Northern Utah sheds



I was up looking for turkeys up Blacksmith fork this weekend and came across a stash of sheds. They were obviously stashed as far as the sage brush put around them. I called Fish and game and asked if it was legal to stash them until the first. Fish and game were aware it (had already been contacted)and is watching to see who comes and get them. Man I'm glad it's not me.
I wonder what the F&G can get someone on for this. They didn't take the antlers. They are obviously abiding by the law and waiting until the 1st. If someone picks them up on the morning of the 1st, are they breaking any laws?

This whole thing is a bunch of B.S. I wish I lived in the northern region. I would love to volunteer for a test case in court for this crappy law.
I'd challenge that law too!
What's the diffence between actually picking them and walking around the hills marking them on your GPS unit in March and April? They can't keep you out of the hills!!!
I'm all about leaving the animals alone in the spring to avoid harrassment, but the way this rediculous law is written, it doesn't stop or forbid anything but actually picking them up.
It makes no sense other than trying to stop the shed hunter whom go in and chase the animals. Still though, if they revise the law to let no shed hunters in then they need to stop EVERYONE, hikers, bikers, snow mobilers or no humans at all. They can walk/ride ovcer a ridge and jump a herd of deer or elk just as easy as a shed hunter. Besides that how does picking a shed up scare the animals other than chasing?

Also how can they manage the sheds of shed hunting? If this is the case then they had better tell me when that 400 class bull is going to drop and where along with how big he will be next year.
Here in NW Wyomng they lock up large areas of winter range to all human activity for months at a time. It does help the wintering herds some but there are meat heads that sneak in to stock pile the sheds and winter kills. These areas are closed to everyone so anyone caught over the line is busted. Utah's created an impossible to enforce situation that will do no good period! Why is it that " We the People " put up with law makers like that? Make sure the names of these politcians are made known next election time!

Time in the hills is always worth more than money
The law DOES say that you cannot MOVE or PICK UP sheds before may 1 ,caching them is illegal. Marking them (gps) and leaving them alone is not. Look up the word "gather".

how would they charge someone who picks them up on may 1st? they couldnt prove who moved them to begin with.. how retarded is it they left them there when they cant charge anyone... DWR is unreal somtimes

Later, Brandon
it was a sportsman from logan area that helped get this stupid law put in affected that only makes the honest guy, dishonest. and now the areas that are closed to any activity all winter opened up on april 15th and people have already been in and picked up sheds. this is a great law, not. and by the way the only places i have hiked since jan. 1st are idaho.
Make an honest guy dishonest, you cant be serious!

In any event, FG should send up one of their own to snag the stash, i'm sure the guy who put it there would be real happy, he may even call himself in by saying he saw someone up there picking sheds early. He would real surprised if on day one - today - the sheds were gone, he would think for sure that someone took "HIS" sheds.

I dont think the law will stick on a guy who goes in on the first and comes out with a pile of sheds, even if the he piled them before hand. . . So, why not just teach the guy that there's a lot of eyes watching, and his boots do leave tracks. . .

It's shame that a new law will MAKE an honest guy dishonest, that's a goodone mooseman. . . I think I'll try that on the next cop that pulls me over - O' no tippen one back while Im driving?

Whacha think of that logic BT, would you buy that story?
big difference betweem drinking and driving and looking for sheds. that is the difference. i don't go around harrasing wildlife. and now i can't even go and enjoy what i love to do between jan and may because of a stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! freakin law. that is what i am talking about.
Yes, but one law should not MAKE and honest man dishonest - it's not the law, it's the man. . . Or lack of. . .
But the law is what made it illegal to do something we all used to do legally. If we continue to live our lives the way we always have, now we will get into trouble. The law is forcing us to change our lifestyle or become dishonest. It's pretty simple, really.
did ever you consider that there may be a good reason for this particular law? Did it cross your mind that it might be a good idea for us self police this issue too?

"But the law is what made it illegal to do something we all used to do legally."

This is exactly why I use open container law. It just was legal, in Montana, until last year, to have an open container in the car.

Some in montana used to measure distances by how much beer it took to get them there.

