New 5 year Colorado season structure


Long Time Member

Couple of interesting changes.
New archery season is now Sept 2-30 every year.
Status Quo on first rifle. NO early rifle season (YEAH!)
Shorter 2nd and 3rd rifle seasons with longer breaks between them
Significantly later 3rd and 4th rifle seasons

Deer hunters who want to hunt later should be glad about this. The 4th rifle is as much as 8 days later than current seasons. Not gonna help point creep for awhile!

It should be noted that these are not approved yet, just the final recommendations, but will prob be rubber stamped in the end.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Thanks for posting. What was their reasoning for pushing rifle seasons so late? I fear it will only increase point creep and the number of mature deer killed every year, therefore decreasing quality for all the seasons over time.

One of the best things about deer in Colorado is there was a chance at a giant in virtually every season and virtually every unit... killing more mature bucks will limit that.

I really like the new archery/muzzleloader structure.



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-19 AT 06:02AM (MST)[p]

>Wow also 2nd and 3rd season
>will open on a Wednesday
>not a Saturday that is
>kinda a big deal IMO.

Unless I am reading it wrong, the 2nd and 4th season open on a Wednesday. The 3rd opens on a Saturday.

It does appear that the CPW has declared war on big bucks though. In the name of CWD control, they have increased the numbers of buck tags in many areas. And now they have moved the 3rd season back to almost where the 4th has been and moved the 4th back a week. That should equal more big bucks taken. In the long run, not sure that is a good thing


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>It's been their stated goal for
>a couple years now.

Yep. Surprised it wasn't worse.
I don't like this at all. Big bucks are gonna get pounded. Apparently no one remembers why they went to controlled draws in 1999. It's not always about killing every mature mule deer.

I'm getting so tired of these so called experts managing our wildlife. I used to think guys who criticize fish and game saying it's all about the money were just complainers but I'm starting to agree with them.
Is there anyone on here that actually agrees with the late dates? Don?t get me wrong, hunting mule deer with a high powered rifle in mid to late November would be awesome, but this is bad news for mature bucks. Terrible management in my opinion.
One discussion day two was to have the 2nd rifle season with 2 weekends, and the other 1st,3rd, and 4th rifle seasons 5 days incorporating only one weekend. One important side note on the Alternative papers indicated the 4th season as being 'optional'. Sept Commission meeting will then finalize all remaining aspects of BGSS not already approved. Reading the sticks I would if an aspiring 4th season rifle hunter looking to 2000 in Colorado not bet your 401K happening in all GMUs, or for that matter your favorite GMU. The same discretion was noted on high country rifle being subject to CP&W discretion.

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