My Mom



Thought you would like to know that my Mom passed away peacefully this morning. It was much quiker than we expected and I suppose that Mom was very tired from her struggle. My family is taking much comfort in simply knowing that Mom is no longer suffering and that she is playing cards with her folks on the other side. Likely cheatin' too, if I know her! Or maybe glassing some distant ridge during winter range or watching an endless western sunset, which was truly her favorite thing to do.

Many thanks to the kind and wonderful pm's and emails my family has received the past few weeks from all of my hunting family here at MM. You have no idea how great it would be to log on during a difficult time the past couple of months and see a meassage from you. It pulled us through from time to time. I want to name you all, but you all know who you are. God Bless.

Awwww Kirk, I'm sorry to hear that. I like what you said about your mom and it sounds like she was a spunky gal. Sorry for your loss and many prayers and positive thoughts for you and your family during this time.

So sorry to hear about your Mom but she is no longer suffering and is in GODS hands now. My prayers go to you and the family and never forget the wonderful lady that brought you into this world. I too went through this last year.
Take care friend,

She is in a better place now.
You have some great memories of how she was during her better years. That's the best way to see her.

My condolences.

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
Thank you for sharing. It has made many
think a little more about how each day is simply....borrowed.

My thoughts

life IS good
My condolences also, for what it's worth time does heal and while you'll never be 100% over it the bad memories you've had lately will be overshadowed by good ones from better times.

I'm very sorry for your loss. Grief and tears, though hard to bear at the time, are wonderful healing agents fom God. You have been a great blessing to me, by sharing of yourself. You have reminded me how precious and short life is. We need to cherish the time we have with our families.

You and your family will be in my prayers.

I'm sorry to hear this. Your mother and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sorry buddy!! Unfortunetly it's much tougher on the ones left behind. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life even at the hardest times. We are all much more similar then we are different. Rejoice that you had such a great mom and live your life as she lived hers. That will truly honor her. She is in a great place now and trust me, you will see her again. Keith.
Kirk, it brings tears to my eyes to read of your mothers passing. Like others have said, thank you for letting us share in your sorrow and in the celebration of her life as your mother. She died knowing what a wonderful son she has! I know you will be united again! Thank you God for this loving family. Amen.

Ahhhhh man, i'm real sorry to hear that she passed away. You done good by telling your MM family about her and letting us be a part, albeit a small part, of her last days with you.

By posting your stories, and your experence with your mom on MM, you have moved people and helped them to pick up the phone, or drive over and see their moms. I know it's only a small consulation to you, in that you lost your mom, but by sharring it with those that still have time, you've made other's lives better.

Take care, bud!

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