Obama was right.


Long Time Member
OBAMA: I have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place. It's unprecedented. It happens to be based on no facts. ? [T]here is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America?s elections, in part, because they are so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved. There is no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time. And so I'd invite Mr. Trump to stop whinin? and go try to make his case to get votes.

Eel in a backhanded way are you trying to say that Obama was lying though his teeth when he made that statement on Oct.18, 2016.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-18 AT 08:57AM (MST)[p]You didn't mention Trump expected to lose, and he said he would not concede if he did lose because the system was rigged.

Isn't it a testament to this great nation that even though Trump did lose by 3 million votes his opposition gracefully conceded and accepted this total piece of chit as president because of an obscure provision in the constitution ? these are the real Americas who will do such a thing.

while Trump is making America chitty for a short time we know we will purge this administration like a bad Chiptole's burrito soon and our democracy will survive. that is what makes America great.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
TOG you are just pizzed because the crustie hilly panties you have been chewing on are getting old and now you can't get new ones.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-18 AT 02:34PM (MST)[p] Maybe so no nuts, but Trump gives you a fresh pair of skid marks to lick every night doesn't he. you must feel so special.

I'm just enjoying the show. the old dotard is really starting to spin as he goes down the chitter. carry on I'm making more popcorn.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
So, Trump went out and got the votes....and now the left says they want to discredit the election and the election process.

Or, was Obama right?


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