Who'e looking out for our wildlife resouces? It may not be an enforcable law, it may be poorly written and there may not even be cops to enforce it, but the law does NOT make a good man bad. . . A man makes a good man bad, just like guns dont kill people, people kill people. . .
I police myself all the time. When I go shed hunting, I watch out for wildlife, and try to keep from disturbing them. I consider myself a "good man". But now, because of this new law, I am considered a "bad man" by law enforcement and other self righteous jack-asses that think they're not getting a fair shot at the sheds. If I go for a hike in the hills during the closed shed season, I'm O.K. If I find a shed while hiking during the closed shed season, I'm still O.K. as long as I don't pick it up. If I GPS the coordinates, I'm O.K. It seems to me that I am only being forced to make two trips now instead of one because now I have to come back on the 1st to pick up all the sheds I found during the closed season. This results in twice as much potential harrassment of the wildlife and twice as much damage to the habitat.

This law made me (a good man) into a bad man because now I have to make two trips instead of one in order to conform with the new laws.
This law and the skull law is bull $#!+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that they need to change these laws. Utah plain sucks we have to many tags to little units. If utah would switch to nevadas laws and regulations i think that utah would have a huge rebound!!! also I think Utah should have a few more auction tags and with the money that we make off of them we drop the difference in the tags that we give out! hell i might be wrong i am young but is there anyone out there that agrees? YOU AINT GOING TO KILL A BIG BUCK UNLESS THERE IS A BIG BUCK WHERE YOUR HUNTING!!!
i wish they would put some sort of law like that here in az. it seems that most of you are trying to defend this person and call the law unfair. its not in place to hurt you its there to help the animals. i say go ahead and mark the horns on your gps but if you pile them up thats collecting, wether its at youre home or in the woods.
im from az and you can say what you want utah has better hunting than we do. i know you will say look at the strip or the kiabab, but other than those 4 units there are no deer. elk are good in every unit and state across the west. utah is producing bigger and better bulls than we are.
In my opinion, this law screams of discrimination!!
It keeps only the "shed heads" out of the hills during the vulnerable times of the deer herds, but what about the jo blow's that are out hiking with fido in april on a sunday afternoon, or all the mountain bikers and plain old sight see'ers? The rule of not "picking up" or "moving" a shed is just their "nail in the coffin" for an arrest of shed hunters. The law does not stop harrassment of animals. And like i said earlier, ANY of us shed heads can walk right through a herd of wintering deer with a GPS and mark those sheds. All it does, even if we shed hunters police ourselves from picking up or moving sheds, is discriminate our group from actually bringing home some bone till may. It keeps NOONE out of OUR mountains.
You are completely right about this law being there to protect the animals. Now, I would like you to think about that for awhile, then let us know how it does anything to protect the animals.

Come on, you can come up with something. Anything.
Hey Show Me Your Rack, I agree with ya 100%. Way too many tags, thats one reason I quit hunting. I think the only way this will ever work, is to completely shut an area off to EVERYONE, but that would pobably be pretty hard to do. If they are gonna do a shed season, and some of you may think I'm an idiot, but why not make everyone buy a tag. Just like a fishing licenese. As much as everybody loves to shed hunt, I would think people would buy one. If you get caught sheddin without it, you get fined. Whats a fishing license cost? 25 or 30 bucks. That would make the DWR a ton of money and I'm sure they would be real happy about that. And May 1st is a little to late. Why not make it April 1st. I dont get the May 1st thing. Oh and Rack, I heard it might be legal to pick up skulls next year, at least thats what one of my friends in the DWR told me.
LAST EDITED ON May-02-07 AT 07:48PM (MST)[p]by the way tfinalshot i have not broken this law but it sucks because as my handle states i love moose and a majority of my time is spent looking for moose sheds and where i am i rarely see any deer and moose for the most part could care less if i am near them. why couldn't they have done like in middle fork and close any human activity, like middle fork to the most critical areas where deer are concentrated. seems like a better fit. what a joke this law is.
>Hey Show Me Your Rack, I
>agree with ya 100%.
>Way too many tags, thats
>one reason I quit hunting.
>I think the only way
>this will ever work, is
>to completely shut an area
>off to EVERYONE, but that
>would pobably be pretty hard
>to do. If they are
>gonna do a shed season,
>and some of you may
>think I'm an idiot, but
>why not make everyone buy
>a tag. Just like a
>fishing licenese. As much
>as everybody loves to shed
>hunt, I would think people
>would buy one. If
>you get caught sheddin without
>it, you get fined. Whats
>a fishing license cost? 25
>or 30 bucks. That would
>make the DWR a ton
>of money and I'm sure
>they would be real happy
>about that. And May
>1st is a little to
>late. Why not make it
>April 1st. I dont get
>the May 1st thing.
>Oh and Rack, I heard
>it might be legal to
>pick up skulls next year,
>at least thats what one
>of my friends in the
>DWR told me.

