Yes but an even better message would be why would you use that language and have a child use it (if it's the unedited version) I didn't click on it. Think our values aren't eroding a bit here's proof! That's a commercial that the Democratic party should be proud of and goes hand in hand with the commercial about the guys wife that died because Romney's Bain capitol killed her by laying him off. Then we're promising free educations, forgivemenss of student loan debt, free cellphones and yet we can't even aford to pay the utility bill in the White House. Now that's a guy we need to elect for being honest with the American people a real leader. I have a better question Zigga are you dumb enough to fall for it or are your values so poor that you condone his actions? Which is it because we're all dying to hear how these messages are so right and were wrong! Has it dawned on you that your own candidate has you picking up the tab for all these things with your donations or tax dollars?
I could have written your response almost word for word. You rightys are amazingly predictable.

Classic response.
Is this the ZIgga that is into pornography and selling off Asian women to old fart conservatives? Dang...must be someone else I'm thinking of??
Perfect example of celebrity worship. America is now so dumbed down that celebrities influence them.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Was he fear mongering zigger?

>Was he fear mongering zigger?

You mean like:

they're gonna take your guns away!?
Barry's a muslim!?
they're weak on terrorism!?


I could go on but I don't have all day. I think Sam pointed out recent history instead of chicken little bs.
democratic party has stooped to a new low with this one. They truly don't have any class.


Can we update this forum so posting with a
phone is easier?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-12 AT 12:30PM (MST)[p]Zigga why would you support a party that banned mountain lion hunting in Ca and has worked to get the ban enacted in other states. Then to take it one step further why would you support a party that formally went after the President of the CA Fish & Game commission when he legally killed a mountain lion in another state and they wanted him removed from the job simply because he killed a lion. Seems to me when we start going after good people who took an animal lawfully and complied with the laws because it opposes our beliefs that things are getting out of hand. So what's next throwing a guy in jail or firing him because he shot an AR in another state because your state had a ban on them? It's time for you to wake up Skippy these are the types of things democrats are doing to people.... somehow I think their beliefs are getting in the way of peoples rights? Isn't that something the ACLU would take up yet didn't why? Hmmmm
>AT 12:30?PM (MST)

>Zigga why would you support a
>party that banned mountain lion
>hunting in Ca and has
>worked to get the ban
>enacted in other states. Then
>to take it one step
>further why would you support
>a party that formally went
>after the President of the
>CA Fish & Game commission
>when he legally killed a
>mountain lion in another state
>and they wanted him removed
>from the job simply because
>he killed a lion. Seems
>to me when we start
>going after good people who
>took an animal lawfully and
>complied with the laws because
>it opposes our beliefs that
>things are getting out of
>hand. So what's next throwing
>a guy in jail or
>firing him because he shot
>an AR in another state
>because your state had a
>ban on them? It's
>time for you to wake
>up Skippy these are the
>types of things democrats are
>doing to people.... somehow I
>think their beliefs are getting
>in the way of peoples
>rights? Isn't that something
>the ACLU would take up
>yet didn't why? Hmmmm

Because mountain lions are all that matter. Romney is a huge supporter of mountain lions and that is where he is focusing his campaign. LMAO!!!

There's extremes on both sides and Barry's agendas are not focused on saving mountain lions and killing hunters. I could give a horses a$$ what California does. I can't vote there so that is your battle. That is fortunately not something our state dems are doing in my state. Our state dems actually hunt or know about hunting.

I try to focus on reality vs make-believe but you rightys are always in Mr. Rogers neighborhood. Tell him hi for me.
Zigga I don't live in Ca. either but I do happen to know what my party's up to. Why don't you try getting informed about what's going on nationally not just where you live. Funny thing they actually use examples of laws passed in other states to support their agenda and help sway voters and show support. If you really try to look at reality then you'd understand such things. I remember a while back you told me I was all wet when I told you an organization you thought didn't support the antis actually did and I was right. go figure!

When you're not informed enough to realize what you're party's actually doing when there are a few hundred examples of it, I can't help you. Look at the voting on HR4089 on this forum then tell me how wrong I am. Why would they oppose a bill to allow hunting? Notice how many democrats voted against the Hunting Heritage Bill then tell me that doesn't have any bearing nationally. So what happens if an antihunting bill gets passed nationally by your party even though your rep voted against it? Oops it effects you anyway doesn't it. WOW, I guess you really understand the system don't you. Keep dreaming Zigga, because while you're supporting them they're taking away your rights to hunt and you're enabling them with your vote...... The republican party is introducing & supporting bills like this and the dems.... well lets just say they're not doing anything to enhance your days in the field. That's a reality that's right there in black and white Zigga let's see you dispute it. That's reality Zigga supported by fact. Maybe it's time you take your commericials advice WTFU.
Ziggy, did your state democrats support HR4089 or did they vote against it? And how are your Senators going to vote on it when it reaches the Senate for voting? That would be a true test as to where your politicians stand on hunting rights.

