NRA Mulling Reid Endorsement


Very Active Member
The NRA is strongly considering endorsing Senate Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) over Republican Tea-Party challenger Sharron Angle in the Nevada Senate race.Their reasoning-if Reid loses yet the Senate retains a Democrat majority the next Senate leader is likely to have a staunchly anti-gun agenda. Both Reid and Angle are pro-gun rights but the potential endorsement of Reid is angering many conservatives.

What is the opinion of the PF regulars of this potential endorsement?
If you think Reid is pro gun just because he helped secure the funding for a gun range in Nevada, I disagree with that broad statement. He is an F rated candidate when it comes to gun issues. I think it's a huge mistake for the NRA to endorse him as the best candidate. Reid needs to retire from his political career as well as plenty of others this fall.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-10 AT 11:33PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-10 AT 09:33?PM (MST)

The standard for grading polititians on gun issues is G.O.A. Sorry, I've been a member of the NRA for 25 years and though they are a strong voice of gun owners, they've become soft on the issues and have shown great trepidation about taking a hard stand in favor of gun rights for fear of being too pro gun. Their giving Harry "dip$hit" Reid a "B" grade is more proof of how far off they really are. The second amendment cannot be compromised and my belief is that the NRA is willing to do just that with some of the issues that we face.
>AT 09:33?PM (MST)

>The standard for grading polititians on
>gun issues is G.O.A.
>Sorry, I've been a member
>of the NRA for 25
>years and though they are
>a strong voice of gun
>owners, they've become soft on
>the issues and have become
>trepid about taking a hard
>stand in favor of gun
>rights for fear of being
>too pro gun. Their giving
>Harry "dip$hit" Reid a "B"
>grade is more proof of
>how far off they really
>are. The second amendment cannot
>be compromised and my belief
>is that the NRA is
>willing to do just that
>with some of the issues
>that we face.

Look at the rest of his agenda, just because he is pro gun, doesn't mean he is the best candidate. This guy is ultra liberal, and if you go with him, he'll screw you somewhere down the road. Wake up people, vote the bum out!
Thanks, Brownie.
I've been a member for about 40 years. If they endorse that fricken idiot reid I'm thinking they will be losing me for good! Screw reid he is a fricken piece of pelosi!


LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-10 AT 11:08PM (MST)[p]I'm with you nimrod. I just sent the NRA my email today letting them know if they endorse "Harry Hole" then they can consider my membership terminated. I told them it wasn't a threat, it was a promise. If anyone else is looking for a no compromise gun group to join, consider G.O.A. I've been with them for 10 years now and they have been an incredible voice for us gun loving, freedom loving Americans. A+ rating for sure!!
Actualy its people like the ones commenting on this that are the biggest danger to Americas hunting and gun owning heritage, all clildish emotion and no brains. The not so bright extremist, the classic embarrasment. you are the same group that would have hated T.R. because he was a progressive, and you would have loved his adversaries, the rape, plunder and pillage crowd. Harry is a great advocate for wildlife, hunters and gun owners. Now you better go listen to Rush, he will tell ya, that Harry is no good.
I'm an NRA member and my gut tells me them endorsing Reid seems to make no sense. BUT I can see their point about winning the battle and losing the war if a new Senate majority leader puts anti-gun legislation at the top of their agenda.Seems to me Reid and even Obama are content to leave us alone rather than awaken the sleeping giant-and that's the best we can hope for as long as democrats are in control.

So I'm not gonna drop my membership even if they endorse HR because I can see their strategy even if I don't agree with it.
Hey, Harry "piper" Reid. Do you think my decision was based on childish emotions an no brains? Look, the reason I may leave the NRA is based on this being the final straw. I've been a member long enough to see when they've caved to the opposition more than a time or two, and I'm finally fed up with their postions. You wouldn't know much about gun organizations because I'm sure you've never belonged to one. I still feel the NRA is a powerful voice, but my money can be better spent elsewhere on organizations that will not sleep with the enemy. When the other party decides to do that this marriage is over.