Good idea, then we could have a "looking at animals through binoculars" tag. How about a " sitting around a campfire" tag, or maybe a "using an elk call" tag. The government sure is missing out on some cash by not charging for the hunting experiences that we take for granted.

mooseman, you make an outstanding point. . . Lets close it all off, and then stop the wreckless drilling for gas and oil too. . .
I guess it's time to stop taking for granted, your hunting opportunity and help insure that we leave a possitive leagacy for our children, in the hopes that they too someday will be able to hun MONSTERMULEYS. . . .
Andy, all I'm saying is shed hunting is obviously getting out of control and its a huge sport now is it not? There has to be somthing that will maybe thin out the shed hunters and the idiots that are harrassing the wildlife. And I dont think shed hunters harrass wildlife either. I don't know what the best optiions are, its just an idea. It just seems like shed hunting is almost as big as hunting in general, so there has to be some kind of regulations now. If you think about it you DO pay to sit around a campfire and to use an elk bugle every time you hunt and camp. Im not trying to start a argument man, I'm just throwing out ideas.
Hey TF,
You seem to always have all the answers, how about answering Dleonards question????

You are completely right about this law being there to protect the animals. Now, I would like you to think about that for awhile, then let us know how it does anything to protect the animals.
Come on, you can come up with something. Anything.
Apparently there must be some evidence that shed hunting has or is having a negative impact in the area in question, I cant be sure, but I assume the governing body believes such - whether they have justification or not, it's not my call, I don't have the evidence before me. I do happen to believe that there are enough people now out in field disturbing wildlife for a whole host of reason, that some rules area necessary. I'm sure you have heard just as many "war-stories" as I have about guys chasing bucks in order for them to loose their antlers. . .

Therefore, if people who are out shed hunting are also bothering wildlife (as my last post cleary points out) than I'd say that's the answer.

Here's a quote from one place I found,

"A committee comprised of sportsmen, people from the agricultural community, and state and federal wildlife officials have determined that helping more fawns survive the winter is one of the first steps to increasing deer populations in Northern Utah. Based on the group's recommendations, all five of Utah's Regional Advisory Councils and the Utah Wildlife Board voted to restrict the collection of shed antlers in Northern Utah this year."

Why dont you ask your committee why they made the rule - have you tried that yet?

Not much beyond the obvious I guess. Fleeing animals use energy, in some case energy they do not have to waste on fleeing because some guy has entered their space.

I guess if you want to argue that law breakers will break the law and therefore they will bother deer anyway you could do that, you are the only one that can answer for yourself if youre doing the right thing. Some people were raised with more information and obedience than others.

Nothing now, changes the fact that the law says you cant do it. If you have an issue with the law, or you dont think it's a "just" law, then go to the legislature and show them YOUR evidence.

By the way, have you studied the reason for limiting shed hunting and access - the information used to convince the legislature to make the law? Just curious. . .

Some years are worst than others. Some years there may be deer in the area on May 1, in other's they may be long gone.

I believe there needs to be rules, just what rules is a tougher question, but I know that things change over time and maybe there's room for some revisions? Who knows. . .

A little research comes up with this:

"You may not gather shed antlers in the DWR's Northern Region from Feb. 1 through April 30. This closure was put in place to prevent big game animals from being harassed during the time of year when they're in their poorest health because of the stress of a long winter. In addition to the closure in the Northern Region, the Utah Wildlife Board has directed the Division of Wildlife Resources to study the effects antler gathering is having on big game animals across Utah. Board members want to learn if a shed antler gathering season should be implemented statewide. . . ."

"After a long winter, the energy reserves that big game animals have are already low. Those reserves are taxed even more when antler gatherers enter the picture.