Jackson is a huge racist...After he said he voted for Obama only because he is black...He will never get my money for his movies. Racism is alive and well because of people like Jackson.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-12 AT 06:21PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-12 AT 06:18?PM (MST)

Boskee--Why do you support a party that had TWO presidental contenders who had plans to sell the public land? explain this please? Santorium was a real contender for the republican nomination, this isnt a California thing, this is a presidental thing, where I live its the republicans that attack public land hunting, not the democrats, in fact our former governer (a dem) was well known for his very pro hunter and pro sportsmen stance on every issue.

Whats more important to you? a California bobcat and bear law? or a president who openly says he will push to sell public land?
You best get your priorities straight buddy
Piper, you better get your priorities straight. Your party of choice is working overtime to ban hunting and you will not need that public land unless you are a granola crunching trail walker that will use it.
Let's just see how your favorite majority party in the senate does with HR-4089 to preserve hunting rights. I bet it will get placed on a back burner to die, or get defeated by a majority of democrats that control the senate. If by a miracle it gets pass the senate, are you naive enough to believe that Obama will sign it into law. $hit! you probably are that naive.

Members of Anti hunting groups, extreme environmentalists, Peta, the VAST majority are left wingers.
These are the people the Democrats ally them selves with. The occupy group was encouraged by the democrats.
This is the party of the trial lawyers.
You guys are delusional if you think they would support yor gun ownership or hunting rights.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Im not worried about losing my hunting, I will be long dead before that happens.
I haven't heard any comments from presidental candidates regarding the loss of hunting, but I did hear some other things, so I still want to hear an explaination from Boskee about your party of choice.

I imagine HR-4089 is another stupid election year ploy.
>Im not worried about losing my
>hunting, I will be
>long dead before that happens.
> I haven't heard any
>comments from presidental candidates regarding
>the loss of hunting, but
>I did hear some other
>things, so I still want
>to hear an explaination from
>Boskee about your party of
>I imagine HR-4089 is another stupid
>election year ploy.
Ryan was just saying yesterday that he supports hunters and the right to bear arms.
The occupy movement is long overdue, I just wish they could be more organized and effective, as the concentrated wealth in this country is a huge threat to our long term economc health and well being.
Urban areas are where these so called threats to hunting and gun rights come from, and thats where the dems are the strongest, thats no surprise.

I said this before but where I have always lived its the republicans that are usually antisportsmen and antiwildlife when compared to the dems.

I don't even own a pistol and admit that public land is far more important to me than owning a semi auto assault rifle, not that I see either issue as threatening anytime soon.
The Sagebrush rebellion was enough to turn me away from repubicans years ago. If I have gun rights and no place to hunt then that's a problem. The repubicans would sell their mother if she was worth anything. The maintream pubicans are more of a direct threat than some lowlife CA extremist freak. Spin it all you want.....I'm not listening. So go ahead.
>The occupy movement is long overdue,
>I just wish they could
>be more organized and effective,
>as the concentrated wealth in
>this country is a huge
>threat to our long term
>economc health and well being.
>Urban areas are where these so
>called threats to hunting and
>gun rights come from, and
>thats where the dems are
>the strongest, thats no surprise.
> I said this before
>but where I have always
>lived its the republicans that
>are usually antisportsmen and antiwildlife
>when compared to the dems.
>I don't even own a pistol
> and admit that public
>land is far more important
>to me than owning a
>semi auto assault rifle,
>not that I see either
>issue as threatening anytime soon.
Your a lib and proud of it
Piper, so you support the Occupy movement?



Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
This is a hunting forum by hunters and for hunters. Piper and Ziggy you have shown that you in reality do not support hunters by backing a party that will suppress or do away with hunting. Maybe it is time for both of you to leave this forum and find one that supports your true anti hunting and anti gun stance.
Piper I also do not own any black rifles, but I support the right of persons to own one if they wish.

Ziggy you never answered my question about your state's democrats in the house if they voted for or aganist HR-4089. You are the one that bought up the issue about your democrats supporting hunting rights.
My representive in CA. voted for support of HR-4089, but of course he is GOP and not anti gun democrat.

RELH- Most hunters on here hunt public land, especially for monster mulies, so maybe you should go on a Texas or Eastern whitetail hunting forum? since you support the party that has top presidental candidates, governers and congressmen that what to privatize public land.
You all realize that the Tea Party and the Occupy movement flow from the same thing, right?

Scare tactics are what they are. I don't know how anyone can support either candidate. Romney isn't going to change anything and Obama simply cannot lead, he doesn't have it and never will. Obama doesn't have long enough coat tails to deliver the House and make Pelosi the speaker again and there will never be 60 votes in the Senate to do anything.

I really don't care if you don't like Republicans, love the Democrats, if you can honestly believe a 2nd Obama term is going not be ugly you are smoking crack, period. Just the economic turmoil coming is going to kneecap Obama and he will have a very long and unsuccessful lame duck term.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-12 AT 02:45PM (MST)[p]Piper Both parties have sponsored selling off lands because it takes congressional approval to do so. Now why don't you explain to us why the democrats are opposing a bill like HR4089? I'll bet you and Zigga didn't even know it existed until I posted it up. What's the matter Piper you seemed shocked that your party would want to take away your rights to hunt. Kind of hard to dispute the facts isn't it. Think Obama gave grant money to organizations that oppose hunting?