Look Piper, I'm sure your boyfriend has cheated on you many times and you continue to take him back. I just don't operate like you. In fact I don't even think like you at all(thank God). I'm sorry I hurt your feelings about ripping on your boy Harry, but you are aware that he belongs to a religious cult don't you. :)
You would think a guy as smart as him and Mitt Romney would have figured that out by now. :)
To heck with his religious beliefs, this guy is Obamas go to man. We don't need his kind in the capitol. Vote the BUM out!
Piper, you sure are a simple piece of work, sharp as a worn river rock and quick as cold lava!


Again, is there any real surprise about this to anyone?

The NRA has sold out and thrown all the other pro 2nd groups under the bus, backing Harry is ol' Pee Air's way of returning "favors", they have supported, and assisted, in the writing of gun control legislation over the last 70 plus years.

So this kind of knob jobbery should be expected.

"If it moves shoot it again"

All I have to say is that if Reid doesn't get re-elected, Chuck Schumer will likely be the new Majority leader.

I'd much rather have my homeboy Reid than a New York Jew (can I say that on this forum?).

Live free or die ? Nevada Badger
Old chuckie boy is about one of the worse anti gunners in congress and will push anti gun and anti hunting bills untill his rear end bleeds.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-10 AT 07:09AM (MST)[p]Actually rightwing icon Rudy was the scariest as far as gun rights go. I still haven't heard anyone give any examples of Reids anti gun anti hunting positions? just the same tired long winded garbage. Oh, I want more concentrated wealth, more tax cuts for the rich, more tough talk, and a completley collasped economy, Lets get Phil Grahm, Trent Lott, and Tom Trancedo more power, those guys really know whats up, Maybe Newt can force congress to listen to Rush every morning. Gotta Love Rightwingers , all emotion and no facts.
Appearently you didn't look at the link I provided in the earlier post. Here Piper I'll post it again for you. Do you know how to hit the link and look at Harry's voting record?

I would say 4 votes for gun rights 11 votes against gun rights clearly does not put him on our side.
Did you notice how John Ensign voted in favor of gun owners
15 out of 15 times?

Need more reasons to get him out?

Here's 44 more reasons.
quite impressive, except for the anti gun health care bill? and the campaign finance reform bill? I don't know what to think about that, strange.
...sorry to be the one to pull your panties out of your crack piper....but Rudy has never and will never be a "rightwing Icon".....he was just what your precious msm wanted to be be the right wings icon....he is less of a POS than Harry though...

You don't know what to think of the anti-gun health care bill?
That's because you, like many of the politicians that voted for it, don't even know what's in it. If you would have clicked on the health care bill you can see the details of why it is anti-gun. As for the anti-gun stimulus bill? That pertains to the money they will spend, between 12 and 20 billion to require your doctor to retroactively put your most confidential medical records into a government database. You can see what our government has already done to veterans by taking away their gun rights just for seeking psychiatric help. No doubt Obama and his cronies would try to do the same to us citizens. If you want to continue to defend Harry Hole's record go ahead but your not going to convince very many people that he's good for us gun owners.
I'll be the first one to admit I don't want to see Chuck Schumer or ##### Durbin lead the Senate but the NRA claims they give their endorsements off of candidates gun voting records, not all of the other issues combined. If they really do that, then they are breaking their own rules by endorsing Reid over Angle.
The NRA is banking on the "Lesser of two evils vote."
I still call it a sellout.
By the way did anyone notice that Piper didn't answer the question if he is a member of the NRA, or any gun affiliation for that matter? I'll bet he's a card carrying member of the NLC and probably the ACLU as well.

I also noticed I got sensored for using Richard Durbins first name that starts with a D and rhymes with chick.:)
I quit the NRA years ago when they went anti wilderness, a friend gave me a membership one time after that,but the anti wilderness thing soured me. I still think Rudy was the scary one as far as gun rights go. Maybe living in Wyoming makes me naive but there are so many battles to fight and I have only so much money and energy. The truth is the firearm fight is well represented and Its not one of my top worries right now.
So gun rights is not one of Piper's main worries right now. That along should be sufficent for him to butt his nose out on matters concerning firearm rights and firearm organizations that help to keep our rights under the 2nd.