Careless shed antler and horn hunters can tip the delicate energy
balance, and that can contribute to more big game animals dying this time of the year. The worst threat to big game animals usually comes from irresponsible OHV use. Off-road travel is illegal and should not be practiced at any time, especially when gathering antlers. The DWR has received reports of OHV riders chasing deer and elk through trees to knock off their antlers. This practice is extremely damaging and illegal. Anyone caught harassing wildlife will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. When you're collecting shed antlers and horns, please pay attention to the body language of the animals you see. If they appear to be nervous or begin to move away, give them more space by backing off or traveling in another direction."

Either your saying these things do not happen, or your saying the people dont know what they are doing when they wrote the rules, or your saying that NO amount of pressure will harm wildlife therefore keep it wide open and encourage people to push the animals around. Clearly there is a problem, maybe another fix is in order. got any better ideas than the classic, "do nothing?"
>Andy, all I'm saying is shed
>hunting is obviously getting out
>of control and its a
>huge sport now is it
>not? There has to
>be somthing that will maybe
>thin out the shed hunters
>and the idiots that are
>harrassing the wildlife. And I
>dont think shed hunters harrass
>wildlife either. I don't know
>what the best optiions are,
>its just an idea. It
>just seems like shed hunting
>is almost as big as
>hunting in general, so there
>has to be some kind
>of regulations now. If you
>think about it you DO
>pay to sit around a
>campfire and to use an
>elk bugle every time you
>hunt and camp. Im not
>trying to start a argument
>man, I'm just throwing out

I'm just messing with ya. I don't have an answer, I just hate to see more laws that don't get enforced or more laws in general. We have to face the fact that , unfortunately, a large number of our fellow hunters are freakin' idiots that only care about number one. I don't get the whole shed hunting or die attitude. I look for sheds when I am out, but it's getting as bad as the gen deer hunt. As long as a piece of bone is more important than anything to some guys, I don't know what you can do.
TFinalshot, that was a great response. However, it doesn't answer the main question I had. What does this new law do to protect the wildlife or even the habitat? It does nothing to eliminate the human traffic or the ATV traffic. It is still legal to go out for a hike. It is still legal to GPS the shed you find. It is still legal to ride ATV's (on the road) in the wintering grounds. What about the turkey hunter that came across the cache of shed antlers he found? I can't think of anything worse than a gun toting camo clad turkey hunter out there blasting away on the wintering grounds. Wouldn't you consider that more of a harassment to the wildlife? I still say the law is un-enforcable, and in-effectual.
dl, no one is disputing you and no one, espeically me can dissagree with you. As was pointed out, there are flaws.

What do you propose? Nothing is NOT an option. . . .
I propose that we eliminate this stupid law to start with. After all, there's no reason to have a law on the books that does no good, right?

I propose that the DWR actually do the research first. Then, if they can come up with concrete evidence for closures, close specific areas from all human activity, in specific areas where the animals are being impacted the most. The DWR need to be sure they have the enforcement resources to keep people out of these specific areas - that sounds like a great project for Dedicated hunters to fulfill their volunteer hours.

I also propose that as a long term fix, sportsmen's groups raise money and purchase as much land in these wintering areas as possible so our Big Game animals have a place to winter well into the future. To help in this endeavor, maybe the state can pass a few laws restricting development in critical wintering habitats.
So your answer is that people that are out shed hunting are bothering wildlife and having a negative impact.
How does making it illegal to pick up sheds help this problem?
It is not illegal to hike and GPS them.

What about all the other user groups that are out there during the same time period? So the ORV guys, the soccer moms hiking with their dogs,the turkey hunters, dirt bike riders, bird watchers, and tree huggers don't bother the big game? I guess when you are out taking pictures you do not displace wildlife?

