New Hunter Please Help!


Hello, I live in Las Cruces NM. I have never been big game hunting in my life. I did go Dove hunting for the first time last year and that was the first time I ever gone hunting. I want to start hunting but don't know how. With Dove hunting I saw videos went and bought a shotgun and tried it that way. Don't have friends since my life revolves around work and family. Don't know anyone that hunts either. I want to start and teach my kids as well and get them outdoors. Right now they are still babies. I was hoping to maybe get some pointers for a new hunter. I have tried to look up local groups but only been able to find groups that are 3 hours away. I also have gone to my local sportsman store and tried to get advice, but I usually just get weird looks and comments like your starting to late, it's going to be very difficult and so on. Like they are almost trying to get me not to go. They never actually really help and also because of it I have been hesitant on trying to ask people in person. I had never been fishing either till last year when I bought a fishing rod. Everything I been trying has been just by watching videos or reading. My first hunt I wanted to do a rifle elk hunt. It doesn't have to be a trophy bull, it can be a cow elk don't really care. Just want to go out and experience it. Just one problem I have no gear and have no idea what to get, where to go or even what to do. The only thing I did was buy some camo from a Cabela's in Texas. I been looking at getting the Ruger American Rifle Predator Bolt Action in 6.5 creedmoor. That's really as far as I've gotten. I just look and look and do as much research as I can but still can't decide. I am going to take my hunters education course soon too, in New Mexico you don't need to but I'm going to anyways. Just really hope to get something back and maybe not get laughed at.
Are you sure you aren't required to get a hunters education? That seems strange, but I am not savvy on NM rules. I would suggest you take the class as you mentioned, then any other questions call a local game warden or have a conversation with a fish and game biologists. A little research should turn up some contacts for you.

Top center of the page has a contact link.
Go to the New Mexico forum. Im sure you will get some advice or even a mentor. Keep reading. Hunting gear. The skys the limit frankly. We all pretty much started wearing blue jeans and flannel shirts. You dont need a ton of gear to enjoy hunting and fishing. Its really more about spending time outdoors.
I am new too and don't have any friends that hunt either. I've gotten a lot of general into off the series meateater on Netflix and solohunter on amazon prime video. I know that some people on here will probably laugh at that.. but whatever.. :)
The last 6 months or so there has been an unusual influx of newbie posts that have been inspired by Rinella. Not sure how he's just now reaching non-hunters to get them to try it, but it's not a bad thing in my opinion. Glad you all want to give it a go.
Under the link from the first poster, get familiar with the specific state (NM) regulations. They will give specific details, expectations, season dates, etc
Every states hunting laws are different.
Plenty of books to read, Internet forums, co workers, neighbors, social media, options out there for you to learn from.

Good luck

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
Read as much as you can, and watch hunting videos. Eastman?s hunting has some good books that give good information. You are going about it the right way. If I lived near you I would be more than
happy to take you hunting. Keep asking questions & research like you are, everybody had to learn sometime & its never to late. Get out in the mountains as much as you can, & see what the animals are doing at different times of the year! Do some scouting, look for sign study everything you can about the animals you want to pursue. The biggest thing is ENJOY yourself and don't put to much pressure on yourself!! You are going to make mistakes, blow stalks etc, but we all learn from our
Mistakes. Welcome to the world of hunting it is an addiction that will consume you, and you will think about hunting everyday!! The more you do it the worse the addiction becomes!!! Good luck & there is no such thing as a dumb question, feel free to ask me anytime.
You are doing the right thing by learning as much as possible and taking the hunter education course. Asking educated questions shows that you've done your homework and willing to learn. Always be humble and appreciative. One day it will be you dishing out advice to the next beginner.

With hunting, always remember that safety should be paramount and at the top of your mind 100% of the time. Preparing for the hunt is also very important. Know the animal you are hunting. Know its lifestyle, its habits and patterns. Know when to take the shot and know when to let it go for another day. You have a responsibility to take that animal ethically and quickly with minimal amount of suffering. Know your terrain, know the weather, have backup gear and backup plans.

Gear can be expensive. Take your time accumulating them. Look out for sales right before the big game hunting seasons. Black Friday is also a great time to get clothing, safety gear, food, etc.

Dove or rabbit hunting is a great way to break into the sport/lifestyle. Just keep asking questions and keep watching videos. More importantly. Get out there! You don't have to hunt. Find a buddy willing to go on a hike with you. Camp out in the wilderness and just be one with nature, but remember, safety first. Good luck and have fun!
I have recently been going on hikes out in the desert and in the mountains when I have time. Usually take my binoculars with me and just look around with them. They were just $40 at a sporting good store so Idk with they would actually be good for hunting. Trying to read and learn pretty much everything on my own but I will keep trying it is fun just being out there
If you can, upgrade your optics ASAP. I personally would rather leave my gun than my bino's, that is how crucial they are to my hunting style. You don't need to spend an arm or a leg to get into a decent pair. I would look at the Vortex Crossfire ($150), or the Hawke Vantage ($100), both of these have a no fault lifetime warranty. No fault meaning you can drop them, run them over, etc. and still have them serviced/repaired. There are other brands as well so this is just a starting point. From my perspective, you should worry less about camo, and more about:
1. Optics.
2. Weapon rifle/bow.
3. Boots.
4. Backpack including survival gear.
5. Clothing (layering system).
I have killed plenty of critters in denim jeans. Hope that helps and GOOD LUCK!
Welcome. Hunting is awesome and any time spent in the outdoors is great. Enjoy your time out and don't get discouraged if you don't bag your game or the biggest. It all takes time and you will enjoy learning as you go.

Like some stated. You don't need the best or most expensive in clothing or gear. Just somethings that you are comfortable with.

We all started where you are. It is addicting, that is why we are all still into hunting or just spending time outdoors.

Best of luck to you.

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