
Very Active Member
OK, with hunt expo going on and GENEROUS 30% given back to wildlife from selling tags of wildlife, and the facts behind the scenes of the EXPO BIDS AND PROPOSALS, I started to think, what can we do better to make sure this stuff doesnt happen again. I had an email from the Utah DWR NEWS releases, I read through the top 2-3 items. #2 and #3 were about the RACs and WILDLIFE board members.

So, Here is a question to you guys out there. Who would you you put/vote in for the wildlife board members? I know of a few that I would vote for. One of my top candidates would Be Tony Abbott, aka Fishon. He knows the conservation program game, he knows people, hes well spoken and knows his stuff about wildlife. He has ran multiple organizations with success. He loves hunting and wildlife.

So, my vote for 1 of them would be Tony Abbott. What do you all think?
Yes, they have to have a nomination or something like that. I am sure if he was interested, he could get some one to give the nomination. Maybe we need to put some pressure on Tony to do this.
This will be interesting to see if the SFW train continues.

"If the DWR was just doing its job, and
wildlife and hunting were the actual focus,
none of this process would even matter.
But that is not the focus or the goal in any
of this. The current DWR regime, and
SFW were born out of wildlife declines,
and are currently operated and funded
under that paradigm. Those 200 Expo
tags would not even be worth anything if
the focus was where it was supposed to
be, and wildlife and tags were plentiful.
But under the current business model,
that is how the money and power is
generated. It is generated through the
rising "value"(monitization) of a declining
resource. A resource that is supposed to
be being beneficially managed for the
masses that own that resource, ie. US.
The problem is obvious, hedging is not a
long term sustainable strategy, and
others have to lose, for some to win. In
this case it is us, the many, and our
resources, that are being forced to lose,
because there is a minority who's power
and money is derived from our loses."

LONETREE 3/15/16
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-17 AT 12:50PM (MST)[p]Have y'all looked at who sits on the wildlife board nominating committee? Tony doesn't have a chance.
It doesnt seem like it from a distance. With SFW and DP and Gary H, its an uphill battle. But what if? Would you want him on there?
There is so much conflict of interest in the powers that be. Until audit processes disallow that, the corruption will reign supreme. Shame on us for letting it happen. If you had the same level of interest and follow through in real life as you see on some of the controversial posts here it would be a game changer. Like anything in life, easier to talk big than to walk big.

Perfect example is you have 20-40% of gun owners (being very generous) funding 2nd Amendment protection for themselves and the other 60-80% of gun owners taking a free ride. Everything in life is like this. Church, charity, family, youth outreach, everything.
1911 hit that nail square on the head about only 20% willing to do the hard leg work while the rest take a free ride and enjoy the benefits.

I would support Tony in that position. We need some different points of view and voices on the wildlife board.

Thanks bowhunt but I can assure you that I would not be appointed to the wildlife board. Last I checked, at least one major player in the governor's cabinet was not very happy with me or my comments on this forum. I have apparently ruffled some feathers within our state government.

Some executive of the Sierra Club, or Defenders of Wildlife, or Humans Society, or possibly PETA.

Oh wait, I was thinking California.
>AT 12:50?PM (MST)

>Have y'all looked at who sits
>on the wildlife board nominating
>committee? Tony doesn't have
>a chance.

Who does sit on the wildlife board nominating committee?

You know the old saying that even a broken watch is right twice a day...well that is a funny post. Even if the poster wears a XXXXL asshat.

Good luck to everybody in the draws. Tony or Hawkeyes for wildlife board. Just think, maybe more than half the board could vote on the next controversial issue.
>What happened to post 18?

Scroll Up between Post 6 & 7!

