Obama pandering again?

Well they did give us Al-Jebra founder of Algebra not sure that's a good or bad thing. A lot of medical advances including the first vaccines. A lot of different Architect junk with building domes and archways. Some literature that people smarter than I read. Pretty cool stuff if you every get to Spain visit the Al Hambra in Grenada.

You Asked!
Three tries, yet not one positive attributable asset being benefitial to the USA by any islamic group...
Guess the POTUS really doesn't know what is coming out of his mouth without a teleprompter...

Stop Global Whining
Islam is still stuck in the 8Th century, sine America was founded until the late 18th century I'm not sure how Islam has helped America in any direct/indirect way(s). Unless learning how to cut off people's heads and strap bombs to oneself is beneficial.


So is it better to try to get along with them or just puss out and say we hate them and we don't want to try? why not try? if we fail we're right back where we are now. nowhere

Wasn't Iraq supposed to be the front line in our war with muslim terrorist? wasn't it all supposed to play out there and end this war of good and evil? hows that working out for ya? we aren't ever going to pull a boner like that again.

China and Russia aren't going to loan us the money to wage genocide on Muslims and stupid vetures like Iraq only make it worse. the muslims aren't going away , the more we try to get along and the less we have to do with them the better off we are.
Ransom that's what I like about you. I was incorrect. I was thinking of Avicenna started vaccinations he is considered the father of modern medicine not Hippocrates as some believe. He was more involved in clinical pharmacology, and clinical trials of medicine. As well as cataract operations. I've got a book on it somewhere not that I can send you a book but here's a web-site that alludes to it. There are many more because I know this is Wikipedia and I don't always trust it. Too many hours of work I'll look up some more when I get a chance

How does pandering help us get "along with them"? Why repeat the same mistakes others in the past have made like Carter?

No, Iraq was supposed to be ONE of the fronts on the war on terror. Did we only attack the Axis in WWII on one front or on multiple fronts? What is so hard to understand about that? Was it a 'mistake'? Perhaps, but what is worse, doing nothing but tell them we are the bad guys while they build up weapons to destroy us with, or hitting them right in the face and making them scramble?

We shouldn't be borrowing money from Russia/China for ANY cause(s)! If we kept our money here on OUR energy, kept from putting multiple entitlement programs into place, kept from funding other economies/governments, we would not be in 99% of the messes we are in!

But LYING to Muslims and telling them we are their friends and somehow buying that will make them all of a sudden like us beyond DUMB!


LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-09 AT 06:34PM (MST)[p]>Ransom that's what I like about
>you. I was incorrect.
> I was thinking of
>Avicenna started vaccinations he is
>considered the father of modern
>medicine not Hippocrates as some
>believe. He was more
>involved in clinical pharmacology, and
>clinical trials of medicine.
>As well as cataract operations.
> I've got a book
>on it somewhere not that
>I can send you a
>book but here's a web-site
>that alludes to it. There
>are many more because I
>know this is Wikipedia and
>I don't always trust it.
> Too many hours of
>work I'll look up some
>more when I get a

Cornhusker after that long response you wore me out anyway LOL. And yes the earlier muslims did contribute greatly. Islam is mired in it's own cultural war. I just hope that good wins out over evil.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-09 AT 06:38PM (MST)[p]They opened up some prime realestate for future developement in NY city...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Pro if they'd keep the extremist from bombing us we could be their friends, maybe not really friends but civil anyway.

We're never going to be chums with a muslim nation, just like we'll never be welcome in Iraq even after the billions of dollars and the gallons of blood we've invested there, that's fine. all we need to do is have an agreement we aren't going to kill each other and have a reasonable expectation muslim nations will do their best to see that happens. we've proven we can't force them to like us and we've proven we can't control them, why not see if we can get them to tolerate us by showing we will talk to them like adults and seek an agreement? I'm not saying it will work it might not but if Obama failed to reach out and try he wouldn't be doing his job.

