Obama speaks


Long Time Member
about the Zimmerman verdict.

"We should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis," Obama said.


He picks the one case that has national attention; a case that was tried in a court of law; a case that was proven to be self defense by the jury. A case that involves the reason the 2nd Amendment exists (according to him and his administration).

It's this case that he refers to when he says to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis?????

How come he doesn't pick one of the thousands of examples where true gun violence occurs? How about the black dudes who shoot white store keepers in cold blooded murder for a few bucks????

He picks a case of self defense to use as an example?

This president never ceases to amaze me.

He is a leader blinded by bigotry and a deep desire to belittle and dismantle our Constitution and Bill of Rights even though it keeps getting thrown back in his face. He is the driving force behind the division taking place in America today. For the life of me I just don't understand the rationale behind his actions or words other than to bring America and Americans to there knees. I have a deep hatred for this man and my feelings were reinforced yet once again after reading his speech.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Beyond disappointing.

Here was an opportunity for him to bring the country together and he chooses to further divide.

What an embarrassment.

When you get the emails and comments saying he is the worse president, I have always tried to give him the benefit of the doubt.

He really is starting to prove to me that he is the worse president we have ever had. I already knew he was the least qualified, but, he could have surrounded himself with good people and make up for that.
We get what we vote for.
>According yo Eel, OJ is innocent.
>You guys will never be happy
>with Obama. We get

WRONG Ziggy,again!

When the OJ Verdict was Posted They/We shoulda Torched all the Hoods!

Your Buddy Obama is a F'N JOKE!

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
Look's like the NAACP the New Black Panther Party will be pushing for civil rights violation's,you can bet Eric Holder will be pushing for that too.
The only problem with that is that the state trial proved that the shooting was not a racial hate crime and the guidelines for violation of civil rights is very narrow in scope to be applied by the feds. Of course it is not the first time this adminstration has applied their own definition or twist on what a word means to them.

>According yo Eel, OJ is innocent.
>You guys will never be happy
>with Obama. We get

I hate to be so cynical, but, there is political benefit to this political divide and another salvo in the politically motivated class warfare. Obama, had an opportunity to show true leadership and take the lead in mending this open wound, but, chose to state the very minimum in response to the verdict. I think he would have said nothing if he could have gotten away with it.

BTW, I found a couple sheds this weekend, built some cabinets, after being stuck in the airport most of Sat.

Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-13 AT 12:01PM (MST)[p]No secret that I voted for Obama twice. So, I have been although not a total supporter I have considered him the best choice on two occasions. I feel that his second term has been extremely poor. I will agree that this was an occasion where the president should have remained silent.

Trayvon Martin could have only been like his son in color only. Martin never had the privilege of the child of a president never went to private schools or had the parenting of a child of Obama's. Holder may become involved he shouldn't on this case. In the past presidents have been involved in civil rights issues as they should. The most notable was when Bobby Kennedy as A.G. Called the judge holding King on no bail and told him to follow The Constitution. This is totally different and doesn't involve civil rights violation as Kennedy calling the judge in Georgia did.

I haven't weighed in on this subject however I feel the verdict was fair with the evidence that was available. I can also see how G.Z. may lose a civi case as the standard of proof is lower. With the evidence I have seen presented I think G.Z should win the soon to follow civil suit but I don't feel it's a sure deal as justice isn't always blind.
Cornhusker, I am not so sure the Martin family will file the law suit due to it possibly backfiring on them and costing them money out of their pockets if Zimmerman wins a "immunity" judgement against any civil suits under the "stand your ground" laws. They could be forced to pay all of Zimmerman's legal fees for obtaining that immunity judgement.

But it really depends on that black attorney the Martin's have. Is he a honest attorney wanting the best for his clients, or is he the typical shyster that wants to milk every dollar he can get from the Martins by FIGHTING FOR THEIR SON'S CAUSE!

The Martins accepted a out of court settlement from the home owners assoc. and it would not take too many legal fees to deplete those funds very fast.
RELH, I appreciate your calm reasoning on these law issues. I get caught up in the emotional side sometimes and you bring me down to earth (most of the time :))

Zigga, if you hear strange noises outside your house you better hide under the bed. It could be a criminal or even a wolf!

Agreed! RELH's background and knowledge has been a great addition to all the questions, statements, comments, and crap that have been thrown into this. Thanks for helping those of us interested, in understanding.
So let me get this in my head straight. Holder, Sharpton and others are concerned that justice still needs to be done. In this case, an all female jury (minority) failed to convict a hispanic (minority) accused of a crime against an African American (minority). Are they going to seek justice to protect the women of the jury from the African Americans who detest the verict rendered? The African Americans from the Hispanics who may not like the fact that they are seeking revenge on one of their race? The Hispanics from the African Americans who may also take revenge against other members of this race? I am confused I guess.

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