my first antelope


Very Active Member
This was my first antelope hunt this year. I was able to take my 10 year old son with me and we had a blast. After passing on probably 30-40 bucks, and with my son there for the whole thing, I center punched this buck at 488 yards. The only blood trail was what was underneath him. I know he's not a monster and I'm almost embarrassed to post it after seeing spaz's bucks but we had a good time together.



Because 9 out of 10 antelope prefer to be packed out in 1 trip.

Nice job. Great looking goat. Even better that your son got to join in on the fun. What unit did you bust him in?

Nice antelope buck for the first one plus the fact that you had your son there too, Congrats on the hunt.

Thanks....I got him in unit 59. Not 10 mins. after I started driving out after getting him packed to the truck we saw 2 bucks right off the road that were both 80+ inch bucks. I've decided I need to buy some blinders for after the fact. My son said, "too bad we can't throw him back like a fish, huh dad?" Made me chuckle a bit.
I have always been a firm believer that its not the size of the animal which deterines if it was a quality hunt or not... a hunt like yours with any member of my family would be considered a trophy. Excellent animal!!

The size of that buck or any buck you would have killed will quickly be forgotten in comparison to the memory of the hunt, which will hang on with your son for another generation. Hopefully this is only the beginning of hundreds of wonderful days in the field the two of you will share in the future. My son has been my only hunting companion now for 13 years. We continue to have a blast every time we go, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I had something happen on this hunt that I have never seen before and got to share it with my son. In the same field of view of my spotting scope I had a 320 class bull elk, a 4X3 Muley buck, about a 12" antelope buck and a coyote all standing together. Not many places where you can see all of that together in the same field of view.

I also had my first taste of antelope tonight. I have never been one to really like wild game but I have to say that the antelope was quite tasty. My son ruined it for the rest of the family by insisting on telling everyone exactly where I pulled their portion of steak from the animal.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-10 AT 10:47AM (MST)[p]Nice pics & buck, IMHO all antelope are a cool trophy regardless of the size of the horns. When you hunt something and have that much fun who cares about size - congrats!!
+1 Nice buck. Did ya dump the Coyote? Thats one of the best parts of hunting Antelope, about the time your trigger finger gets "itchy" a dog will jump out for ya....

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.
Thomas Jefferson
I would've loved to kill that coyote but a shot at the coyote would have probably hit the elk too.

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