Nemont you hit the nail on the head! But that's not to uncommon for you :)
no Boskee only one party has put forth bills to sell of large percentages of the public land, and things like the sagebrush rebellion don't belong to the democrats, sorry but thats the way it is.

I don't know what the hunting bill is,or what its supposed to accomplish , it must be election year ploy by the republicans, because hunting is not under attack.
I havent heard of any presidental candidates talk about banning hunting, just because some ATV roads get closed doesn't mean the end of hunting.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-12 AT 09:48PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-12 AT 09:35?PM (MST)

This is almost hilarious. Piper not only has the blinders on, he now has cow manure stuffed in his ears and a stick up his rectum and still plodding along to the tune the democrats play for him.
Piper why don't you read what HR-4089 is about and maybe you might guess it may protect some of your hunting rights on a national level. Or are you afraid that you may relize just how much your Democrat politicians are screwing you over as a hunter?
Talk about being deaf & dumb and even screwed and too afraid to even admit it. A true democrat liberal to the bone!!!!!

Piper, unless you afraid to do so, take your little fingers and type on your computer key board, HR-4089 summary, and you can read what it says about this bill will do to protect your hunting rights & shooting-fishing rights on public land. I have read it and it is a good bill for sportsmen.
Then after you read the summary and if you feel it is a good bill, and not toe the democrat line of B.S. type in HR-4089 voting and see who is against this bill and who is for it in the house vote. I am waiting to see what the Senate does with it with old Harry Reid at the helm. He has claimed to be a friend of the sportsman in the pass, but I would not put it pass him to stick this bill on the back burner to die a slow death. Have fun Piper and please do not commit suicide because your party sold your butt down the drain.
Piper, so you support the Occupy movement Communists and you truly believe that our right to hunt is not under attack.

This explains much.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
He talk's hunting and I have asked him to show a few pics but I think his true colors are finally showing.

You need to read how Jon Tester proposed to "pay" for the water compact with the Fort Peck Tribes. Tester is a Democrat and he wants to swap 24,000 acres of public lands in the Grinnell Notch to "pay" for the water compact.

These lands currently are open to public hunting and have prime elk habitat plus offer some spectacular hiking and camping opportunities.

If you believe it is only Republicans trying to trade away public lands you are not being honest.
Piper you're so misinformed it's pathetic and that's part of our problem with this mess. It's time for hunters to get up and do a little research. You can talk a good game but there are tons of bills brought about in the states by the dems to support my position on the matter. If you're going to take somebody on on something it's wise not to involve a guy that's actually been fighting the fight as their opponent. You're your own worst enemy on this subject because you don't know what's been going on only drinking the koolaid.

This is going on under your nose by the guys you're voting for so wake up, it's not a mirage, it's not a rumor, it's REALITY. It's a series of steps all calculated to eliminate your ability to hunt freely and utilize our recreational lands by deterring your ability. When they create enough deterrence the endusers stop participating. Look at the collective effort not the single bill angle that's how they make it appear that they're not doing much. 20-30 years of this adds up to quite a few restrictions on many fronts.

Now did they honor the original agreements on the wolves? No They kept changing things didn't they!! wake up Piper That's exactly what they're doing here in multiple states on multiple issues. HR4089 doesn't hurt a thing so why would they oppose it? Read the links Piper, the hardest thing to unlock is a closed mind. Do you honestly think any Presidential candidate is going to openly talk about banning hunting yet we have a party whose actions support this conclusion on this bill and many others? If it wasn't a party issue why are they doing this piper the people aren't asking them to restrict hunting so why is it going on? Politics is a business founded on the illusion of public support yet 99% of all laws get passed without the publics approval. Still think a party agenda doesn't matter?
Piper, this is how your President works, turn up the sound.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Come on Boskee, Do you remember TomTrancredos (R Co) bill to sell off 15% of forest service land and 15% of BLM land? cosponsered by By Butch Otter(R Id) and Barbara Cubin (R Wy) among others, It was a bit more than 24 thousand acres.
Do you remember Rick. Santorums speech about selling the public land?

Boskee, I imagine the current hunting bill is a back door antiwilderness bill, I havent read it, but they usually are.

I live a few miles from over a million acres of designated wilderness so you can save your hot air about no access, I know better and am a big fan of wilderness areas, in Arizona too as I have hunted several wilderness areas in that state.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-12 AT 12:58PM (MST)[p]Is Rick Santorum running for the Presidency? Did the Tancredo bill pass? The Tester bill is going to pay for a compact with public lands, if a Democrat can use public lands to pay a debt incurred by our federal government what will stop Republicans? You give a pass to an actual bill that is moving forward but worry about a former candidate that didn't get nominated and a bill that didn't pass. That is pretty hypocritical.

Which side is stirring up fake fear to get votes?

I've said it before and I will say it again. Piper and Ziggy are the enemy of sportsmen, no matter what they claim. They should be treated as the enemy they are. No one, and I mean no one will be able to sway their pea brain idiot minds to open their eyes.

Agreed! Just ignore their posts...

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!

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