My Signature is a Short Clip of NVB & His Coal Roller!
"We Better Get out of the F'N Way cuzz Ole NVB is Coming to MF'N Town"!
Im not 100% sure, but I think the Governor of the State has the final say after he listen to his "HELPERS".
My vote would be for Gary Nelson, former Central RAC chair, local RMEF pres., involved for years in RMEF, wildlife biology teacher. We didn't always vote exactly the same but I know his views and stance on wildlife issues, accountability etc-- He would bring some great balance to the board.
Also, nominations for the WB do not have to be made by any organization-- it can be made by an individual themselves or by some one else.
RAC member nominations require being nominated by an organization-- non-consumptive, agriculture, conservation orgs. etc. The RACs try to keep a balance. Never seen an anti hunting rep though.
Are you kidding me~ how soon yea forget~ Tony is the one who started this whole Tag mess! The Tags were Tonys idea and He's the one who used his "Friends" in high places to get it done. Cough, Cough Don Peay etc........... There is no doubt that if he had not been "fired" from the MDF he would be the President by now and also running the Hunt Expo with SFW.
>Tristate would be a great addition
>to the board! ;)

Nah, 1)- He's WAY too busy to come to the meetings. 2)- No matter what the subject, he'd find an argument in it. 3)- Unless he's the Chair, the meetings would last for hours 'cause he has to have the last word. 4)- No matter what anyone says in opposition to a proposal he likes (or visa versa), he'd never change his opinion OR admit he was wrong. 5) You'd have to leave your teenage daughters and granddaughters at home. 6)- Bring your credit card. He'd charge everyone a fee to attend and he'd auction off the best seating 'cause everything has a value.

Now, be on time and don't forget to bring your ID's, diplomas and occupational licenses with you!
I have no idea who you are and you hide behind a screen without saying your name. But I will clear some things up for you. I was not fired from MDF. I endorsed the person who replaced me. If you would like the MDF board members names and numbers that took my advice and hired the current MDF leader i would be happy to get them to you. Just send me a message with your real name and phone number.

2nd, I was one of the 2 people to create the tags and get them pushed through. So if you want to know the intent of the tags and the promises made just ask me, I made them. There are also minutes from those board meetings that you can get and see EXACTLY what I said.

So whoever you are you have very poor info and you hide behind a screen. That is typical of people that don't want the truth they just want to stir the pot. Maybe you are tristates twin brother or cousin. I have no idea. But what I do know is you do not know much if anything about me leaving the MDF or the tags and how they came about.

Tony Abbott
Here we go again. Somebody questioned "Deer Jesus" and he has to tell us all what he "created" and how he knows everything and the resident "expert".

Funny, I talked to a ranking MDF member and he said you were fired also Tony.

I think on the other thread you were one of the three people that created the tags so did one person get kicked out of your story or is this a multiple personality issue?

Hey guys I know you want Tony on the wildlife board but most of his posts indicate he has some really serious pathological issues. He just posted 3 paragraphs that used the word "I" ten times. At the very least he is completely ignorant of how to deal with criticism. Very, Very, fragile ego.


"If the DWR was just doing its job, and
wildlife and hunting were the actual focus,
none of this process would even matter.
But that is not the focus or the goal in any
of this. The current DWR regime, and
SFW were born out of wildlife declines,
and are currently operated and funded
under that paradigm. Those 200 Expo
tags would not even be worth anything if
the focus was where it was supposed to
be, and wildlife and tags were plentiful.
But under the current business model,
that is how the money and power is
generated. It is generated through the
rising "value"(monitization) of a declining
resource. A resource that is supposed to
be being beneficially managed for the
masses that own that resource, ie. US.
The problem is obvious, hedging is not a
long term sustainable strategy, and
others have to lose, for some to win. In
this case it is us, the many, and our
resources, that are being forced to lose,
because there is a minority who's power
and money is derived from our loses."

LONETREE 3/15/16
>Here we go again. Somebody
>questioned "Deer Jesus" and he
>has to tell us all
>what he "created" and how
>he knows everything and the
>resident "expert".
>Funny, I talked to a ranking
>MDF member and he said
>you were fired also Tony.
>I think on the other thread
>you were one of the
>three people that created the
>tags so did one person
>get kicked out of your
>story or is this a
>multiple personality issue?
>Hey guys I know you want
>Tony on the wildlife board
>but most of his posts
>indicate he has some really
>serious pathological issues. He
>just posted 3 paragraphs that
>used the word "I" ten
>times. At the very
>least he is completely ignorant
>of how to deal with
>criticism. Very, Very, fragile

Still an idiot! Nice try Trippy.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-17 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-17 AT 09:36?AM (MST)

Hello Tri, Guess I hit the "2" instead of the "3" when I talked about the expo. My mistake. Guess my fingers were to fat, Thanks for clearing it up. But hey even you the great TRI has a couple typo errors in his post.