What is you main worry right now Piper? Is it still getting a free ride on medical care and the goverment telling you how to put your pants on in the morning as payback.


Piper, when I asked that question about you and the NRA, I already knew the answer to it. You are more transparent then Obama and his libs are by a long shot.
Piper, believe me living in Wyoming IS NOT what makes you naive. What makes you naive is all that damned Kool-aid you keep drinking. Isn't it obvious that Harry Reid, along with Barbara Boxer have some serious election problems this time around. These two have been career senators with safe seats for a long time and now they will probably lose them because their policies are old and tired. It gets tiring hearing from you about how much Harry Reid did for hunters as if Angle will try to outlaw hunting or something. Harry Reid is shyt and needs to go bye bye. Just watch his campaign over the next few months as he tries to portray himself to be less of a lib than he really is in a desperate attempt to keep his seat. People like you Piper are what's wrong with this country because you are too dumb to see it.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
I don't see how the NRA can "not" endorse Reid. I despise him...but the NRA isn't a "partisan" organization. Reid has done what they ask. He has earned his grade....albeit by being able to because in the scheme of things his vote hasn't been needed by his team....

Just the way the world the POS out even if they endorse him. Take our chnces with Schumer. There is a chance that one of those worthless Republicans will be majority leader come January 2011...

The problem with people like Sharon Angle and the other republicans in Nevada is this, hunters and wildlife usually lose. I lived in Northern Nevada for many years and have watched as republicans nearly always back anti wildlife interests. A wealthy rancher who doesn't want elk competeing with his cattle for forage on public land, re-seeding native forage in burnt areas, water rights, access to public land, roadless areas. All those issues usually go down for losses to sportsmen when rightwingers get elected. Im sure some of you laugh and say fine, but to others those things mean a lot. Issues and how they play out are very different from state to state.
piper you certainly have a point there.Republicans have not proven to be very good conservationists over the past 50 years or so.Probably the best friend to hunters/outdoorsmen is a middle of the road conservative Democrat.

BUT there are other little minor issues like taxes,spreading the wealth,immigration,etc. to think about....
Uhh.. I think it's pretty safe to say that the environmentalists who are mainly liberal and vote for people like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are more of a threat than the Republican party at this point.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Uhh...I disagree if you are just talking about conservation issues.Republicans could give a crap.See Joe Barton apologizing to BP.

That's why I don't vote parties-I vote issues.
Get rid of reid now while we can. He is a worthless piece of pelosi! Bring on chucky boy. He's about a punk too. We can vote him out next! Don't run from your enemy, engage and eliminate.


Joe Barton was and is right...BP has been shaken down by the US government....they might be wrong and be the biggest danger to mankind ever....doesn't alter the fact that they were shaken down.....they have been a major source of prosperity on the gulf coast, that can't be denied...can it??

Shakedown my a$$.BP ain't paying a dime unless they think something is in it for them-in this case a little attempted good publicity and trying to stave off a governmnet takeover.

Jef I know you know better-and you know how the game is played.Can't believe you'd let party politics distract you.It's all about the $$$ boys-the only difference between a Republican and a Democrat is who it goes to-after they get their cut of course.

All this party crap is just a smokescreen to keep sheep occupied.Don't be a sheep boys...
I am not being partisan at all.....WTF does the US government think they are telling a private entterprise to pay for anything until it has been decided by a court that they indeed owe it???

You, as a lawyer should know that better than me.

I am not defending BP at all.....I am telling you how I feel about our heavy handed government...fricken royal thugs is what they have become.

All I'm saying is it was not a shakedown as BP would have made the court system work its course if they wanted to fight.They didn't want to fight-thus it could not have been a shakedown by definition.

