Obama and abortion


Very Active Member
I don't spend a whole lot of time on the politcal forums but I recently watched a special on TV where Mcain and Obama were being interviewed about religion and moral issues. The following question was asked to both Mcain and Obama: At what point do you believe life begans? Mcain said without hesitation, at conception. Obama pauses for a few seconds and says, "to answer the specificity of that question is above my pay grade". What kind a BS answer is that? Frig, just answer the question.

I like that Mcain chose Palin. There is no doubt where she stands on abortion and the important issues. She just gave birth to a down syndrome baby and statistics show that 80% of women who are pregnant with a down syndrome baby will abort it. This lady has class and good old fashion values. She is a breath of fresh air.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-30-08 AT 01:03PM (MST)[p]Palin makes no bones about her positions. She doesn't hedge, she doesn't evade, she tells it right away and straight. You may not agree with her positions, but she tells you like it is.

Now, here is an interesting point. I understand that under some specific condition, as governor of Alaska, Palin enforced or dropped a protest about something that essentially supported abortion. You'll have to look that up for further details. The point is, as Governor she is charged with applying the law, independently of her personal opinion. In the case in point, she applied the law contrary to her personal views and opinions on abortion. As far as I'm concerned, that's as it should be.

With respect to Obama's dodge, he is pro-abortion and considers that question irrelevant. For Obama, I'm guessing, an abortion at any time before the baby is born and is breathing outside the womb is AOK with him. That's up to him -- that is his decision -- but he ought not to dodge the question. I think people to whom this question matters, however, are entirely capable of reading between the lines and interpreting that answer. Similarly with gun rights. When Obama says "Don't tell me we can't have the second amendment and keep AK-47s out of the hands of criminals!" I'm sure people to whom the second amendment is vital are able to interpret that -- Obama will reintroduce/sign into law a renewed assault weapons ban, wherein the definition of what comprises an assault weapon will be expanded and extended to expand the class covered by the term "assault weapon" even further beyond what it originally was. I mean, people aren't as stupid, ignorant, illiterate, and bone headed as elite Harvard educated lawyers are apt to dismiss them as being.
I guess that is why Palin is a breath of fresh air. She doesn't use phrases like "that is above my pay grade". It's cut and dry with her, and shows pepole just what she is made of.There is no ambigous pre-rehearsed phrases that leave americans wondering where she really stands.

America is tired of the old washinton politics of dancing around the question and Obama seems to be a pro at this.

Seems like the liberals have to serve up the pro choice agenda just right or it's a tough sell.

obama is for abortion at any time including and exceeding birth. He is has repeatedly voted against banning partial birth abortion....i.e. going into labor child comes out head last and before fully out brains vaccumed out... he has also voted for a law which makes it legal to kill a child that is fully born that has, dispite the efforts, survived abortion attempts. Hows that grab ya?!

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
Something from me just demands that to run this country it would be nice to have a bit of moral fiber rather than just deteriorating society. Not only is he unqualified but a sick sick person.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
Dude-please tell me you don't think it is Ok to stick a scalpel in the brain of a living breathing child after it comes out or to leave it to die with no assistance or support. I have no issue with abortion in the first trimester but I think you and Obama are murderers if you think that is OK to do.
First off in most cases that this is done the mother's life is in danger or there's another good reason. I myself can't see late term abortion as being ethical anytime but under special circumstances such as that, but it's not up to me, if it's legal then who am I to say.

I still find it ironic the people who cry the loudest about abortion also are the ones who cry the loudest about the expense of welfare, health care and the other social programs required to raise unwanted and neglected kids. in a perfect world abortion wouldn't be needed, but we don't live in a perfect world, and we never will.
Are you saying that you feel that any woman who is on welfare and gets pregnant, should be made to have the child aborted?

The same liberals that want to allow unborn babies to be killed are the same one's that want to outlaw hunting....saves the wolves, the deer, and all the cute lil critters but lets let people kill babies. Boy does that make a lot of sense.

>Are you saying that you feel
>that any woman who is
>on welfare and gets pregnant,
>should be made to have
>the child aborted?


Just think if his parents had believed in abortion........

RELH leave it to you to read that into what I said, are you doubting that poor women on welfare don't have more than their share of the abortions in this country?

The facts are all the kids that are aborted are unwanted, DUH. if they're unwanted they're more likely to not have the best start in life or the best chances of any kid around, DUH. I'm not saying all abortions are by welfare women I'm saying those are the ones with the most needs, and the ones you whine the loudest about helping.
Dude, I told you once that welfare women are not the majority of the women that elects to have a abortion, they consider the kid money in the bank from liberals like you. Just how dense are you?
Get back on your tractor and plow a field and maybe if you think long enought, you might just be able to comprehend what was said to you. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am Pro Choice.

I have always felt a woman should have the choice whether to have sex or not.

After that it is all about personal responsibility, something the libs seem to think is not necessary anymore.

People should be responsible for their actions.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-01-08 AT 11:09PM (MST)[p]Have any of you ever heard of the supreme court? Roe V Wade says it's legal so who cares what you think?

I'm well aware your agenda is to change that to impose your will on others but it's not looking so good, if Obama wins the appointments he may have a shot at will put you off for the rest of our lives. that's the most positive thing I've found about an Obama presidency so far.

Minding your own business, what a concept.
>I am Pro Choice.
>I have always felt a woman
>should have the choice whether
>to have sex or not.
>After that it is all about
>personal responsibility, something the libs
>seem to think is not
>necessary anymore.
>People should be responsible for their


"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
Just like with the recent supreme court decision on gun ownership having Roe V Wade is so comforting when arguing with with knuckleheads and zealots.

Whine on boys, the high court has the anti gunners and the church ladies both on screwed list. life is good.
>AT 11:09?PM (MST)

>Have any of you ever heard
>of the supreme court? Roe
>V Wade says it's legal
>so who cares what you
> I'm well aware your agenda
>is to change that to
>impose your will on others
>but it's not looking so
>good, if Obama wins the
>appointments he may have a
>shot at will put you
>off for the rest of
>our lives. that's the most
>positive thing I've found about
>an Obama presidency so far.
> Minding your own business, what
>a concept.

And another thing his potential appointees will do will put off gun owners off all types for the rest of our lives.....and your okey dokey with that? seriously to argue for this guy is insane.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln

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