Yes it was 3. Don Peay SFW, Ray Lee FNAWS and I Tony Abbott MDF.

And feel free to post the name of the RANKING MDF member that told you I was fired. Lets get it out in the open so it can be addressed. Otherwise its just little old Tri stirring and stirring and stirring.

Hey Tri, lets get that RANKING MDF member and you and him come on my radio show and lets discuss it. Lets discuss all of it for the public to hear.

The offer is made. Are you gonna hide behind a screen and make statements you cant back up?

We all know you are troubled. and I will say I all the time. I am happy with that and I like educating you. and I feel good about it. I will wait for your next asinine post and then I like many other will continue to educate you. I am done for now because I am getting ready for MY expo.

Tony Abbott
And to address you that would support me in a bid for the wildlife board I say THANK YOU.

You are kind and I am humbled that any of you would even mention myself or suggest that I would be a good WBM.

I will take it into consideration and see if I can put forth the time and energy and effort that such a position would require and demand.

Tony Abbott
Typo....... suuuuuuure.

That's the funny thing about people who don't tell the truth. They can't keep track of their own stories.

I wonder if there is any paint on the key where "I" should be on your computer.

As for your "lets talk about you getting fired on the air" I think MDF is a little past that. See that's the beauty of firing someone. You don't have to listen to their BS anymore.

Why don't you come to my office and we can discuss it. Just you and me in a private conversation. I don't have a radio show and I don't pretend to be deer Jesus. But I can handle anything I want to say looking you right in the eye right here, and if you have a big enough problem with me you can take some initiative and walk through these doors. I ain't gonna make loud statements proclaiming I am paying for anything but you were already going to spend money to fly me to Utah now I am telling you to invest that money in yourself and by a ticket here. I don't hide behind a computer. Everyone on here knows exactly who I am.

If you have a big enough problem with me YOU DON'T NEED A MICROPHONE TO DEAL WITH YOUR PROBLEMS. Just some balls. Any man I knew who had a real problem with someone didn't invite them places to deal with it. Your mouth and keyboard is nothing more than a publicity stunt for you.
>And to address you that would
>support me in a bid
>for the wildlife board I
>You are kind and I am
>humbled that any of you
>would even mention myself or
>suggest that I would be
>a good WBM.
>I will take it into consideration
>and see if I can
>put forth the time and
>energy and effort that such
>a position would require and
>Tony Abbott


I would not support you for WB. Mostly cuz your a ginger, and the meetings are in the daylight. But honestly, i believe we have plenty of "professionals" on the WB. My personal belief is we need a "trump". Someone for who wildlife, and issues surrounding dont bring them income. I am not implying corruption, or anything close, but its my experience that too many common interests in a group, skew the group. Basically an outsider, who would question long held beliefs and ideas. Basically an outside the box thinker. Plus, the ginger thing. Im sure you disagree, which obviously makes you wrong, its just my opinion, ive been a fan of what you do, both radio and expo, so i mean nothing personal, or direspectful. Now, as for TRI on the radio, i assume he would call the east of the rockies line? Please, if there is a god in heaven, TRI has to be on the radio. What can all of us do to make that happen? Last, as usual, notice Tony comes in here, answers questions, states his opinion. These other unamed sources, never do. I call that being a stand up guy.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
"That's the funny thing about people who don't tell the truth. They can't keep track of their own stories."

Or ya just duck the whole question about who exactly from the MDF told you big ginger was chitcanned.

You gonna man up and admit you pulled that out of your ass??