Hell,even if it was a shakedown I'm glad it went in favor of the working man for once instead of vice-versa. Those people on the Gulf are hurting and BP is to blame(along with maybe some others).Nothing wrong with making them take responsibility. I'd rather the Gov't be "thugs" for people that are hurting instead of for companies like BP who could give a crap...
I should probably stay away from this political forum-it is not good for my blood pressure.

Cbeard, would it be the Republicans who have pushed BP and other oil companies so far out to sea that they have to drill in thousands of feet of water? This is not party politics dude. This is simple fact. The enviros are kicking this country in the nuts. Take California for instance and its water issue. Is it Republicans or Democrats who have stopped the flow of water putting thousands of people out of work? You might look up Barbara Boxer's stance on the water issue. I'm pretty sure a Goddamned smelt is not a conservation issue. Saying that Republicans don't give a crap is a retarded statement at best. I stand by my earlier statement that the environmentalists/liberal/democrats are much more of a threat to our guns/hunting/fishing than the Republicans.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
....or greedy crooked corporations.....they do not have the power to destroy people...the government does.

Jef it's OK buddy we agree on more than we disagree on I'm sure.And I am not talking about hunting or guns-the R's are closer to us on those issues.

But I believe any marginally fair-minded person would have to admit R's are not conservation or environmentally friendly. If big business wants to dig it up,mine it,graze it or drill for it the R's will help them do it-wildlife and wilderness be damned.Any feigned concern for the environment is just a smokescreen for the sheep.

Does "Drill,Baby,Drill!" sound familiar?

I believe obama also said that and two weeks later the Gulf Oil Spill happened. Poor obama, bad timing

CBeard, this entire thread is about guns. "NRA Mulling Reid Endorsement" certainly means guns and if the liberal democrats had their way, we would have none.

As far as conservation, I would much rather have Republicans help private enterprise use our natural resources to create jobs and offer products that people need than the Democrats using the ESA to shut everything down thereby killing jobs. In doing so, they shut down industry that is still necessary and then has to be imported from other countries which bolsters their economy and kicks ours in the nuts.

It's pretty simple, if there is no jobs for us, it really doesn't matter if we protect our environment because our broke asses won't really enjoy it anyway now will we?

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Republicans help private industry use natural resources to create jobs? The same private industry that exported millions of jobs to third world countrys in order to give hundred million dollar bonuses to CEOs and huge windfalls to stockholders? the same private industry that pressured congress to deregulate business then create companys like Enron and then turn around and create this great recession? Do you mean we have to exploit every acre of land in America in order to have a robust economy? I wonder how Germany does it? they have 80 million people living in a country the size of California, and unemployment is nearly half that of Californias. Interesting how forkedhorn claims we just need to open all the natural resources to exploitation so private industry can create jobs and we can all live in this wonderful utopia. You live in a rightwing fantasy world forked horn.
I guess I'm a Teddy Roosevelt Republican.And he's spinning in his grave at what his party has become as it relates to conservation.

Jobs can be created in many ways across a variety of spectra-service,industrial,commercial,retail,etc.

But when wilderness is gone,it's gone. And guess what? When those natural resources are gone,so are the jobs related to them.

And our addiction to oil & gas loses us more jobs and weakens us in so many other ways one can't list them all.I cannot stand the power the Middle East has over us because of oil.We cannot win the oil & gas game so we need to continue working towards the day we don't have to play it.
Unbelievable how stupid Piper is that he gives no blame to the Democrats for this recession. Apparently Piper thinks that our domestic oil production which employs thousands of Americans is somehow being outsourced to other countries. Apparently Piper thinks that California's water crisis is good for the agriculture industry. Hey Piper, maybe if you would not eat, your statement about us exploiting every acre of land would be a bit more credible. Please, start helping me understand your methodology by not eating or driving anymore.

I have never once said that we need to exploit every single acre of this country to gather natural resources but even you people admit that our dependance on foreign oil weakens us so please tell me how we are supposed to lessen our dependance on foreign oil if we don't drill our own. How are Obama's wind machines going to power your cars? We already have solar technology but it's just not practical for driving our vehicles. What else ya got? Biodiesel? LMAO what a joke. I have an idea. Why don't we all just go back to the horse and buggy days? Think of all the drill rigs we could shut down. Why don't you libs tell us what parts of the country we CAN exploit our natural resources from okay? Please Piper or CBeard tell us where we can drill and farm that will have zero impact on our environment.

