Obama Video


This guy is scary..Disarming America and our national defense is a open invitation for someone to jump on us...

I always liked "curious george"......maybe we could sell him to Cuba to replace Fidel with.

This has been on here before, where does he say he's going to disarm America? he says he'll stop wasteful spending and contracts for crap we don't need, that's bad? he says we don't need more nukes and he'd seek to reduce nuke numbers around the world, that's bad?

In case you haven't noticed Bush has maxed the Visa card out, if Obama wants to spend money only on the weapons that work and the ones we need I'm fine with that. where did he say otherwise?
>This has been on here before,
>where does he say he's
>going to disarm America? he
>says he'll stop wasteful spending
>and contracts for crap we
>don't need, that's bad? he
>says we don't need more
>nukes and he'd seek to
>reduce nuke numbers around the
>world, that's bad?
> In case you haven't noticed
>Bush has maxed the Visa
>card out, if Obama wants
>to spend money only on
>the weapons that work and
>the ones we need I'm
>fine with that. where did
>he say otherwise?

Refer to "Obama, living Large" #3

LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-08 AT 05:49PM (MST)[p]Just wondering where they are going to find a chef that only cooks Fried Chicken & Grits & Watermellon. Got to taste way better than the Bul!s&iT the whitehouse has been serving us for the last 8 years!


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