"If the DWR was just doing its job, and
wildlife and hunting were the actual focus,
none of this process would even matter.
But that is not the focus or the goal in any
of this. The current DWR regime, and
SFW were born out of wildlife declines,
and are currently operated and funded
under that paradigm. Those 200 Expo
tags would not even be worth anything if
the focus was where it was supposed to
be, and wildlife and tags were plentiful.
But under the current business model,
that is how the money and power is
generated. It is generated through the
rising "value"(monitization) of a declining
resource. A resource that is supposed to
be being beneficially managed for the
masses that own that resource, ie. US.
The problem is obvious, hedging is not a
long term sustainable strategy, and
others have to lose, for some to win. In
this case it is us, the many, and our
resources, that are being forced to lose,
because there is a minority who's power
and money is derived from our loses."

LONETREE 3/15/16
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-17 AT 02:13PM (MST)[p]I'll admit actually two people from MDF told me that.


How about this. How about deer Jesus there, get Miles Moretti to come on his show and let Mr. Moretti tell us whether Tony got canned or not. Quit messing around with small fry like me and go to the source.

What say you Tony? If you want to clear the record maybe MDF can put out an official statement and whenever someone like me posts something that your fragile ego can't handle you just cut and paste the official statement from MDF here. Seems logical to me.
So, you, TRI, personally talked to Miles, and he told you this? Who is the other? You said 2, and we saw how quickly you jumped on Tony about numbers. Go ahead, slither sidewinde. I am curious if you learned anything from your Wade Lemon, or Robyn Waldrip defense about how much they love your conversations with them.
Yes i love to hurt women, so we ll tske that sidetrack off the table. You said 2, you just dropped Miles under your bus. Lets see that second name.

Btw, tonys show is pretty cool, u should take the invite.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
I agree with hossblur. we don't need another career "politician" on the WB. Give me a good ol' boy that will make the existing WB nervous.

I never said Miles is who said it. Go back and read.

Maybe all that female abuse has ruined your reading skills.
Your right it has, so......who are the two. Come on, all that" walk through my doors," "eye to eye" bravado, and 2 names scares you.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Wrong again hossblur. I just figure when they want their names known they can do that. Hey a firm solution is on the table for Tony. No more cheap gossip but a true end of story solution.
This is at least the 2nd time I recall that Tri mentioned a mans genitals. Should we be nervous about his true intentions?

Tri, Call Pat Juhl who was the Chairman of the board when I recommended Miles to be hired to replace me. Or Ross Jackson who was also on the board that I sat at and had dinner with Saturday night and ask him how Miles became the MDF President. I can give you both of their cell numbers if you would like.

Both of these individuals only hired Miles because I recommended him and agreed to it. That again is a fact. But you would not know that since you were not there. This is the whole "expert witness" lesson I taught you a couple weeks ago.

You can make this as dirty as you want on the MDF or Miles. You spew your mouth like a little baby and make claims and then don't back them up. Would you like me to paste an actual statement from the MDF website about me? Here is directly off their own page. Notice when things switched. Notice the names mentioned, and then look at all the progress.

Guess what TRI. The BUCK O RAMA was spearheaded by me, The New MAgazine was implemented by me, MDF got all the tags because of me and the whole face of the organization changed under Pat Juhls leadership with ALL of the ideas and opportunities I brought them.

Pat Juhl and Ross JAckson flew to Salt Lake City in 2004 to meet with me and listen to my plan and they bought in and allowed me with their guidance and blessing to make the MDF viable again.

Here is a little from MDF's own website.

"From 1995 to 2004, MDF experienced highs and lows as a conservation organization. Although for many years the organization struggled to raise money, MDF persisted by always staying true to their original mission.

In 2004, the Board of Directors acted to right the MDF ship and move forward in a bold and aggressive way. Pat Juhl was made the Chairman of the Board and CEO. Behind Pat's leadership, MDF once again began its march toward being a leader in wildlife conservation in North America. Tony Abbott became the General Manager, and with Bob Meulengracht as Director of Field Operations, a commitment was made to the members and local chapters that MDF would put money on the ground for mule deer and black-tailed deer.

In July of 2005, the old Mule Deer magazine changed its format and look, turning into the MDF magazine that it is today; now the flagship publication of the organization.