It is only us horn hunters that bother wildlife. Of course if I just take a picture of the shed then I would be a photographer like you and I guess that would be Ok. I will make sure and let the Elk see the camera so they will not be bothered.
This law makes no sense.
Sure there are irresponsible horn hunters out there. Just like there are irresponsible Orv users, photograghers etc etc. YES I AM SAY THAT THE PEOPLE THAT WROTE THE RULES DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING!! They spend way to much time behind a desk and not enough time out in the field. No, I am not saying that " No amount of pressure will harm wildlife". What I am saying is that this law makes no sense.
If Biologist can verify that human pressure is having a negative effect on big game in critical wintering areas than they should consider closing access to everyone. First they should have to verify that human pressure is the culprit. You say that clearly there is a problem. I guess I am not convinced but if in fact there is a problem stopping folks from picking up an antler isn't the solution.
That makes more sense to me. I do not like to see our public lands closed to access but if that is what it takes to ensure that our wildlife are healthy I am all for it!
dleo, I respect your opinion and I'm glad you posted. Can I ask you what are YOURE doing about any of it? I'm not trying to push you around, and I'm not suggesting at all that you actually have to get involved more than just posting on this board, but you make it sound like OTHERS should do something about it.

I'm guilty of making a lot of broad sweeping critiques, but I also am guilty of spending a great deal of time, money, and energy on the issues I discuss and propose. . . including shed hunting on public land. . .

Take care,
groundhog, me and you are thinking the exact same things. Thanks for the back up.

TFinalshot, I don't physically do as much to benefit wildlife as I used to, and I'm sure I could never do as much as you do. I'm really not in charge of that area. I feel like just one more screaming voice in the crowd. I've attended lots of sportsman group fund raisers and public input meetings and made lots of suggestions. I don't know how much impact my suggestions have on board members when they are also getting so much input from other special interests. I guess the bottom line for me is I don't feel like my opinion counts in the big picture, so why bother.
let me give you some good reasons. ive seen what atvs/shed hunters can do to a wintering area. where i shed hunt there used to be more than 1000 elk wintering there now there are only about 200 or so. the biggest problem is the atvs running the elk trying to get a horn to fall off during the chase. ive seen a ton of this happen over the years. so now the elk are staying higher in their summer ranges where food is less abundant. now there is the only awnser you should need. now awnser some questions for me. are you saying that this should be any diffrent than any other hunt out there? should they shut down the forest because the poor elk hunters cant go hunting yet? would it be right to open up all elk hunts in the rut when they are easy for you to hunt them? look at it like now you have to scout before season. or should they not let anyone in the forest? this is the best thing for the wildlife, they are not picking on the shed hunters. p.s. i would love for this to happen in AZ!
Did you turn those jackasses in? They were the problem. If you can eliminate those exact people from the winter grounds, the Elk will be fine.

Shed gathering is not the same as hunting. It is simply utilizing a renewable resource. No animal dies when you pick up a shed antler. Don't put a stop to shed antler gathering, put a stop to the real problem - ATV harassment.
for along time nobody cared, until now. when you used to talk to a forest ranger about these problems their awnser used to be "getr an atv" or "if we see them". this is no diffrent than anything else in the world, the few screw it up for the many. where i shed hunt it gets hit by hundreds of atvs every year even in the roadless areas. nobody seems to care, until now when they start resicting horn hunting.
I'll say this much. In all my posting i NEVER, EVER excluded myself in the mix. I am part of the problem if I'm in the field. I also very much pay attention to my presence in the field and I DONT NOT BOTHER WINTERING MULE DEER OR ELK. I do photograph some wildlife in the park settings where they are very much used to people, but those animals are not flightly and are not bothered by the modest presence of humans, unlike areas where the deer and elk are heavely hunted. so, sure I'm out there, but I dont shed hunt and I dont pressure elk and deer on winter rang, never have never will. . .

I also think I said I agree, shut it down to everyone if youre going to shut if off to one special interst group like shed hunters . . .

Looks like we all agree. . .

I also believe that that are a lot, i mean A LOT of people just like dleonard who tend to not get involved becasue they believe they are just another voice in the crowed. I cant argue with that and in my view, at no other time in my life can I remeber it so bad. This administration has shut down discussion and shut down debat on public lands.

