Nevada here I come


Very Active Member
I finally get to hunt the Ruby's after guiding there for the last 10 years. My hunters have killed some great bucks and missed some big ones, hopefully I'll be able to find one of the ones that were missed. Here's one that my hunter passed on that I would like to find again

I haven't been this excited about a hunt in a LONG time. In fact I down right nervous! I plan on staying the whole two weeks on the mountain. Hopefully the weather holds. The last time I was in there it snowed like hell. When I finally decided we better make a run for it the snow was already knee deep at camp. We had to ride over a 10500 pass to get out and my horse was pushing snow clear up to his neck. It took us 6 hours to ride out in that storm, normally takes 2 1/2. I told my hunters that if I disappeared they should turn around and go back the other way! This is what it looked like at camp

I'm going to take my wife antelope hunting Saturday then leave on Sunday morning. It will take me three days to pack my camp in. I'll have some great pictures of beautiful scenery to share and maybe a good buck. See y'all in a few weeks.
I hope you get a good one!

We'll go chase after some trophy ducks when you get back.
i'd give you a dollar if you shot that same monster in the picture.

beat this
Supposed to get some snow this weekend Wes. Wish I wasn't working next week so that I could go with you. Give me a call antway and maybe we'll go eat dinner at the Star. fatrooster.
Good Luck Wes. October 2, 2005??? in the pic??? I have pics that look a lot like that from that day. 22" overnight. Great hunt though.
Wes, you of all people on MM deserve a biggun. Don't let us down, I can't wait to see the pics and hear the story!

Wow... Good to hear the Star is still there... I have not eaten there in years but never missed a chance when hunting in the area or just traveling through Elko. Lot's of good memories from all of the years I hunted Nevada and the dinners at the Star. Good luck on your hunt... Hope you let the air out of a big one..


Give me a call
>antway and maybe we'll go
>eat dinner at the Star.
> fatrooster.
I was just looking at Wes' photos again, the deer , the mountains and remembering some of my past hunts in that area. I know there are many places with hard to draw tags and where you can shoot bigger bucks, etc.. but of all of the western states I have hunted, Nevada (Rubies & East Humbolts) are my hands down favorite of all. Got to get back there and do another deer hunt..
Model 70 Guy, that goes for you too, if your ever in the area and wanna go eat at the Star you just let me know. I'm always ready to BS about hunting over a good steak while at the Star. Killowatt keeps trying to reach me when he's passin' through but I'm always out hunting with friends on the day he comes through Elko. But we've got plans to meet on Halloween night at the Star Resturant. If any other MM people want to show up and meet a couple of other MMer's then be at the Star Halloween Night 2007. Don't know what time yet but will post that later. fatrooster.
Hey Drew
How much snow is on the mountain? I'm coming over tomorrow to start packing my camp in. If there's too much snow in the pass I might have to alter my plans and hunt another area.
Hey Rooster.. Thanks for the invite... I am going to be muley hunting in South Dakota this November and I am still undecided about if I am going to drive or fly. I may have to fly due to time restraints with work but if I drive I'll sure let you know. I can't think of a better place to stop for the night than Elko and it would be great to meet up at the Star for dinner and swap a few lies over a couple of "Picon Punches". The Star is my favorite Basque resturant and I am sure the food is just as good as it always was. I'll let you know..

Model_70_Guy, sounds good to me. It'd be great if you can make it.

Wes, right now there is not too much snow. Everything we had at about 10,000' has melted. We did have another little snow flurry yesturday but its already melted away. I don't know how much snow that means you'll have in Liberty Pass but from what I just told you and considering your experience with the Rubies, you can probably guage the amount you will run into. Goodluck and be careful. fatrooster.
Hey Fat
I'm in Elko now. I checked out the trail head and it looks like I can get over the pass. It's supposed to snow monday and wednesday. If it piles up too deep I'll have to change plans. I
ran into Tony at the turn around. It sounds like he shot the buck that is in my photo at the top. Same features, same canyon. Hopefully no one has killed the huge 4X4 that we missed a couple years ago or that wide 3X3, he was way out over 30". I'll give you a call and we'll get together.
go get 'em Wes.....can't wait for the pics----ah the STAR and the Ruby's---two of the places that are top notch in my book also....chris
Wes, now that you say Tony may have shot your buck I'm taking a look at your picture and I guess it does look like it. Did Tony get his goat? Hope your trip goes good. fatrooster.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-07 AT 09:31PM (MST)[p]Hey Drew Tony shot his goat last Friday. I guess it was quite a pack out and in and back out:)
Good luck Wes!! I will be in Elko ead the 10th through the15th. Give me a call if you are off the mountain!! 775 691 1866

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