In 2003, the Board of Directors implemented the Chapter Rewards Program for local chapters. The concept was simple ? reward local chapters by allowing them to keep a certain portion of the money they were able to raise at their local event. The chapter members are then able to control where that money is spent, benefitting their local mule deer herds.
In 2006, MDF teamed with the Foundation for North American Wild Sheep (FNAWS) to host a joint convention in Reno, Nev., called ?Buck-A-Rama.? What a success that convention turned out to be! Shortly after the 2006 convention, MDF and FNAWS teamed with Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife (SFW) and together, the three held the first-ever Western Hunting and Conservation Expo (WHCE) in Salt Lake City, Utah. The event raised over $12 million for wildlife!"

See all this Tri started when Pat and Ross flew to Salt LAke and hired me to run the organization. I know it pains you but I love pounded it in your feeble brain. MDF is relevant Because Ryan HAtch of Muley Crazy called Pat Juhl and said " You need to talk to Tony Abbott". That is another fact.

Ryan introduced me to Pat and the MDF immediately became viable again. I can go on and on about how it all happened with exact details and facts but you will continue to make up lies and stir the pot.

No I wont come to your shop in Texas. There is nothing there for me. I dont need to "grow a set of balls" to come see you. You are ignorant and not credible.

Tri, just go away. You do no good for the MDF or the SFW, and you do no good for this site. You are a parasite and you are the only one that does not see it.

The one consistent thing about you Tri is you NEVER let the FACTS stand in your way.

This is "DEER JESUS" signing out.

PS. you can go to MDF's website yourself if you think what I copied and pasted is not accurate. Its on their "about" page.

Everybody get ready for Tri's predictable response. DEER JESUS is a liar, and mad, and can't keep his story's straight and got fired and blah blah blah.

Tri you are a TOOL

Tony Abbott
All that typing about "me" and "I" and all in a vailed hope no one will notice YOU GAVE ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE THAT SUGGESTS ANYTHING ELSE BESIDES YOU GOT FIRED.

All that cut and paste doesn't say a single thing about either you quitting or them firing you. You might as well have posted a weather report.

So why not get Miles on your show?

Like I said before your a publicity stunt. A lot of babbling sounds like evidence to below average lemmings but the real players know better.
Im confused. Why does getting fired, or whatever, change what the man just posted? And in all honesty, there are plenty in here that by getting fired by mdf now that they are tied to the cancer, IS A GOOD THING. But pretend it isnt, if we look at the current makeup of WB, Tony would be more than qualified. So as usual, your off in the trees, missing the forest. After your BLAAM! moment, my bet is the only thing higher ups say to you is NEVER use our names or photos again. I mean you never wanted to educate us on who told you to take that down either.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
All I'm doing is pulling back the curtain.

I think the most telling thing is how he can't handle criticism. One guy criticized him and he immediately went into attack mode because he is scared his reputation isn't enough. How's he going to behave when he actually has to work with other people and he actually has to face them and not talk down to them?
If Tri wants to pull back the curtain, why won't he pull back the curtain on his infamous BLAAM post?

He sure seems concerned about what everybody else is doing, which, ironically, is what got him neck deep in the sheep incident in the first place. Yet he runs and hides when his own actions are the cause of somebody else's turmoil and the harm he did to that "great guide" by posting the BLAAM picture without permission.

Facts have a way of making people feel talked down too.

Pull back any curtain you want. And FYI, Miles has an open invitation if he would like to come on my show and talk how MDF came to power and he got placed into the President roll. As well as he can discuss the Expo and the tags and anything else.

For that matter ANYONE that has any KNOWLEDGE of the above things are welcome to come on my show and discuss these things.

They know when and where the show is and my number is posted below.

I can't be any more inviting.

Tony Abbott

What is "neck deep in the sheep incident"? There is no curtain. Just your own made up reality.

I posted a picture as a joke for some people. Yall took the bait. Apparently yall still can't handle the fact that yall got played like hateful children. Therefore you bring it up every single thread I am on. Just like every year at this time yall start spreading the SFW hate. Your childish hate is so blind YOU ACTUALLY MAKE UP SOME FAKE REALITY TO FEED YOUR HATE.