Wait, let me get my Snickers, I'm sure I'll be here awhile.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
CA I'm not going to argue too much with one that won't be persuaded.

But Rs have fought alternative energy solutions,better gas mileage standards for cars, and conservation measures for 40 years-all the while saying these things won't work. Why? They are suck buddies for big oil. They have been the party of "No" on anything but oil and coal forever.You have learned the party line well.

But guess what? Cars get 3X better mileage than in the '70s,emit 1/10th the CO, and 20% of the electricity from my home state of TX now comes from wind.

Despite the fact that they said it couldn't be done.

We need people with ideas in this country,not naysaying lapdogs for big oil.I don't care what party they come from.

It is not just Rs guilty of that. Do a research on campaign funds given to democrats by big oil. Money has no boundries on which party to support.

As for the autos, I think it is safe to say that all the big auto unions and several makers are in Obama's pocket today.

We can all understand 20% of power coming from wind in the great state of texas. Ain't nothing bigger or better then Texas and Texans is there!!!

That last paragraph is to be taken as a punch you in the rib joke. I have several Texan friends that will give me hades and tell me what CA. is good for.


You certainly make some good points. I guess you can tell from my posts that my point is both parties and our political system is corrupt IMO.Therefore,the only meaningful progress to be made is on an issue by issue basis rather than blind loyalty to parties. I think the Tea Party movement is an example of many others who feel the same way but I'm afraid they are going to allow themselves to be cannibalized by the Republicans. I don't agree with everything they say but their approach to issues instead of parties is a good one I think.

And you are correct about D's getting big oil $$$ too but if you study it closely I think you'll find most of the money is given when they are in power/about to assume power to gain influence.Traditionally Rs have always been the party of big oil/big business-whether they are in or out of power.

And you auto example is interesting.I happen to think the auto industry bailout was one of the FEW times the system actually worked-both labor AND management gave big concessions.Why? They were about to go under which forced everyone to work together.They survived and are now paying the money back.

The bank bailout has worked too IMO. Why? Same reason. And that was GW Bush.

The "stimulus" giveaway? Not so much.

My point-when our representatives work on solving problems rather than posturing to keep or gain power we can do things.But they never seem to do it until we are at death's door-which is really scary when it comes to the national debt and the unfunded entitlement programs because I think we may be there but no one in government is willing to admit it.

And no offense taken about Texas.I think CA is one of the best states in the country if you carve out 2 or 3 cities-and I'm sure you can guess the ones I mean...


Can you explain exactly which money of the Auto Bailout is being paid back? As of today the only money paid back has been taken from other government funds giving the auto industry.

Also labor didn't give up much of anything as they got an equity stake in a new GM for which they paid ZERO. The people who got destroyed were the bondholders, whose claim in most normal bankruptcy is senior to labor.

If you think the auto bailout did anything except kick the day of reckoning down the road then good luck with that. If the UAW was not a guaranteed democrat vote they would have gotten nothing from the government. No equity stake for free, no bailout. The only labor the president cares about is union labor, the rest can pound sand.

The Republican certainly are not any better but they are not the ones who ran on hope and change. Also if policy flows from the Executive Branch how come more was not done during the Clinton Years? Both sides have held power and nothing really has been done about oil because the fact remains that oil is relatively cheap, period. Carbon based fuels are going to be used in this country for as long as anyone can predict.

If you believe big oils money has not influenced the democrats then you need to read some different material. Business by and large has always leaned right but most business people are pragmatic and will support those who support them, including democrats.

People like Piper who villianize private industry are clueless about what made this country great. The German economy has loosened regulations over the past 15 years because they realized the government was destroying business. Now they partner with business to promote the success of the private industry.