Bush's yeehaw middle east foreign policy has been a total failure, we have little control in Iraq and chaos where there used to be some control. time to try a new way with a new president there's nothing to lose.
I try not to judge a guy by his religion. With the possible exception of Manny. When you say them you seem to believe that all Muslims are enemies of the U.S.. We had better hope that isn't true because there are millions of Muslims in the U.S.. Condemning all Muslims makes about as much sense as condemning me for all the mayhem the Vikings created in ancient times, I guess I could be held responsible they are my ancestors.

Personally it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for any U.S. govt. whoever the president is to make peace with the Saudi govt. because they are among the most repressive evil governments in the world. But there is that oil thing and both Obama and Bush realize it. As far as the isolationist policy to enrich only the U.S. It is no longer possible the world economies are to entertwined.
jeez...I am so thrilled to live so far from Iowa....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Try Not To Show Intelligence D=cup The Cornhuskers are Nebraska. Have someone show you a U.S. map and try to point it out for you. Its suprising your picture as a youth makes you look smarter than you sound in your posts.
Dude, reaching out is one thing, pandering/bowing to the Islamic world is a whole other ball game! Blaming America, sending signals of weakness like bowing before a king, only weaken our stance in the Middle East. How well has the pandering gone with Iran/North korea thus far? Give it time you say, until when? Do we wait until Iran has the weapons to wipe our friends off the planet and take full control over the oil flowing out of the region? That would be brilliant wouldn't it?


>Try Not To Show Intelligence D=cup
>The Cornhuskers are Nebraska.
>Have someone show you a
>U.S. map and try to
>point it out for you.
>Its suprising your picture as
>a youth makes you look
>smarter than you sound in
>your posts.

If it's not heaven or hell it must be Nebraska.
"How does pandering help us get "along with them"? Why repeat the same mistakes others in the past have made like Carter?"

Pro you really hit it with that one. What is happening now with this buffoon reminds me of the carter years. We are reliving it now, its frightening. The world became a far more dangerous place because of carter. He was the buffoons buffoon and still is although so far Obama is doing a good job trying to out do him.

Whats even more sad is I think barry believes his own drivel.
>Pro if they'd keep the extremist
>from bombing us we could
>be their friends, maybe not
>really friends but civil anyway.
> We're never going to be
>chums with a muslim nation,
>just like we'll never be
>welcome in Iraq even after
>the billions of dollars and
>the gallons of blood we've
>invested there, that's fine. all
>we need to do is
>have an agreement we aren't
>going to kill each other
>and have a reasonable expectation
>muslim nations will do their
>best to see that happens.
>we've proven we can't force
>them to like us and
>we've proven we can't control
>them, why not see if
>we can get them to
>tolerate us by showing we
>will talk to them like
>adults and seek an agreement?
>I'm not saying it will
>work it might not but
>if Obama failed to reach
>out and try he wouldn't
>be doing his job.
> Bush's yeehaw middle east foreign
>policy has been a total
>failure, we have little control
>in Iraq and chaos where
>there used to be some
>control. time to try a
>new way with a new
>president there's nothing to lose.

Gee dude your president is far and away more positive of what we have accomplished in Iraq.

lol...yeah, nebraska, that's what I meant....you guys all look alike you know.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Pro I think you blow it out of shape, maybe Obama was wrong on his customs here but his intent was to show respect, isn't that awful.

You talk like we have a choice in the matter of Iran, just what choice do we have actually? we have a miltary streched to the max and we're broke, boy are we going to kick butt. our only options are world cooperation against Iran, getting someone else to do it ( don't even say Israel because they may as well be a US state ) or the nuclear option which isn't going to happen. so why the tough talk when we can't back it up? China and Russia aren't going to let us get rough with Iran, and we aren't going to cross them if for no other reason than money, the money we want.

