Pat Tillman in the Hall of Fame???


Long Time Member
Chris Collinsworth said yesterday:
"He's gonna come up this year for a Hall of Fame vote, and if Pat Tillman doesn't belong in the Hall of Fame, who does? Here's a guy that turned down millions of dollars, a three-year, $36 million deal, to go fight for our country. I hope that that is the vote that they will take. This guy is the very essence of what we all hope the NFL and its players will ultimately be."

i don't exactly agree. i think the Hall of Fame should be based on what happens on the field, not off. So what he turned down a lot of money to go fight for our country. Yes he is a great man for doing that but I've had friends and family go over seas to fight for us and one of them lost his life and they are every much a hero in my eyes as Tillman. Many, including guys on MM have given up money and family and a comfortable way of life to serve. Because you are famous and died shouldn't make you more of a hero and shouldnt qualify you for the NFL Hall of Fame. His NFL career up to that point was not even close to being HOF worthy. your thoughts?
I do not agree that Pat Tillman should be inducted in to the Hall of Fame because of his choosing to enlist and loosing his life. I have all the respect in the world for him for putting his 3-4 year NFL career aside and standing up for his country. To be inducted in to the NFL Hall of Fame it should be on merit and what you contribution to the game and I think that Pat Tillman was the type of person that would agree. Think of how many players that had long stellar careers, pro bowls, etc that are never nominated all of Fame. The real heros that should be recognised in to a "Hall of Fame" are the men and women that gave their lives for our country.
If you go that way then you have to say that guys like Pete Rose have to be included in their HOF's also. Gotta be consistent across the board.
Dang F'er, your building quite the resume yourself,
Photo pro, botanist, magazine cover designer, man crush inventor & now Sports analist... impressive,
maybe you & Bessy, should be in the MM. hall of fame,
or hall of infamy either or :)
if or when the time comes i get fired I want to make sure I have a lot of credentials in place so getting another job won't be such so tough. I think i may already be in the hall of infamy and my bust (not that kind) is sitting right next to yours!
I could argue this either way, But with all due respect and I emphasize respect I say no. I think you need to seperate the man and the game. If there was a hall of fame of great, brave, unselfish people he has my vote.
Are there rules for getting into the HOF besides when the voting can begin? I agree with Chris Collinsworth on this. He is worthy of it because of everything. Not just a part but the whole of it's parts. But, Pat wouldn't give a ##### either way. He never did anything to please others...just what he thought was right.


"When there's lead in the air, there's hope."
HOF No,reserved for on the field awards.But all who have served in any branch of service are true Heros.
Put him in !!!!
Players come and go, some play the
game great and get in, Pat is one
of the only "true hero's" that played
in the NFL. Look at what some of the modern
players are like today...more likely to end
up in state prison than the HOF...
Pat Tillmen IMHO is what a man should
be. He gave it all up to protect america
hell yea, honor him... put him in!!
I say put him in and I think they will put him in. I think they can take down Orenthal James Simpson's and replace it with Tillman's.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--

The HOF is for pro football accomplishments. Period.

No need to say that Tillman did a hero's business, but there are other ways in which he HAS been honored.

OJ Simpson needs to remain HOF honoree and Pete Rose needs to be in Cooperstown. Opinion.
+ 1 nickman, On Pete Rose. Somebody got all those hits. Give the guy credit.

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