There is very little interest from the left to have successful private industry in this country. Businesses are looked at as evil, exploitive and also with bottomless pockets to pay for an ever larger government. Trying to keep the doors open and paychecks rolling is a daily struggle and when government adds the burden many decide it is not worth the headache or it is easier to deal with foreign labor sources where people actually want to work with the employer rather than get it given to them.

I lean right because I cannot find a single thing democrats have done to make it easier for me to hire and keep quality employees. I can think of a whole lot they have done to make doing business more burdensome and expensive.

It is not that I believe the Republicans are any better, I just that I believe they suck less the Democrats.

As for the NRA endorsing Reid, I could care less. I quit the NRA a couple of years ago over another issue which they got involved in and they don't need my money.

CBeard, I have to laugh as you say that I have learned the party lines well. You my friend, have so much Kool-Aid in your system that I think it is clouding your ability to see things that are fact. Nemont said it well as usual so I don't have to repeat it. It is not a matter of me not being persuaded. It is a fact that we need oil and we can get it either from our domestic supply or we can get it from the Muslims who hate us. So, until you and the other libs figure out how to mount wind sails to our vehicles, it'll be oil that gets us from point A to point B.

I'm very proud of Texas for getting 20% of it's electricity from wind but you are comparing apples to oranges dude. The biggest consumption of oil is in our transportation which has VERY little to do with electricity. Wouldn't it be great if we could all just plug in our cars and go wherever we wanted? I drive at least 100 miles a day and I'm pretty sure that it's going to be awhile before anything is invented that will power us like that that doesn't involve oil.

I'll ask you again to see if I get an answer. Where will you "conservationists" allow us to drill for oil? Where can we drill for oil that will have zero environmental impact? If your answer is 50 miles offshore in thousands of feet of water, then I would love for you to check out the environmental disaster taking place in the Gulf of Mexico. Glad I got my Snickers because I knew I would be here awhile.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
CA being from TX I think I know a little about oil. I've got 400 acres and have signed half dozen oil leases in my day.Have you? Ever dealt with an oil or gas driller or pipeline company?

You make my point-we CAN'T drill for oil without negative environmental impact. So let's at least try to get to the point where we don't have to drill any more or at least keep new drilling to a minimum.

You are not reading what I write.You call me a "lib" because it's easier to name-call than discuss issues. You act like oil is all there is. That's what big oil wants you to think.But THAT my friend is the Kool-Aid. You act like there are no alternatives when nothing could be further from the truth. You sound like the backbenchers in 1960 who said it was absurd to think a man could ever walk on the moon.

Ever heard of solar power? geothermal? Many European countries are gaining on energy independence already. Heck, GM is coming out with a commercially viable all-electric car THIS YEAR. Millions of hybrid vehicles are already on the road. You may have seen them.

Actually I am a conservative.But I don't believe name-calling,obstructionism, and a stone-age mentality will accomplish anything. But that's mostly what I see out of people who call themselves conservative these days.Conservatism is not a philosophy anymore-it's just a label used to establish battle lines.
whoever needs villianizing should be villianized, be it Freddie mac and Fannie Mae or Enron and AIG. I lean left because the left is more for the common blue collar worker, more friendly to the environment, and the lefts policys are less destructive to the long term economic situation. Its no coincidence that the economy collapsed not long after 6 years of complete republican control. Deregulation, policys that promote economic disparity, and just plain promotion of greed and stupitity , those are the hallmarks of the modern rightwing. Dems are nearly as bad, and our whole representive political system is very flawed.
Oh boy... I see that the minds are so simple around here. Okay, first of all while as I stated before, transportation is where our major consumption of oil is, it is not the only industry that oil plays a major factor in. I would think a person from Texas who is SO involved in the oil business would know that many, many products are made from oil which means that again, WE EFFING NEED OIL DUDE!

