One again. . .


Active Member
I am bested by area 10 in Nevada. And for the second time in 3 years a dumb mistake has cost me my first bow buck and both times on big bucks. This years lesson, if you dont know where the buck went, STOP STALKING HIM!!!! Anyone else blow good chances? I need some chicken noodle soup for the crappy hunters soul.
Pick your head up, there's always another deer out there! At least you learned something.
A good reminder for those whose hunts haven't come around yet this year.
You've got till September 5th, a long time yet to hunt. Go find him again! You might even bump into me chasin' him. See ya out there!!! fatrooster.
I would love to get back out but its like an 8 hour drive from me and im leaving to go to school out of state a week from today. So, no chance to get back out but I guess I can hope that next year he grows the last few inches to put him over the magic mark and gives me the same chance. But good luck in the next couple of weeks, hopefully you can stick one of those big boys running around up there. And if so I want to see some pictures.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-07 AT 07:04PM (MST)[p]hey least you made it out there and had some time on the hunt, for me, in the end, when it comes right down to it, thats really all that matters. I left yesterday and made it about 50 miles from shitsville(vegas) and the truck would run no more. Look where I am today, sitting at home with half the parts I need on order and even then I am not sure if its going to fix it. I swear to you that if I had 5k more in the bank I would go buy a new truck so I would know I would make it huntin, its all I have left in life. be happy that you got to go and experience those beautiful mtns and all they have to offer... it could be worse
Dont get me wrong, I wouldnt have given that trip up for the world and like you said I got out of vegas for a while and spent some a week in gods country, but its hard not to kick myself in the but. And Im sorry about your trip, I know that I get so excited about my hunts that if something like that happened to me I would probably lose it. And I did get within bow range of a mature mule deer buck in sagebrush country on my first ever up close and personal stalk so I guess im getting closer to finally closing the deal.
I would say you did well for first ever close up stalk that got you within bow range. They all don't always work out. I remember one yr, I am almost embarrassed to admit this...but it took 11 shots before I sealed the deal 3 days before the season ended! Hunted a total of 13 days to fill that tag spread out over 3 or 4 separate trips.

I was pretty bummed out yesterday and friday but I'll have this thing fixed this week and away I'll go again. Still have a solid two weeks of time off lined up to hunt. Sitting on a Utah tag as well as the area 10 tag.

I'll be rooting for ya next yr!

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