Need some help with Utah


Active Member
Well I think I am doing pretty good laying out my action plan for mullet deer over the next ten years. I am trying to space some quality hunts in between some easier draws in some states which brings me to Utah. I know they have switched a few things around the last couple of years with zones. I am not looking to spend much time building points in Utah, I just won't be able to catch up to the max guys and better hunts. So I am looking for something I can draw every couple of years and chance solid 130-150 inch deer. I know thats not that big but I am looking at Utah as just a fun hunt to get a shot at a nice deer nothing huge. I hunt pretty hard so not worried about getting into an area. Just want something I can draw pretty easy and see some pretty country and chase bucks each day. Not looking for anyones spot just a general direction if someone doesn't mind. I have 1 bonus point right now

Thanks in advance
Just about anywhere in rural Utah will have mullet deer. There are some nice ones in SW wyoming as well.

Please share your success pics when you harvest
Bonus points are for LE hunts and you'll be waiting 10+ years for any of those. Preference points are for general season units. The rifle hunts can be drawn with 0-4 NR points in most cases. I would say the deer you're after can be had on pretty much any unit of the state, it may just not happen the first year you hunt. Generally, the southern units are less affected by severe winters than the northern units. Do you have a preferred terrain or ground cover? That might help narrow down your choices.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-17 AT 11:20AM (MST)[p]As stated, bonus points will get you nowhere for hunting every few years because they are used only for the limited entry areas. No reason you can't keep building them though as it only costs $10 extra each year. And who knows, you might get lucky!

So you need to apply for preference points to draw a general area. You can pretty much do your own research on units. Easy to look up how many preference points it takes to draw. Those with 0 points are probably less desirable that those that take 2-3 points. Match that with the terrain you like to hunt and the closest to you (driving) or to a major airport.

click on 2016 general-season deer preference point purchase, bonus points, drawing odds report


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Here's a nice Mullet deer but I'm targeting him next year so can't share my secret spot.

Thanks everyone. Looking to stay somewhere in southern Utah. Its a little closer drive and would allow for some scouting over the summer. I hunt mostly high desert in a zone of that averages 7% success rate. Just looking for something that we can see a few bucks each day and have a good chance at a nice 3 point or 4 point.

As far as bonus points vs preference points for Utah. Can I still build bonus points and draw a general unit every few years with preference points also?

I am pretty successful hunting bucks in California and just want to expand the opportunities and enjoy the outdoors with the family in a different state.

I can hunt any weapon if that helps. I just don't want to wait 15-20 years to hunt Utah. Would rather hunt it every 2-3 years.

You can build bonus points while applying & drawing general season tags. It's only $10/app so I'd definitely consider it.

Some southern units to consider in the 3-4 point range for rifle:
Beaver, Monroe, Mt. Dutton, Pine Valley, Boulder/Kaiparowitz, Southwest Desert, Zion

2-3 point units: Panguitch Lake, Fishlake, Fillmore, or San Juan and LaSal in SE Utah

This is basically all the southern Utah units. All of them have success percentages ranging from 30-60%. I think spending the week of the hunt on any of them would give you a chance to see the bucks you're after.

For other weapons, success percentage is not all that different with the muzzleloader and take about 1 point less than the rifle. Archery success is lower, maybe 20-35% and take similar points to muzzy.

*One important note: All these point totals are subject to change this year and for the coming years because you now lose all your preference points when drawing any GS tag, even you last choice. Before you would keep your points and get an additional one if you didn't draw your first choice.

My guess is it'll take 1-2 years to be able to predict future draws, but the points required should only go down from where they are now.
Thank You this was exactly what I was looking for. Going to possible gather more information on Beaver and Zion areas. I guessing I should be able to hunt these ever 3-4 years which is what I looking for.

I will call fish and game and try to start gathering more information. Might try a few summer fishing scouting trips for a couple years to get a feel for the zone.

I am taking it that I can build preference points for these units and bonus points for LE at the same time?

I am taking it that I can build preference points for these units and bonus points for LE at the same time?



venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
There are that size in pretty much every unit especially south western . South western are harder draws . Maybe the dedicated hunter program would fit the bill then you could hunt every year and learn a Unit.

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