Who gives a rat's ass if GM is coming out with a commercially viable electric vehicle. Is everyone supposed to just stop driving the ones they already have and go buy some electric pile of crap that costs way too much? Do you really think this commercially viable electric vehicle will haul heavy loads cross country without a recharge? Hell no! So all the truckers are going to drive a few hours, charge a few hours, drive a few hours, charge a few hours? LMAO! Can you imagine how much shipping costs will go up when companies have to pay their drivers to sit and wait for a charge? Will these commercially viable electric vehicles be able to dig ditches, farm lands, hoist things, etc. etc.

And how are those Toyota Prius's working out for people when their battery needs to be replaced? Oh I know they should have saved all the money they were saving in gas to afford a new battery huh?

Don't get me wrong here dude. I'm all for alternative energy sources. You talk about solar which has been out for a very long time and how many solar powered cars do you see driving down the road? Hell, solar is great for houses, I even install solar systems on houses occasionally but guess what, even with government credits and utility rebates, it is pretty damned expensive for most people.

My point in this whole entire discussion is that we are going to need oil for a long damn time. So once again, I will ask my simple question and sit back with ANOTHER Snickers and wait for you to tell me where the "conservationists" are willing to allow for oil drilling. I detect a little hypocrisy with people who are all about "conservation" and protecting our environment and then they jump in their cars and drive somewhere. So, again where is it that you "conservasionists", knowing that we need oil, will allow oil companies to drill?

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
This is funny watching you go off the handle and rant in extremes forked horn. Every time a new innovation like electric cars or improved battery technology kicks in is a good thing, having households with two car garages and solar panel roofs charging batteries so the occupant can pull in at night and have fully charged electric car the next morning would really help with the coming post peak oil period, yea big trucks and tractors still need oil, but taking the pressure off to keep providing more and more oil from harder and harder to get places would really be a good thing. It can happen and will probably take help from the government , but people should remember the hidden cost of oil is much higher than the pump price.
Regulation is needed however the left almost always doesn't know when to stop. Example HCB now will require me to 1099 any vendor that I spend more then $500 with in a given year. Any idea how many vendors business have or do you even care? As long as you can regulate you are fine with it.

The Wall Street reform bill keeps intact the to big to fail plan and does not break up the big bank. At the same time the casinos remain intact inside the big banks and they make money on trading notional values of notional things derived from the value of a real thing. Regulation without any reason is more destructive to business, tax revenue and the economy then deregulation was.

Instead of embracing small business, new business and businesses that are expanding the democrats in the White House are destroying those businesses by continuing to remove certainty. Business in this country is sitting on nearly $2 trillion in cash because nobody knows what the rules are any more or they don't know what kind of idiotic regulations the rule makers are going to come out with next. Every day on the news the President is on telling anyone and everyone that business is evil. Good luck having a middle class in this day and age when business can pick up a phone and move their production somewhere it is appreciated. Or where those with the money can simply choose not to play the game anymore.

The problem in the economy was built over a 40 year period with both equal imputs from the democrats and the republicans. Both chase after and profit from big corporations. Remember if all the blame is placed with the President: It was a Democrat who signed NAFTA, signed the bill ending the Glass-Steagal Act, and completely ignored Aghanistan while al Qaeda planned an attack on our country.

Deregulation was alive and well throughout the 1990's and alot of the structural imbalances and policies that lead to all the malinvestment were promolgated by a Democrat ran White House. Bush let it explode but Clinton lit the fuse. The problem is that Obama wants to fight the fire with gasoline.

I'm not here to defend Reid, but?

This is an outdated link to the top 10 anti-gun senators: (i love the Dead Kennedys)

Please look at #1 & #2 ? if Reid doesn't get re-elected we will have to deal w/Durbin or worse yet ? Schumer as new Senate Majority Leader!!!! All three choices suck, but?

?and I'm sorry; it just doesn't look like the Dems will loose control of the Senate.

live free or die ? Nevada Badger
That if fine if we are all one issue voters. 2nd Amendment rights are very important however there are so many other issues that Harry Reid is on the wrong side on that it does make sense to reelect him. I see his back from the dead in the polls because they put up an almost unelectable candidate against him.

If the progunners pick up more seats then no antigun legislation would get through any way. You have to have 60 votes for cloture.

