my deer pictures


Very Active Member
hey yall, my deer pitures are over in the coues deer section. i have pictures of my deer from this year and the mount from last years deer. please go check em out and tell me what you think
Well lets get to the truth,we have jackalopes here wearing more horn and body size than that,no I'm not trying to make you mad just telling the truth,I went coues hunting once,thought I'd killed a mini buck,couldn't find a big one,took it home and sawed each individual antler off the scull,found out later I screwed up,the buck was a book buck,the only thing I liked about the hunt was I packed him out like a jack rabbit,I'd heard how hard they were to hunt,they don't even come close to having the smarts as a 40" muley,not even close!
The sad part is,there are muleys sporting coues racks and people now days think they're trophy class,#####!
I've never had trouble hunting and harvesting coues,after hunting monster muley's,in my mind there is no comparison,the muleys brain is twice the size,O.K. now your gonna tell me size don't matter huh?Ask the ladies the same question,I'd like to here the results.
Their bodies are no coparison,we have coyotes that make two of a coues.
No offense but when we decide to take a deer,we are going after the winters meat not just one meal.

My name is #####,Later yall!
Good going, those are both nice! Coues deer may not have the huge racks of mulies but they are sure a pretty deer. More people would hunt them if they came easy. I wouldn't leave a mount that close to a heater vent though.

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