Those of you who think we're in the driver seat please explain to me how you figure , no crap just facts. this should be interesting.
>Pro I think you blow it
>out of shape, maybe Obama
>was wrong on his customs
>here but his intent was
>to show respect, isn't that
> You talk like we have
>a choice in the matter
>of Iran, just what choice
>do we have actually? we
>have a miltary streched to
>the max and we're broke,
>boy are we going to
>kick butt. our only options
>are world cooperation against Iran,
>getting someone else to do
>it ( don't even say
>Israel because they may as
>well be a US state
>) or the nuclear option
>which isn't going to happen.
>so why the tough talk
>when we can't back it
>up? China and Russia
>aren't going to let us
>get rough with Iran, and
>we aren't going to cross
>them if for no other
>reason than money, the money
>we want.
> Those of you who think
>we're in the driver seat
>please explain to me how
>you figure , no crap
>just facts. this should be

So of all the royals there he chose to show respect to only one royal, the slave keeper king. How freaking odd.
Ransom did you ever think once he knew that wasn't the proper custom he figured he wouldn't do it anymore? if you meet enough kings, dictators, ayatollahs and other foreign leaders you're bound to do something wrong somewhere I know I would.

You're making a big deal out of this just because you don't have anything good for dish and you know it. England loved Obama and the queen even put her arm around his wife, that's a not so normal deal for royalty, that's bad too right? it's all bad.
"Ransom did you ever think once he knew that wasn't the proper custom he figured he wouldn't do it anymore? if you meet enough kings, dictators, ayatollahs and other foreign leaders you're bound to do something wrong somewhere I know I would."

Maybe they could turn Obama's Blackberry into a teleprompter to help him avoid the fauz paus.... Terry
Obowma is so knowledge isn't he. Funny how stupid such a supposed brillant man can really be. What a joke we have played on ourselves.
>Ransom did you ever think once
>he knew that wasn't the
>proper custom he figured he
>wouldn't do it anymore? if
>you meet enough kings, dictators,
>ayatollahs and other foreign leaders
>you're bound to do something
>wrong somewhere I know I
> You're making a big deal
>out of this just because
>you don't have anything good
>for dish and you know
>it. England loved Obama and
>the queen even put her
>arm around his wife, that's
>a not so normal deal
>for royalty, that's bad too
>right? it's all bad.

I do know that Obowma is a tool of Soros and will be bad for our nation.
Isn't the next 4 years going to be hell for you neocons? even when Obama does something I don't like I know it's going to get you guys so cranked up it makes it all better. as little as I'm impressed with Obama I know he's better than McSame would have been, and the non stop whining in vain everytime Obama as much as orders a value meal a McDonalds is great entertainment. theres a silver lining in everything, you just have to know where to find it, it's all good.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-09 AT 09:11AM (MST)[p]>Isn't the next 4 years going
>to be hell for you
>neocons? even when Obama does
>something I don't like I
>know it's going to get
>you guys so cranked up
>it makes it all better.
>as little as I'm impressed
>with Obama I know he's
>better than McSame would have
>been, and the non stop
>whining in vain everytime Obama
>as much as orders a
>value meal a McDonalds is
>great entertainment. theres a silver
>lining in everything, you just
>have to know where to
>find it, it's all good.

Actually as a share holder of McDonalds I would love it if he went every day and took all his lap dogs with him. Could you spare the time away from farming long enough to go with him? Make sure to grovel.
lol Yeah D I do have to kind of agree with you. Darn it I hate it when that happens. Not a whole lot of ethnic diversity in these small communities in Ne. and Iowa. Just a whole bunch of Swedish, German, Bohemian and Irish ancestry. So I'll have to give you that point, boy that really chafes a guy.
"Isn't the next 4 years going to be hell for you neocons? even when Obama does something I don't like I know it's going to get you guys so cranked up it makes it all better. as little as I'm impressed with Obama I know he's better than McSame would have been, and the non stop whining in vain everytime Obama as much as orders a value meal a McDonalds is great entertainment. theres a silver lining in everything, you just have to know where to find it, it's all good."

That kind of sums up how I felt watching you libs the last 8 years...Somehow I have a very hard time believing it's all good though.....Marijuana decriminilization seems to have worked out for you Hdude...... Terry

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