Is Utah run by the new conservatives who call themselves republicans? Hum, I wonder if there's a connection.
just being out in the woods is not a problem neither is shed hunting if you treat the animals and land with respect. everyone has the right to enjoy the wilderness. i dont feel that the shed hunter who walks into an animal does that animal any harm. its when that animal cannot find shelter from too many hunters or atvs that harm is being done.
Someone on foot can push the deer around just as much as someone on a four wheeler. (unless the wheeler is intentionlly chasing the deer) So anyone's arguement that someone on foot does less harm than someone on a wheeler, I call bull! (again, unless the wheeler is pushing the deer intentionally) So anyone pointing the finger at 4 wheelers as the problem better take a good look at themselves, because if you are out walking around and pushing the deer, you are just as guilty. Remember, for every finger you point at someone, there are 3 pointing back at you (litarally and figuratively).
I have to agree with Non typical on the 4 wheelers. In most areas animals get used to them as long as they stay on the designated roads. You can drive right by animals and even stop to take pictures. It is when you stop, turn off the machine and get off that they get nervous. I think it goes without saying that the ones that are off road need a "tune up" from Bobcatbess! It is always a few bad apples that ruin it for everyone.
The same goes for hiking. When I run into animals I change direction (if they have seen me) and keep hiking. More often then not they will stay put, thinking that they are hidden from my view. Yes, I have heard the stories of horn hunters chasing animals in hopes that their antlers fall off. It doesn't sound like a very effective tactic. It is much more effective to watch from a ridge or two away through a spotting scope until they shed and then go pick em up.
The bottom line is that everyone needs to be responsible and more sensitive to wintering wildlife or we will all loose our priviledge to enjoy our public lands during critical time periods.
in my observation, that where animals are habituated to vehicles, people on foot or even quite, mostly non polutting bikes, often scare them more than 4x4's. I also think the biggest deal with atv's etc, is that some owners/operators cant/wont follow the rules so they give all of the atv's a bad name.

In some areas, I dont mind atv's they are a great warrning devise. But, in some areas atv's are just NOT acceptable. .

As per shed hunting and N.Utah, lock if up or let'em in, but if the shed hunters are getting picked on, than the shed hunters need to band together and make noise. It's no different that any other special interest group getting a bad rap because of a few on the fringe. . . At the end of the day, the law is the law, you break it, youre a law breaker. . .
if you guys would stay on the roads and quit tearing through the woods, yeah i would agree. people with atvs are either blind or are too dumb to realize what the are doing to our land. 100 people on foot or 100 people on wheelers whats more damageing? and yes it is that bad.

They just tried this last year in Colorado and attempted to ram it through fast. Here's what a bunch of us did...

First we kept an eye on the Wildlife Commission meetings and agendas. Then, when we saw that this was coming, we spread the word. I and a number of others sent comments in opposition to the proposal (no shedding till after March 30th on public lands) We stated all the same reasons that others have posted, for example, the fact that rabbit hunters can enter public land till February 28th and blast away, and apparently that won't disturb the deer or elk like a shed hunter would(duh)What were they thinking?

Bottom line is they dropped the idea, for now at least. Harassment laws are still in place, although the harassment law is clearly worded to prevent PETA and others from interfering with hunters, and really wasn't written to protect game during non hunting times. If that was the case, isn't hunting the most serious form of harassment? Can one or more hunters drive game towards another hunter? Isn't that harassment that ends in the death of the animal? Do pheasant hunters drive pheasants toward hunters?

Many sheds are picked up by Park Rangers, DOW, DNR, DWR, Fish and Game, etc. "Locals" who turn in shed hunters on public land are many times shed hunters themselves who are mad that others are on "their" lands. In Colorado, the biggest complainers are the Gunnison locals who are starting to see "their" public lands picked by "out-of-staters". What used to be theirs with no competition is suddenly gone and they don't like it.

It's only gonna get worse. Hunting and shedding as we know it today will be totally different in ten years, I'm afraid. More regulations is what we are gonna get unfortunately. I'm in my 38 year of hunting and fishing and it makes me sick that it has to be this way.
Are you kidding me???? They tear it up bad enough to ruin it for the rest of us. Except in southern Utah, nobody rides off of the roads down here. We all obey the laws. I don't think the state will have to create a stupid shed antler season down here.
ShedFreak, how naive can you be, I see every year around feb and mar huge ruts made out through sage brush flats were a atv went through during the melting season, those ruts dont just go away, and alot of sage brush gets killed this way to.
I honestly think there should be restictions on atvs to stay on the roads, and trails.
I have a atv and love riding it but I do most of my shed hunting on foot.
I also think they are a big help in retreving game, and it should be ok to use them for that.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.

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