Angle is a constitutionalist, whats wrong with that?

Reids been running ads taking pieces of Angles speeches, putting them together to make an ad and make her look bad. And believe me, they look bad. He got into trouble with a couple of em and had to take em off the air. I have not seen one Angle ad on tv yet. I think she's waiting until closer to the election because she doesn't have the 10 million warchest Reid has. Yep, 10mil, ole Harry's bought and paid for. If Nevadans re-elect Reid, they are the biggest bunch of retards on planet earth imo.
According to this article Reid is going to spend between 20 and 25 million on his campaign.

?Tea party' favorite Sharron Angle takes aim at Harry Reid?
'Tea party' favorite Sharron Angle's challenge of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid includes controversial positions, statements, and affiliations that GOP leaders are having to scrub, explain, or make excuses for
Date Published: June 19, 2010

Publication: Christian Science Monitor

Author: Brad Knickerbocker

In his uphill race to hold onto his seat as Senate Majority Leader, the best thing beleaguered Harry Reid has going for him seems to be his Republican opponent.

Sharron Angle is a favorite of the burgeoning ?tea party? movement. But she brings with her fight to enter the political big time a set of controversial positions, statements, and affiliations that GOP leaders are having to scrub, explain, or make excuses for.

Still, a Rasmussen Reports poll of likely Nevada voters last week had Angle ahead of Reid by a substantial 50-39 percent ? as much a reflection of Reid?s unpopularity as a four-term Washington insider as anything else.

Reid, quite naturally, is keeping the focus as much as possible on Angle.

?She may be the only Republican alive Harry Reid can beat,? Eric Herzik, chairman of the political science department at the University of Nevada-Reno, told the Associated Press.

Take her recent comments on ?the right of the people to keep and bear arms,? the powerful gun lobby and its millions of supporters? favorite amendment to the US Constitution.

Citing Thomas Jefferson?s notion about the periodic need for revolution, Angle told conservative talk radio host Lars Larson: ?If this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies.? She's said essentially the same thing in other venues.

Whether or not Angle is actually suggesting armed opposition to political opponents, she's also associated herself with some of the tenets of the ?Oath Keepers,? a controversial group that claims a membership of law enforcement officers and active duty military personnel ready to disobey any ?orders to disarm the American people? (among other things).

At a press luncheon this week, former House majority leader ##### Armey (R) of Texas suggested that Angle (who was member of the Nevada State Assembly for eight years) probably regrets her comments about any need for ?a Second Amendment remedy? to a Congress led by the likes of Harry Reid.

?People in the public arena are often going to say things they wish they hadn't said,? Armey told reporters. ?I'll bet you five minutes after she said that, she said ?Dang! I wish I hadn't said that?.?

On her visit to Capitol Hill this week, Republican leaders hustled Angle between closed-door meetings, avoiding journalistic entrapment.

Sen. John Cornyn (R) of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, found himself having to explain why Angle had once been a member of the Independent American Party, founded in Nevada (according to its website) because ?the Republican Party was growing too corrupt and socialistic.?

Meanwhile, Angle?s campaign is hustling to put its own spin on her history.

?Until just a few days ago,? reports Politico, ?you could find Sharron Angle?s policy positions on her campaign website ? even ones as controversial as pulling the country out of the United Nations, privatizing Social Security and abolishing the Energy and Education departments. But no more?. her website has been scrubbed.?

Now, the main message on Angle?s website is a bid to raise $1 million in campaign funds. She'll need that and a lot more. Reid plans to spend between $20 million and $25 million on his reelection campaign.

But at this point, Angle ? riding the wave of tea party enthusiasm for ousting establishment incumbents ? appears to have at least an even chance of beating Reid.

"Angle can be competitive simply because a big part of this race is about Reid," Jennifer Duffy, senior editor of the Cook Political Report told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. But as for Reid, Ms. Duffy added, ?He must feel like it's Christmas. He got exactly the candidate he wanted, someone with a record that provides plenty of fodder to exploit."

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