Palin Noodles will they stick?


Long Time Member
The Red pundits appear desperate and disorganized in their attempts to see what sticks and what does not?

Memos have been distributed and talking points discussed with an emphasis on well-spread repetition. The old tactic of say something long enough and it just may stick.

"Palin will appeal to on the fence Hillary voter."

"Palin has more Executive experience than all the other candidates"

"Palin is a reformist"

Let's just take a look and fling these 3 test noodles to see if they stick to the cabinet door.

The DNC runoff had a very clear underlying message. Half the party would like to end the B/C/B/? presidential era for good. Obama's choice of Hillary is a gamble at best and not what Obama supporters ever desired. Hillary voters will vote and they will vote democrat before they vote for more pro-life supreme court judges.

Hillary voters are pro choice, astute, and see McCain's choice of Palin for what it is...simple pandering. The male and female Hillary voters will vote for Obama to end the Bush ties to this administration, supreme court appointment, and address a parallel interest in health care reform.

A quick study of Alaskan politics (google: Sen. Ted & Ben Stevens, Sen. Frank Murkowski) and one quickly understands why Palin has been so popular. (R) Gov. Arnold also had a very favorable rating in his first 24 months of office before dropping substancially.

Palin is involved in a abuse of power termination case with her brother-in-law a State Trooper. A brother-in-law who helped Palin gain the support of local law enforcement agencies in her campaigns. Palin has recently hired a personal attorney in the matter.

Palin is outspoken about abstenance, belongs to a Pro-Life organization, and supports the basis of the Iraq war. Yet, in a strange turn of events Palin has a single 17 year old daughter that is 5 months pregnant and currently unwed. Although she asks for privacy for her daughter, she is quite eager to publicly announce her son is deploying on 9-11-08 at 9:11:08 am, on Flight 911.

The RNC will soon be dragging some boy in front of the cameras. One can only imagine some 17-18 year old irresponsible boy smiling, nodding, and working his way through the crowd, shaking hands with McCain, "How ya doing Senator? Nice to meet you, Yep I did her...high five".

Carl Rove will be behind this move, attempting to make this young couple America's sweethearts. They don't call Carl turdblossom for nothing.

I find calling Palin a reformist to be somewhat oxy-moronic. How can one claim reform, when the reform is aimed at fellow party member that ran their campaigns on reform? Are you a reformist if you agree with 99% of the party's voting record and have accepted the party's No. 2 position?

Even McCain is a "Used to be prior to 2000" reformist that has apparently discovered that aligning himself with the far right wing has erased his past differences, leaving nothing to reform or criticize other than his own past legislation.
That is some weak azz sh%$ there Foreskin. You can do better. Wait lets compare her to'd never do that would ya!

Its a crying shame when a VP has more qualifications for President than the man that is actually running against her.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
Sounds like you are working on the Dem talking points....this is one of "your" points:

Palin is involved in a abuse of power termination case with her brother-in-law a State Trooper. A brother-in-law who helped Palin gain the support of local law enforcement agencies in her campaigns. Palin has recently hired a personal attorney in the matter.

I guess the facts don't make any difference to you. Palin's brother in law TAZERED his 11 year old son. He should have been fired....come on!
Thank you Larbo. Problem is facts don't matter with the Libs on this board.
There is even more acts of violence this brother in law has commited but that means nothing to those like Foreskin.

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)

While I think Palin was not a strong pick, I don't think there was a VP choice that would turn Hillary's supporters into voting for Republicans. If he had picked Lieberman there was a very good chance that the convention would have thrown Lierberman off the ticket. He did not like Romney and Pawlenty was just not conservative enough for the "base".

In order for McCain to even have a chance of winning he has to get the "base" out to vote, Palin does that also I think the press is going to help Palin if there is not real fire and just more smoke. Continued attacks may be In the end the baby thing will be a none issue.

I have never believe this pick was really McCain's and I also she was not fully vetted which begs the question whether or not McCain and his "team" were using good judgement in picking her.

