$$$ Obama WASTED!!!


Long Time Member
Anybody know how Much Money He Just Totally F'N Wasted in 8 years?

Every time somebody tried contacting Him:

"Don't Bother Me,I'm Golfing in Hawaii" & Etc!

How Bout it NeMont?

You got a Chart for us?

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
Bess, that link I posted in another thread showed that Obama in his first term doubled the national debt over what Bush had spent in his two terms in office. How much was waste I do not know. Most of the money was allocated and spent during Obama's first two years when he had a majority of his party in Congress.

He WASTED a bunch of STIMULUS Money!

Now All of a Sudden dude is worried how much Trump will Spend!


[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
The sorry truth is that Obama compiled such a dismal record, it will be hard for Trump to surpass it and hopefully will not happen.
What I love in that link was how Obama blasted Bush for cronyism with Halibuton and he did the same thing. Obama also raised more money from Wall Street then any other candidate in 20 years and sold the public he would regulate them and was not their friend. Great con job on his part and the Obama lovers try pointing the finger at Trump and even Bush, and just overlook the con man that fooled them into voting twice for him. You just got to laugh at the idiots.

Ain't No Wonder dude is Pissed!

Trump didn't Promise any STIMULUS Money!

I Wonder how many people are still waiting for Obama to put it in their Hands!

I Know dude figured out other ways of getting though!

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
Have you noticed things are better today than 8 years ago? what is that worth? put a number on it.

Care to bet the debt is lower 4 years from now? I'm giving you a chance to show your faith com'on. if you don't think Trump can do better than Obama STFU you're just ignorant losers.

Most economist think if Trump gets what he wants the debt will climb AT LEAST as fast as Obama raised it. no biggie? of course it's not Trump is white.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
> Have you noticed things are
>better today than 8 years
>ago? what is that
>worth? put a number
>on it.
>Care to bet the debt is
>lower 4 years from now?
> I'm giving you a
>chance to show your faith
>com'on. if you
>don't think Trump can do
>better than Obama STFU you're
>just ignorant losers.
>Most economist think if Trump gets
>what he wants the debt
>will climb AT LEAST as
>fast as Obama raised it.
> no biggie? of course
>it's not Trump is white.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Just How GAD-DAMNED Much CROWN did that Reply Take?

Obama Out Spent Little George!

Now that took some Doing!

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
A bet ?
Here?s the bet Tog.
In less than 8 years, Obama increased the debt by over 9 trillion dollars.
That's 1.125 trillion dollars.
I will bet that after 4 years, Trump does better.
(4 X 1.125 = 4.5 trillion $)
I will bet that the national debt does not increase by 4.5 or more trillion.
Bullchit on that. you bash Obama for 8 years and then say if Trump does no worse he's a winner? GFY.

Let's also remember Obama was handed an economy in shamles and a TARP program to fund. Trump get's handed 4% unemployment and a record stock market. even steven? GFY.

Trump says at the end of 8 years he will eliminate the debt. we all know he'll be lucky to last 4. so to eliminate the debt in 8 years isn't it logical to assume he can't increase it in the next 4 ? to say otherwise would be to assume Trump can raise the debt for 4 years then pay it off in 4. find me one economist who won't call bullchit on that.

Bet is, if the debt is the same or lower 4 years from inauguration day you win.

I have another for you to puss out on. Obama raised the DOW 250 % in 8 years. I'll bet Trump cannot duplicate that. so in 4 years Trump needs to raise it 125 % . care for that one?

One more, Unemployment is under 5%. I will bet it is not under 5% 4 years from now. want in on that ?

You'll cower back and hurl insults I already know how this goes. . so Trump will raise the debt and he won't lower unemployment, and he won't raise the DOW like Obama. so he's the orange god of mouthbreathers why?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
The swamp draining starts on January 20, 2017 starting with the Swamp slime of Obama! Good bye and good riddance! Now if we can only survive what he left us, until the economy is put back on the tracks.
No it started today. Congress eliminated independent oversight over congress by eliminating the ethics panel.

The swamp creatures in a closed door vote decided the swamp functions better with no light.

What is wrong with the economy? is near record low employment bad? do record high markets hurt your butt? what's so bad? be specific.

I'll offer my bets to you as well, do you have any faith in what you're spewing or are you just talking chit like your homies?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>How Bout it NeMont?
>You got a Chart for us?


Made a New Year's Resolution to take RELH's advice.

>You just got to laugh at
>the idiots.

I plan on take a lot of time off from posting and just sit back and laugh at the idiots. It's going to be a fun to watch what you fake conservatives are willing to let the new congress and president get away with. So far the bar is that if he "only" adds $5 Trillion to the debt Trump will be a success because that is half of what Obama did. So that is just great, BTW what is the interest your grand children will have to pay on an addition $5 Trillion? I forgot you old timers don't really give a $hyt about that.

