Packed and ready to go


Very Active Member
I finished last night going through my gear and packing for my trip to Wyoming to hunt deer. We are pulling out early Monday morning for the season opener on Sept. 15th. while I'm gone I hope those trout in Lake Almanor get real hungery. Good luck to everyone else heading out for your hunt.
Good luck on the hunt Larry and hope that you bring home a big one and lots of pictures.

You know i'm pulling for you to get a Monster Larry!! Are you taking your puter along so we can get a hunt report or two? Hunt hard, shoot straight, and great luck to you!!

Thanks guys. I am taking my laptop with me and hopefully I can connect back there. If so, I will send reports and photos.
Good Luck larrbo. Get one of those big high country bucks! We're heading out in about an hour. Going for the opener too, moon looks good, maybe some weather late in the week! buckspotter7
have a great time and good luck!

I hope you get some of that cold weather to move those bucks around some, Get a big one.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Thanks again guys. Eel I will save a nice one for you. Getting ready to go to bed...alarm goes off at 2:40 AM heading up to the high mountain in our area. I hope to have some good stories to share with you all.
Hey Larry!! Looks like you can get hooked up to give hunt reports, great! Guess i'll have to read them when i get back as i'm heading out, after the Giants game or in the early am, for a close to home little 4-5 day trip myself.

I'll expect to read and see all about your good hunt when i get back!! :)

Hi guys, I'm back from my hunt today. Really tired and getting unpacked. Didn't get the big boy, had a good hard hunt. I will post a story and photos in the next day or so.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-10 AT 06:37PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-10 AT 06:16?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-10 AT 02:47?PM (MST)

Well, that night of sleep sure felt good in my own bed last night and the best part is I don't have to ride a horse to work today. Our hunt started on the opener by getting up at 2:15 in the morning. We were staying at the outfitters place in Afton so we had to trailer the horses to the trailhead every morning. I was told the ride the first morning would be around 2 hours long and got kind of steep (major understatment). As we reached the upper portion of the trail, the trail went through the chute. The chute is the last 600 yards of trail the goes straight up (I didn't really enjoy this part of the ride).

We arrived at our glassing area as the sun was rising and began seeing deer on the hillside. Since we hunted at 9200-10200 feet most all of the deer we saw on the hunt were bucks. My buddy and guide went up the saddle to the point on the other side to glass. I saw several bucks on the hillside below them. Photo below.

I saw several bucks in the area as I looked over every basin available for viewing but nothing over 24". I noticed Matt and his guide looking down the hill away from me, it looked to me like they must be watching a good buck. Sure enough they got up to make a stock. I decided to climb over to the upper point to watch what they were doing. By the time I got the 3/4 of a mile over there they were on their way back, the buck had busted them.
We stayed up on the mountain all day until it started to get dark. We arrived back in Afton around 10 PM had a quick bite to eat, got our stuff ready for the next day and went to bed with the alarm set to sleep in to 3:15.

We spent day two glassing from one mountain across the canyon at an area called "the wall". There were a ton of bucks over there but I'm not sure this old guy would be able to come off of the mountain we were on and hike up to the bucks across the way. Based on what a 21 year old 140 pound guy we talked to that shot a buck up there the day before, I estimated it would ov taken my 5 hours to get up to the deer (I think I will pass on that 27" buck up there.)

Day three started the same way.....EARLY, just getting your boots on was a chore. Same deal, cup of coffee, truck ride to trailhead, ride horse up a trail in the dark scares that heck out of you. We got to the top and parked the horses and as the sun began to come up I said to myself "I really like what I'm seeing". We were in an area the we could glass all the way around, and we could put a hunt on an animal without hiring some sherpas. I think we saw around 30 bucks up on that knob on the mountain. There were 6 bucks under a rocky wall at the top of a basin below us around 6oo yards away. There were a couple of 24" bucks and a 26" buck in velvet. We decided to hunt these bucks, I was to go down a steep hill and sit on a ledge that dropped off straight down 250' and Matt and Ralph would go up the other way above the bucks. It took them about 45 minutes to get setup as I watched the velvet buck feed and on of the other bucks bed down. As the bedded buck got up Matt shot, the buck booked down the hill and piled up into the trees. I heard deer coming around the corner under the rocky ledge. The velvet buck was in front of two other bucks, I had a good look to shoot buck they were running. They continued until they stopped in an area I couldn't see because of the rock in front of me. I scooted over the edge and he moved so I could see his back as he moved only a few feet from the rock wall. Did I tell you I don't even like going up my roof and now I'm leaning over a cliff looking a buck. One step and he would disapear so I hung my rifle over the edge, looked down and pulled the trigger. I missed the buck but was lucky the butt of the rifle didn't come off of my shoulder and get the scope in the eye. It took around 4 hours to get the deer out to where the horses were parked.

We walled the horses off of the mountain as we brought the deer down and got back to Afton before dark.
Day 4 we saw more bucks on the mountain than any other day, but nothing worth going after. It was going to get up to around 80 that day so the deer bedded early. We decided to end our hunt at that time and hit the road. All I can say is those mounains we hunted in Area G are steep and most of the guys hunting them were 25-30 years younger than me. Another hunt in the books.

C:\Documents and Settings\Larry J Stephenson\My Documents\My Pictures\Wyoming Sept. 2010\Wyoming Sept. 2010 029 (Medium).jpg
LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-10 AT 11:04AM (MST)[p]Larry,
You have left off the last part of the link where you should have a .jpg so it shows up here. And don have any of the following symbols either: (<[>])

LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-10 AT 01:15PM (MST)[p]Great story, just need the pics and it will be an awesome story thanks for sharing.
Sounds like a really hard hunt Larry. Last time i was in country like that i feared taking another step in fear of falling off the mountain and breaking my neck!

Look forward to the pic's!

Thanks Eel...from one old guy to another. I tryed again to repost the photos but didn't work.
Larrbo sent these pic's to me via e-mail. Sometimes i can, some i can't but i'll try and post these up for him...





Great stuff Larrbo!!! As you know, not all hunts have to have a big buck killed to be worth going!

Thank's must have the midas touch. I am going to do something easy today, ride in my golf cart and play 18 holes of golf.
Thanks Joey for posting the photos.

larrbo, that is beautiful country. It's even more beautiful from the comfort of my easy chair at sea level.:)

The elevated tees on the golf course are high enough for me!

My high desert hunt south of Rock Springs is looking better all the time. A couple of 300' tall buttes is about it.:)

Sorry you didn't find Mr. Big, but at least you gave it a go. Just seeing that many deer must have been exciting. I haven't seen that many bucks in the last 10 years in CA.

Here's one that i neglected to post the first time. Looks to be some of what i remember from a 2005 3 week trip to the top of "H"...the reason i felt so good about going but also the reason that don't plan to return! :)


Though i could get around, i really had to take my time and be especially careful. After awhile the country got to me i guess and i felt really blessed to take a good buck early on. This country is best suited for young guys in great shape that know what they're doing. None of that applied to me, maybe a little of the know what i was doing part, when i went. A guy could get hurt bad hunting those peaks, slides, and very sharp ridges. Proceed with caution!! It is Beautiful buck country!


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