Here a couple of my favorite commentators talking about Palin

Palin is the McCain's VP choice and you'd swear that she was the devil himself. Whatever she is, she sure has all the libs panties in a wad, scrambling to save their election. Everyone (Libs) wants change, as long as the dems provide it. Let's see how it all shakes out. One thing you can't ignore FTW, it just got a little more interesting and became less of a "slam Dunk" for the mesiah.

I have heard that Palin's brother in law was also accused of drinking on the job, and POACHING game. He was given a brief suspension and not fired.
Now lets look at this allegation as it should be looked at in the real world.

If in fact he was suspended over the allegations of drinking alcohol while working and poaching, it was a very poor decision on the part of his supervisiors. Any dept. I have worked with in law enforcement would have outright fired an officer if found guilty of these allegations.

If he did "tazer" his 11 year old son, that is a felony in most states under child abuse laws.

If the state police commissioner failed to fire Palin's brother in law for any of the above violations he may have demostrated the lack of ability to properly lead his dept. It is this type of leadership, turning your head away, that allows corruption to gain a foothold in a law enforcement agency.

Before any of us can pass judgement on this one issue, we need to have more facts concerning the charges that the brother in law was suspended for. Since this was handled as a internal affairs problem, not criminal prosecution, we may never find out what he was charged with and suspended for. The law enforcement agency conducting the internal affairs can not release the findings infromation unless the person charged oks the release. Some how I do not think the brother in law will give that permission that may paint him in a bad light and he has a ongoing divorce and child custody case where that infromation was be used against him. It can also be released after a review by a judge and he rules that it is pertinent to a criminal case. I am not sure if that will apply to a civil divorce case.

So I think it is too early for the liberals on this site to be pointing the finger on this incident until more facts can be brought forward. We may have Palin abusing her authority, then again we may have a police commissioner yelling about sour grapes because he was not doing his job in the professional manner he should have been doing.

FTW, do you not find it very funny that the brother in law has not stepped up and started yelling that he is being framed by a vindictive powerful sister in law. Maybe you should give that some thought before you open mouth and insert your big foot.
Oh Yea! most of your post is the normal left wing drivel that we have come to expect from you. Go find some hard facts and report back.
"I have never believe this pick was really McCain's and I also she was not fully vetted which begs the question whether or not McCain and his "team" were using good judgement in picking her."

nemont you of all people should not be dupt by the media. They have been beating this into the ground, that "she was not vetted properly or at all" the reason the media nutbags are saying this is because they were not in the Republican loop. They got there little fillings hurt. Un-like Obama who let it be known which two or three it was coming down to, hence the camera crews and hords of reporters out in front of Bidens home. McCain on the other hand played it close to the vest and it was a marvelous move. The day after Obama's big speech he blew it away with his anouncement. Everyone completely forgot about Obama and it has been all Palin ever since. Palin was vetted for quite some time acording to the McCain camp.
Jeez what do you expect. The media plays every single Republican like a blithering idiot. Ofcourse they are going to make up lies about the vetting process they friggin HATE Republicans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
She can hunt better than Foreskin that why he hates her

"dude, nothing we can say will make us like as childish/silly as the rants you post. We HAVE posted the parts, you chose to ignore them. We get it, you like soldiers that sell out their fellow soldiers for political gain, and you hate or hold in contempt those that take a stand. We get that you manage to see NOTHING but bad in Republicans, and nothing put pure and honorable intentions from fellow limp wristed libs. We got it already, now move on."
(PRO July 3, 2008)
I think it is bad strategy to paint Palin as inexperienced and then claim that Obama has experience because he was able to run his campaign.

I can't figure out why the left is afraid of this women. They are playing right into the hands of the Republicans to be able to say that the Democrats are sexist unless it is a democrat women. The entire pregnant daughter hoopla is not a winner for the democrats because too many American parents can see themselves either in or being in the same situation.

To call Biden an exceptional father for staying in the Senate while taking care of kids but to say Palin won't be a good mother because she would be in office is hard to figure out.

