My First BROWN of '08


Long Time Member
Whent out to do a little scouting for the up comeing shed season and saw a big buck with only one side so after waiting 15 min for him to move off into the trees I went to see if I could find his droped side to no avail.

But on the way back to the truck I found this little guy.



Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Wow you can actually find a place to get with out your truck getting stuck parking from the main road :D lol. I tried to go look around abit but once we turned off the main road got stuck

-Cody AKA BigBuck92
Cody, I wasnt able to get off of the graded roads, I know better. LOL

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Lol. ya i need to find more areas. mine suck anyway :p only found 2 antlers of of my place

-Cody AKA BigBuck92
This winter has been and looks like it will continue to be one of the hardest in a long time in NE Utah. The snow is deep on winter ranges, and deer are struggling. If it keeps up, we could lose deer.

We don't need a bunch of people out harrassing them this early in the game. I have always been opposed to a shed hunting season, but this is a pretty good example of why people are pushing it. Please leave the critters alone for at least another month or two. Most of them will still be packing until early March anyhow.

Help protect the deer that are out there by leaving them alone for a while. Help protect the image of most shed hunters by leaving deer alone while they are struggling through the hard winter months.

I have hunted deer sheds in the area of these photos for 15+ years, trust me, MOST will not drop for at least another month to month and a half.
I thought it was clear from my post, but maybe I should clarify.

I did not in any way Chase/Harass/Rundown, any deer while out the other day, as I stated on my post I waited for him to leave the area on his own and then I went over to the genral area he was standing to see if he had just droped the horn, I didnt get more that 250 yards off the road. The shed I found was only 70 yards from the road.

I agree with what you have said, but dont try and tell me I was doing wrong, when i did none.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
I guess my point is that why even go out there right now?? Even though you may not have chased/harrassed/rundown any deer, your presence and vehicle is doing plenty of disruption to deer too. It is too early, too cold, and too much snow for everyone to get all fired up about shed hunting when the deer need to be left alone as much as possible right now.

Don't get me wrong, I do not like the idea of a shed hunting season. On light winters and later in the year, I don't believe there is too much of an impact. But this winter is different, and I don't mind busting anyones chops who is out there "gettin after it" during this critical time period. Not only is it hurting the deer, but perhaps more important to me is that it is sending a bad image about shed hunters to federal and state government agencies as well as public who support shed hunting seasons. Broadcasting to the entire www about shed hunting in the middle of January in 2+ feet of snow only draws negative attention to the sport.

But hey, I am sure you didnt do anything wrong.
I agree with bonepiler! Why don'tyou guys stay home and leave the deer alone. If you are on a major plowed road or highway and the road has traffic anyways, then I say there is no problem pulling off the road and watching deer, but going into the back country or unplowed roads this time of year just to see if the deer are shedding is stupid, of course they are dropping antler, wait till the winter is over to find them. Agreed, advertising that you are out shed hunting in deep snow with pics to prove it this time of year makes you look bad. Shed hunting season coming your way! Justin.
i dont think it is that big of a deal deer are smart i think that they can survive if people are just out walking around looking for some early brownies. but if they are chaseing them thats a different story but who chases deer in the snow anyways.
I just checked and there is 28" of snow and average daily min temps of -39 F at the weather station out there on the top of the divide. I am sure you are hunting below there, but jeez conditions are horrible, give the critters a break. How many guys read your post and decided that they better get out there as to not miss out on any of the action? Shed season here we come.

And by the way, are those Bugle Boy jeans you're wearing?

its not like we are out there on snowmobiles chasing them down. there is nothing wrong with hiking the hills even this time of year. if you dont like it become a politician and join the gestapo.
I think all of you complaining about the deer are a bunch of pansies. I'm sure most of you are the same folks who say global warming is a hoax and that the polar bears will adapt or do something different. Be consistent with your views. Save the polar bear, screw the mule deer. Odd, odd, odd.
Come on you guy's! We're all getting a little stir crazy this time of year. Nobody is advocating jumping on a wheeler and chasing down deer! Who really has a problem with going for a hike & picking up a bone or two!

All I can say is good for you Jake! That 1st brownie of the year is the best.

If we're going to shut it down .... that means everyone ... people walking their dogs, trying out their new 4X4, some a-hole developer with a 320 track hoe burying a water line .... everybody!!!!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-08 AT 07:44AM (MST)[p]Wow, I was going to respond negitively to this but have changed my mind. As I stated earlyer in my post I stayed on graded roads, didnt go chase any deer and the horn I found was only 75 yards off of a graded road.

Bone, you make a good point and I agree with you to an exstent, we shouldnt be harrassing the deer, I dont think driveing around graded roads is harrassing them though.

Daxter, I wasnt on the divide, much lower. And no they are not bugleboy jeans, they are Wranglers why do you ask.

I find it funny how everyone is so quick to judge around here.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Dude, I was just teasing about the bugle boy jeans because of your sweatshirt, part of an old marketing campain you are probably too young to remember. I was just joking, no offense intended.

I figured you were quite a bit lower than the divide, but conditions are still pretty tough out there. The thing is that the impact to deer is cumulative. Lots of guys think, and they are probably right, that just them hiking around a little this time of year doesn't have much of an impact. If it were just that one guy, it would be true in most cases, but when you start adding up all those "one" guys that go out day after day, it really starts to take a toll on the animals.

Yeah folks are quick to judge, but when you look at what happened in the Northern Region with the shed season guys start getting a little testy because they don't want to see it happen here (In addition to not wanting to see animals suffer unecessary stress during a tough winter).

Hey hotdiggity...I'll have you know I am no pansy...I might be a tulip or a crocus but I am no pansy.

Hey, can I go shed your secret spot patrolled by our friend Ranger Matt?

Sounds like you did fine person poking around a small area won't bother the deer too much IMO...nice you have a spot to go a little later in the spring to find the mother lode. :)

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