You want to know a funny. THE SAME PICTURE WAS POSTED BIGGER THAN LIFESIZE AT DSC. Wade Lemon sold sheep hunt after sheep hunt sitting in a chair underneath that picture. You really have no idea that nobody but you and a couple of other haters here give a flip about this weird pseudo-reality you have made up regarding that sheep. Don't you get it? I played you. What's amazing is I tried to make it as obvious as possible from the beginning. There was no curtain to hide it, only your own blind hate. I couldn't train a dog as well as I have trained you. I proved my point while turning you into a laughing stock.


I am not sure Miles is reading your post here so why don't you actually call him and get him on the show. If its worth talking trash at strangers on the internet who don't agree that you should be on the wildlife board, then its worth the effort of picking up the phone and inviting him to come tell everyone on the radio you quit.
Im pretty sure it was already estsblished WLH didnt care what us, state of Utah, thought. That was the whole point, which he backed up in the Trib, but, Im a knucklehead, so theres that.

Anyone else read TRI and wonder if your on a bad acid trip?

Good luck Tony, hope the expo kills it, as usual, thanks for being stand up, even when its not popular.

I started that record sheep thread, i want to keep the title, i aint helping break it with this.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

Rest assured that just like when someone posts my name or something that pertains to me I am notified by many people, (like this post) MIles Too is notified by many people when he or the MDF or the Expo tags are mentioned.

And here is a little tibit for you to chew on.....Last Saturday night when I was having dinner with Ross Jackson at the hunt expo auction who was a board member when I was leading the MDF and who is now in charge of the MDF Endowment fund, was recruiting me to come and work for the MDF and raise money for the endowment.

Think about that. Why would someone you say got fired by the MDF get recruited to come back and work for the MDF and get paid? Does that make any sense to you?

You see I give facts and names and dates and actual reality's, you simply spew and make false accusations and have no facts.

My cell is below and the invitation is given. Anyone that claims I'm not telling the truth has EVERY opportunity to come on air and discuss this. Heck I would even go to lunch with any of your "HIGH MDF members" that you appear to be in constant contact with that tell you the inter workings of the MDF.

I will give you this Tri, You are entertaining.

MY expo starts in 2 weeks, "DEER JESUS" going to work

Tony Abbott
So are you going to take the job?

I think you should take the job.

When can we expect you to take the job?

Maybe they just want some of your 150k welfare money?

By the way I have hired employees which I fired before. That's the reality of business. It's not like you have stumbled on something new. In fact I know very few companies which haven't rehired an employee.

You haven't figured out yet that I don't care that you were fired. I only care that you care so much. Like I said before. Very very fragile ego.
No not fragile, in fact I believe you referred to me as "Deer Jesus".That is a pretty cool name.

And I love that you still stick by your proclamation that I WAS FIRED. Deliver the names of your "High MDF" members that told you this . C'mon Tri, deliver us some names and facts so you can get a little credibility.

DEER JESUS checking out again.

Tony Abbott
>So are you going to take
>the job?
>I think you should take the
>When can we expect you to
>take the job?
>Maybe they just want some of
>your 150k welfare money?
>By the way I have hired
>employees which I fired before.
> That's the reality of
>business. It's not like
>you have stumbled on something
>new. In fact I
>know very few companies which
>haven't rehired an employee.
>You haven't figured out yet that
>I don't care that you
>were fired. I only
>care that you care so
>much. Like I said
>before. Very very fragile

If you didnt care, then why did you bring it up and keep re hashing it? Who has the fragile EGO?

Now, back to the original post, and lets keep on topic. And Trippy, please stay out.
You are buddies with Miles. Tell him to release a statement that you weren't fired. Come on Fishon. Tell us a story about how right after you invented the mule deer, how you Teddy Roosevelt, and Miles, were doing Jello shots at Woodstock and you got the idea to invent FM radio.

I love your stories.
Fishon, don't waste your time. Tri will not deliver up any facts. He has never delivered anything to this forum except a good laugh and the unmistakeable scent of organic fertilizer.

Oh wait . . . he also delivered the photos of Ms. Waldrip and the infamous Nebo Ram but then he turned around and had those photos taken down. So in that instance he "delivered" and then "un-delivered". You get my point.


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