to see what happened with the draws, colorado came out and no suprise i drew. Then sometime in may while on a shed hunting trip to utah is when i found out i had finally drew the tag i have wanted for a long time! Like every year i spent the summer shooting the bows, getting into better shape, preparing gear, and scouting. Finally the hunt rolled around and while the weather wasnt ideal i had elk in range every day but nothing i was interested in taking. Fast forward to the night i shot my bull, i decided that night i would "take a break" and cut some firewood for a friend, who would be coming in late with his wife and wall tent. So i was down the ridge a few hundred yards with my little hand saw, no binoculars or bow, attempting to cut some mohagany when i heard my bull. So i decided to run back to the bike get my bow and bino's and see if i couldnt find the bull i had heard. I made it a couple hundred yards back down the ridge when i finally found him, around 300 yards away but on the top of the other ridge. It looked like he was wanting to go down the ridge, where there was a few cows and a small bull trying to be boss, and take over. So i took off running down a line of trees hoping to beat the bull to the bottom and get a shot. The whole way down the ridge i kept telling myself my plan woukdnt work that bull is moving fast, but i guess that was my motivation to push myself. I got to the last cover i could find in the bottom and had just gotten hidden when the bull came out into the clearing, range finder still in my pocket and arrows iin the quiver. There was one more tree the bull was going to go behind so i decided to just stay still until he went behind the tree then get an arrow knocked, draw and wait until he came out. The only problem was he got behind the tree, bugled, and just stood there. I held my draw as long as i could before i let down, finally it looked like he was going to come out of the trees, so i drew again and waited. Once again he let out another bugle and just stood there, again i held my draw as long as i could before i let down and waited again for him to get out of the trees. Finally he let out another bugle and atarted moving, i drew and was ready when he stopped just clear of the trees to bugle, i checked my level, picked my spot and let the first arrow fly. The arrow flew true and i knew he wouldnt make it far, but he moved a few yards and tried to figure out where i was, so i shot him again. He moved a few yards into the tree and stared, not offering another shot but only 50 yards away. I watched him for a few minutes before he walked out into the trees. Knowing i had one good arrow in the bull and one in the shoulder i decided to go back to camp and wait for help to arrive. It was only an hour or so later when i heard my friends truck, they were all amped up and ready to go after my bull, but i told them no we would give him another hour before we went in. Finally around 9 we hit the blood trail, but he quit bleeding about 40 yards in. Second guessing my shots, and doubting myself i wasnt feeling too good. At midnight i told them we are going back to camp and coming in at first light so we dont destroy anymore tracks and miss what blood was there. To say the least i didnt sleep that night, but finally the sky started changing color so i kicked them out of bed and we went back to searching. A few hours later and still nothing so i went back to where i shot the bull, picked up the blood again and was on my way back into the trees. About 20 yards intonthe trees the bull had turned and we missed it the night before, it was only about 50 yards later there was my bull! Hunting solo i didnt call because with what i have seen before if the bulls arnt in full rut they will hang up 80 or 90 yards out and i wasnt going to take a shot that far. You can blame i phone auto correct on spelling mistakes
Hello my name is Kelse Diehl with the Northern Nevada Outdoor Magazine. I was hoping you would let me use your story for the magazine. If you could get back to me that would be great. My email is [email protected].
Kelse Diehl

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