What matters to me is what kind of President would she be if McCain's ticker quit. I don't really know anything about her or her background so I am going to reserve judgement, listen to her speech and to her debating Biden etc.

Also she isn't running for president so why all the fuss?

LAST EDITED ON Sep-03-08 AT 05:23PM (MST)[p]202, for RELH sake take a little Pepto and ease your stomach or you are going to fart and blow RELH's brains out.

I don't know where you boyz get your info from I like the local newspaper. Let us not repeat your feats of stupendous idiocy in the future. Questioning unsubstanciated claims against a law enforcement officer over a pretty face, what's wrong with you boyz? I guess you guys hate cops now too!

Doesn't surprise me, after RELH's admission that after reading the a jump article, he agrees and promotes RNC members having sex with male prostitutes as being healthy. He even went as far to say that it was a preference of backwoods countryboys.

I guess the party really has changed while I have been gone.


Perhaps the best coverage of the conventions yet! I was enthralled and informed, a little high brow though. Thanks, those guys were great!

I agree that Palin was picked by the team and her vetting is proving to be quite entertaining. Hope her or her hubby didn't get any on the side since high school. Hope that baby belongs to that kid and her daughter doesn't appear on Maury, although that will make for some good excitement while Rome burns.
What everyone in the MSM and both parties are walking around and not addressing is the fact that in this election, two old white guys weren't going to go anywhere.

BHO picked a middle-aged white guy to appeal to us middle aged white guys. Biden brings Washington insider-ship to the campaign. BHO has no experience whatsoever and will lean heavily on Bidens connections to get through the first four years, let us all get comfortable, then start sticking it to us long and deep inre his socialist agenda. (Supreme court pics and the like).

McCain picked the antithesis of BHO. It was pure tactics with smattering of genius. Palin is A)young and female, B)smart as hell C)a hell raiser in politics and D)took on some pretty big and rich white boys and kicked their asses at their own game. Reps/Dems/and big oil.

The MSM has convinced the facile and insipid that BHO is the new god-king, and white ain't right no'mo, Joe. BHO is a creation of the media. No more real than a character in a bad Lifetime-made for women TV show.

Palin, OTOH, is the real deal. Been there and done that. She can appeal to a lot of men because she is smart, attractive and is pro-hunting and pro-gun. She is appealing to some women because she represents what a lot of them have suffered through. The affirmative action mantras and the "you only got here because of your looks" drivel that many women put up with.

Ran into a friend of my wifes today that was BHO all the way until some media stooge name Andrea Mitchell insinuated that only uneducated women would vote for Palin.

She is taking her small school degree over to the Republican office and volunteering. I understand that my wife and few other females are signing up.

I think the Media effed up. Big time. I hope the Democrap party spirals down in flames.
The fuss is over her actually becoming president if McCain tips over. I had read where he was 79 and now he is only 72. I have to say I am quite relieved if he is in fact 72. I find it amazing we can't find anyone more experienced than what we have. It's a shame McCain wasn't nominated in 2000. He would have done a much better job. w left a bad taste in everyone's mouth so McCain's odds are poor and will get worse the closer November gets. Once again we will be picking the lesser of two evils. The debates will be interesting between the VP's.

While they are low brow those Red State Update guys are funny. They have a channel on Youtube and I check every couple of weeks. Everyone is fair game to them and most of their stuff is very funny.

Why is the left afraid of Palin? I don't really get it.

I didn't like the pick to begin with because I thought he needed someone to balance out the ticket with Economic policy and Domestic Policy experience. At least he didn't pick Tom Ridge.

Here is some more Classic Red State Update.

I think the whole "afraid" thing is just one those noodles waiting to stick. Just like how close the polls have this race, polls that were not even close during the candidate selections.

I agree about Ridge, I think the list went Ridge, Paulenty (msp), _________? O.K. Carl you pick! I don't think McCain wanted either Romney or Huckabee. Giuliani looked into Palin on his short list and if McCain were Giuliani's age I don't think her lack of experience would matter. There is no doubt she has not been vetted, it smacks of pandering politics.

