My Colorado buck


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-10 AT 08:11AM (MST)[p]

I shot this buck yesterday morning around 8:15. Luck was on my side for a change. I didn't get to scout much and picked an area my neighbor suggested that I'd never been to. My initial plan didn't work out when I ran into some private property.

I went to plan B and drove up on this buck about a mile from the main road. I stopped briefly to look him over and he trotted off. I thought about passing him up, it was the 2nd buck I saw on the 1st day of a 10 day season. I decided to go after him, I needed a closer look. I drove past him and got above him. I circled back and found him. He was standing broad side, looking at me. I decided then that this was a shooter.

I thought I missed with my 1st shot. 150 yds but I had a touch of buck fever. He dropped over the hill and I went to look for blood. Nothing. I was certain I missed. I dropped over the hill and saw him. He stood up and I could see blood on his left side. I hit him again and he ran downhill and died. He was 30 yards from the road. I quartered him and was back home by 11:30.

I took him to a local taxi for a Euro mount. He said it's the biggest buck he's seen this year. He guessed the score at 185. He's a got kicker on the right side you can't see. I was hunting GMU 67 south of Gunnison. I've been hunting elk for years, but this is my 1st mule deer. I'm a happy camper!
Awesome buck for sure. You had 10 days to hunt and you ended it that early?:) Just kidding; i did the same thing last year--when you see a good buck you got to take it. That's more than a good buck, that's a great buck.

Good job.
Good job Waygoner! You were right to think that buck was a shooter - good looking buck. Heck of a pack out too!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-10 AT 01:59PM (MST)[p]That's a pretty buck. He will look good on the wall.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Great buck...!!! Too bad you're not doing a shoulder mount... That rack will look awesome no matter what though...!

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Awesome buck!!! one look at him and there wouldn't be a second guess for me! congrats!
Nice Buck!!!

If it were me, and it's not unfortunately, I'd have to spring for a full shoulder mount especially because of the size of the rack. But maybe you shoot this kind of buck on a regular basis...I know I sure don't-at least not yet. ;-)

His dark rack would look really nice with a white skull though too.

Nice Buck either way!!!


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