My Az. buck


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-07 AT 00:05AM (MST)[p]I'm back from my Kaibab deer hunt.
The short story is I got a decent buck. Not one of the famous kaibab monsters, but it's the biggest deer I have ever taken, and it was a very satisfying hunt.
I hunted hard for six days, passing on dozens smaller bucks.
On Tuesday afternoon, I hiked into an area that I thought had potential. As soon as I set up the optics, I started seeing does and young bucks. Just before dusk, this buck presented a broadside shot at 400 yds, and I took him. I had to cut him up and pack him ? mile by flashlight.

Hey huntindude, how did ya do ?
Was that you I almost ran in to on a dirt road driving wqay to fast Sunday ? (It looked like your truck, but I was too busy trying to avoid going off into the ditch to sday hi)

Here's a side view;

Maybe not what you were wishing for but a darn nice buck no doubt.

Did you by chance measure the spread on that trophy set of ears? A good buddy has pulled some dandies out of some country near there during late season bow hunts and he says the bigger bucks in that area have the widest ear spread he's ever come across. He claims 25-26" is not uncommon at all. No biggie, Congrats!!
Congrats to you on the hunt and it is a nice buck. There are a lot of others this year, me included, that would have enjoyed to see one like that. A lot of "tag soup" hunters this year.

Nice buck for sure!

By the way,
I live in UT.
There are a lot of UTARDS that live here.
I have also seen quite a few WYOMORONS, NEVADUHNS, COLORADORKS, ID-IOTS and AIRHEADZONANS in my travels.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-07 AT 02:41PM (MST)[p]snake that a finearse buck congrats, Could this be the reason dude hasnt made it back?
You have a great buck, a great story, and a satisfying hunt. Congratulations.


"Deserve's got nothin to do with it"
First thing I noticed was how big that dudes ears are! Holy crap! If you are getting him mounted, you need to get a couple ears from a blacktail and he'll look a lot wider!!! HaHa

Anaconda, nice buck. I just got back a few hours ago, passed on some 180 class bucks early on, and saw a couple 200 class bucks I couldn't ever catch up too. yesterday I went back to look for a high racked 180 class buck I'd passed before, I bumped him out of bed right where I expected to, made a great shot running through the trees, and ended with a different high racked 160 class buck. I wouldn't have chanced a deer I couldn't get a good look at if I had more time but on the last day what the heck. not at all what I went down there for, I hunted hard and until the end, held out for a booner and lost, it happens.

It was a tough hunt, started slow and tappered off. the snow only made it worse because the deer stayed in the brush, plus the rut seemed less active at the end of the hunt than the begining. the hunter pressure was much worse than I expected the first half on the season too. all said I had a great time and passed on better deer than many guys ever get a chance at so it's all good.

I saw the pictures of the typical that girl shot, fantasic, looks 200+ net in the picture I saw anyway. probably one of the best deer taken in AZ this year I'd say.

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