It all comes down to Supreme court picks, pure and simple. I don't think women are as awe-struck over breasts, guns, and the words female Governor in a picture as we are. As such Palin's politics are 180 degrees of Hillary's or Democrats in general.

Obama appears to be pulling ahead after Palin's acceptance.
>Obama appears to be pulling ahead
>after Palin's acceptance.

Really? Gallop has the race narrowing back Obama 6 pts. up instead of 8pts.

My point about the left being scared is that they have not attack her on what her politics are but rather personal issues, like the pregnant daughter. I think that is a loser of an issue for the dems.

If you are concerned about her experience do you have similar misgivings about Obama's? He has never been in private business, any executive branch at any level, no military experience and only 4 years in the Senate and he is the number 1 guy on the dem ticket.

I still won't vote for either of these tickets. Maybe I should be down at Ron Paul's counter convention.

>The fuss is over her actually
>becoming president if McCain tips
>over. I had read
>where he was 79 and
>now he is only 72.
> I have to say
>I am quite relieved if
>he is in fact 72.
> I find it amazing
>we can't find anyone more
>experienced than what we have.
> It's a shame McCain
>wasn't nominated in 2000.
>He would have done a
>much better job. w
>left a bad taste in
>everyone's mouth so McCain's odds
>are poor and will get
>worse the closer November gets.
> Once again we will
>be picking the lesser of
>two evils. The debates
>will be interesting between the

Wow... Finally a decent post from you.

Who can keep up with the ever shifting 2 pts here or 4 pts there? How good was gallop during the DNC runoff? I think Palin was so far off the radar after only having 18 full time months in office the Dems are waiting for the media to vett her. They will wait until after convention, she hasn't made any statements to stand by yet. Obama has already stated that he or his campaign will not endorse going after her daughter.

Both Obama and Palin share similiar qualities. I have mentioned in an earlier post that the McCain team has to re-think strategy, now playing defense on all the issues they attacked Obama on.

Both Obama and Palin are considered young and rising superstars in politics.

They are both considered minorities and have both achieved firsts in their respected parties.

Neither has run a re-election campaign, a clear sign of voter approval.

Neither have served in the military. Both are married to their first spouse and have children.

Both are considered Washington outsiders. Both may have been chosen due to political expedience and not a long and established pedigree.

Both will have their political clout and career sky rocket whether they win or not.

Your right Nemont, they should've put her in the No. 1 slot.

What made Reagan great as a Governor and a President?Appointments. I believe the president does not need personal expertise in military tactics, the economy, international affairs, or the law. The President will appoint a cabinet of experts to advise him and will then set an agenda. A president
needs vision, poise, and the ability to comunicate eloquently with other world leaders.

The back ups need to be at least incumbents to ensure young visionaries with a mentor. Could you imagine President Palin, couldn't be worse than George.
Geez a decent debate for once, nice.

I don't think the left is afraid of Palin at all, she's an asset. everyone is just now trying to figure out who she is, only the far right and non political horn dogs are impressed at this point.

I watched the video of her talking about the Iraq war and how it was " Gods's plan " and a " task from god " and I heard all I needed to hear from this whack job, what a freak. when all is out about her that will come out she'll energize the on the fence Hillary voters alright, energize them to vote for Obama.

Palin was a stupid choice, and not one McCain was big on I'll bet anything. watch and see.

Obama's campaign won't go after Palin's daughter the same GWb wasn't involved in Swift Boating Kerry.

The democrats are making the fatal mistake of assuming they have already won.

I think this race will be far closer then the left believes it will be. If they can't with with Obama then they need to blow up the party.

In my my opinion both parties need blown up, how in times like this can they offer up the choices they've given us?