So anyway enjoy the new year, I do hope you draw some awesome tags and enjoy the newly minted Monument before it is destroyed by not mining it or cutting timber on it or by reduced grazing on it.

I am just going to enjoy the show after Jan. 20th and laugh at the idiots. So no more charts because I don't think you can read them anyway and I suspect you don't really give two craps about any of it anyway. You will already get yours so the future generation don't really matter much.

It's going to be great and Terrific. Especially since Trump knows more then all the men and women working hard at the CIA and the FBI. That must be a real kick in the nuts to Morale at both those important agencies.

Happy New Year,

Tog is the only one around here that puss's out on bets. He is always SOOOOO confident but wont put his name on anything. Im beginning to think he is Hillary and Obamas bastard child.
You're the crooked little douche that wanted a lawyer on it. my dad said never trust anyone who doesn't trust you. in your case that was good advice.

You want in big mouth? is it the debt, stock market or the unemployment you feel sure about? put up or shut up. show your faith in the tangerine turd.

I know I won't get paid but I also know I can't lose so big deal.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
TOG that 5% unemployment number is BS !!!! Like mit said things dont work why 47% of the people are paying taxes. And it has nothing to do with black or white.

Ain't The New Years Moods Sweet around here!

[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
here's a bet for you Tog......after it gets so painfully obvious that the Russian election interference was nothing but leftwing propoganda to de legitimize Trump's victory....will your handlers let you admit it?
Obvious to everyone or obvious to you? obvious to you is a mighty low bar. if the FBI, CIA and DHS say Trump was right and they were wrong you win. if they don't I win. okay?

There is no need to de legitimize Trump's win. the popular vote did that better than anything ever could. if Putie hadn't helped him maybe Hillary would have had 5 million more votes. and the 80,000 in WI,MI and PA that put him over the top may have been 10,000. BFD, he still wins.

You wingnuts make this all about you. when you should be worried about the nation. you can admit Putie helped you and still have the tangerine turd in the whitehouse. this won't change that. try for once to put the US before your interest.

Well, looks like we have to wait until tomorrow for Trump to lay his special information on us. your hopes still as high?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Obvious to everyone or obvious to
>you? obvious to you
>is a mighty low bar.
>if the FBI, CIA and
>DHS say Trump was right
>and they were wrong you
>win. if they don't
>I win. okay?
>There is no need to de
>legitimize Trump's win. the
>popular vote did that better
>than anything ever could.
>if Putie hadn't helped him
>maybe Hillary would have had
>5 million more votes. and
>the 80,000 in WI,MI and
>PA that put him over
>the top may have been
>10,000. BFD, he still
>You wingnuts make this all about
>you. when you should be
>worried about the nation.
>you can admit Putie helped
>you and still have the
>tangerine turd in the whitehouse.
> this won't change that.
>try for once to put
>the US before your interest.
>Well, looks like we have to
>wait until tomorrow for Trump
>to lay his special information
>on us. your hopes
>still as high?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends


You're a Real F'N Joke if you Think them two outfits are what they once were!


[font color="blue"]It Was them Damn Lake Trout that took them Elk
Don't assume we all live under the same constraints you do.

Which is going to be your downfall, sore knees or ingesting too much orange tanner?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-03-17 AT 07:26PM (MST)[p]>
>Obvious to everyone or obvious to
>you? obvious to you
>is a mighty low bar.
>if the FBI, CIA and
>DHS say Trump was right
>and they were wrong you
>win. if they don't
>I win. okay?
>There is no need to de
>legitimize Trump's win. the
>popular vote did that better
>than anything ever could.
>if Putie hadn't helped him
>maybe Hillary would have had
>5 million more votes. and
>the 80,000 in WI,MI and
>PA that put him over
>the top may have been
>10,000. BFD, he still
>You wingnuts make this all about
>you. when you should be
>worried about the nation.
>you can admit Putie helped
>you and still have the
>tangerine turd in the whitehouse.
> this won't change that.
>try for once to put
>the US before your interest.
>Well, looks like we have to
>wait until tomorrow for Trump
>to lay his special information
>on us. your hopes
>still as high?
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

So before the election it was put up a candidate that could win. He cleaned yer girls clock and now he didn't win the right way? In bobcats words, yer a real f'n dandy!

Where in the hell did the lawyer come from? All i wanted is a signature and an address from both sides so the winner could hold feet to the fire. Not one time was attorney mentioned other than a simple letter stating either side would pay. And you say a handshake on that bet would suffice. You both are idiots...

You were so sure you were going to win. If I was that sure I would have signed my name in blood and never batted an eye. Bottom line is, you had no confidence.
Spell out your bet a little more clearly jackknob. How much and what? Ill give you your head to come up with whatever you want, within reason and it must relate to this conversation...Start dreaming, Im sure you may need some help. You couldnt even find a big antelope on your own, so take your time cocky doodle doo!!

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