The only question now is who sucks worse, after watching as much of Palin's ultra dull rambling as I can endure I have to say she removes what respect I had for McCain. while I feel confident she was not his choice he went along with it, and that means he's not a man to stand up to pressure, if by chance he did chose her he's an idiot I don't want for president. after the convention dust settles the dems will gain a lead they can feel comfortable about I'd guess.
I agree about the choices but we can't revisit history dude. It is what it is, and they are who they are. I believe that the RNC team picked Palin, and I think they picked well. Her speaking skills alone are much better than any of McCain's fellow candidate contenders. She exposed Murkowski the former Republican Senator, and Governor for the inept, corrupt, tax payer abusing fat cat that he was. I give her props for exposing corruption from within the party.

I would not want to play poker with her. Did you see her poker face calling McCain a Maverick? A Maverick that voted with Bush 90% of the time, but she never missed a beat.

Whether McCain being a Maverick is true or not she delivered it like a steely seasoned pro. It will interesting to see how she performs at the debates.

Nemont I hear ya when it comes to Obama's hands-off statement and GWB's involvement with swift boating. It's all a wink and a nod.

I too think it will closer than the Dems believe. I will be the deciding vote, the last middle of the road voter!
I hope the people are wise enough to vote John McCain in as Prez . . . I wouldn't be able to afford Obama with the Dems holding the House and Senate. I am looking forward to seeing President Sarah Palin in the White House some day. God Bless America !!
How pathetic, just like I predicted they dragged the young guy out who knocked up Palin's daughter. He had a very interesting my space site until it was removed today.
>I hope the people are wise
>enough to vote John McCain
>in as Prez . .
>. I wouldn't be
>able to afford Obama with
>the Dems holding the House
>and Senate. I am
>looking forward to seeing President
>Sarah Palin in the White
>House some day. God
>Bless America !!

You mean, it could be worse?????????????
Old loud mouthed Campbell Brown was stunned last night on CNN. Lots of silence from the kool-aid drinkers then all you hear is how this campaign is NOT about who the VP is but who is going to be the President. Exact opposite of yesterdays BS. LMAO.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-04-08 AT 01:30PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-04-08 AT 01:28?PM (MST)

As was pointed out last night, media pundits aren't going to decide this election. I think many people saw that McCain's campaign got a major boost last night. There is no mystery where McCain is coming from. Fill in your succinct summary as you will. My succinct summary of Obama/Biden is the customary tax and spend, anti-gun, weak on security blend that we always see. You've got two ivory tower lawyers running against some people with some experiences in the real world and some real connections to common people. No, I don't expect that to win over gays, feminists, etc. It doesn't have to. We'll be happy to win the election with the usual collection of moderates and conservatives who are usually repelled by the arch liberal pablum served up in a Democratic presidential nominee. And it is my read that these moderates and conservatives are VERY pleased with Sarah Palin. Let the games begin in earnest, and Obama/Biden look out!

And just to make my opinion a trifle more definite. I think Obama, if elected, will (1) increase my taxes; (2) restrict, perhaps substantially, my second amendment rights; and (3)decrease my security by decreasing spending on defense infrastructure and/or ill-considered weak, naieve foreign policy moves. Obama has said he plans to lift the cap on social security taxes -- that would cost me about $7,000 additional taxes per year (plus my employer $7,000 extra taxes per year). I'm guessing other taxes would increase, including my capital gains tax when I sell my house in maybe 10 years or so. If you don't think Obama will restrict second amendment rights, I have some waterfront property in Arizona I would like to sell to you. Check out the Democratic party gun control plank -- they overtly plan to reintroduce an assault weapons ban, thereby constraining our second amendment rights. The issue of security -- can anyone imagine that Obama has a clue in his head about how to handle national security, given how he has bobbed around on that tide, moving first this way and then that, in response to his imperfect probing of the public opinion?

My expectation is that McCain/Palin (1) will NOT increase my taxes; (2) will NOT further restrict my second amendment rights; and (3) will provide better for our national security. All the rest is perceptions and big talk.
It looks like all the noodles fell off the wall. For now. I'm sure the media is free diving in The Palins septic tank up in Alaska looking for a used condom or SOMETHING......

Too bad they can't get their guys elected on the issues.


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