pauls question to NMWF


Active Member
sorry guys ADD kicked in and I was unable to read all the other posts, was this questions taken care of

"Several weeks ago, someone made a post claiming that NMWF was a sister organization of the Wildlife Federation that supports reintroducing wolves in the West and therefore NMWF supports wolves in the Western states as well."
I would think all NM HUNTERS would like to know that answer, before they jump into something that will hurt and not help all the hunters.
Put all the playing cards on the table and look at the whole picture and make the right choice for the LONG term and NOT what will make you just feel good for next year or two.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I was getting ready to post a question on this today again.

IMO the wolf question is a million times more important than how we draw antelope tags.

There is no room for any concessions when it comes to wolves for a hunting organization.

When it was originally posted up, I assumed it was a cheap shot at NMWF.

So when Jeremy posted on here for the first time I thought it was a perfect opportunity for him to put it to rest.

When no response came and then Jason said to "Focus" on antelope my antenna really went up.

As weird as it sounds this has bothered me for the last few days.

I have sent $ to NMWF and believe in their message.

However, if the support wolf reintroduction in the Western States that makes them the enemy. Period!! In fact even worse than some old lady somewhere sending in money to the wolf lovers that has been tricked into believing wolves in our backyard are nice.

Wolf reintroduction to the western states will end big game hunting as we know it. They will replace hunters which is exactly what a big portion of the pro wolf people want.

Jeremy....... Jason???? This is much more important than antelope tags. Lets hear an answer.
I know most of the NMWF guys were still at the NMWF commission meeting last night at 9:30 p.m.
It was marathon of a day, so I wouldn't expect any of them to get back on the blogs for a couple of days.

From my perspective, public ownership of wildlife has much more potential to end hunting. Look at europe. They killed all the wolves, but private ownership of wildlife has ended hunting, and for the most part it ended gun ownership too.

Properly managed wolves are hunted and kept in check. Once Wyoming gets their act together and gets a real hunt going, things will improve in the northern rockies.
It would be extremely naive to believe that hunting wolves in the lower 48 is a long term solution to managing wolves.

Look at KA.

You cannot even hunt mountain lions irregardless of what the biologists say.

Its just a matter of time before there is a ballot initiative to stop wolf hunting and then big game hunting would be over as we know it.

A judge can stop a wolf hunt with a swipe of his pen.

The only solution is to keep the wolves out.

It is a very simple question to NMWF.

Are you 100% against wolf reintroduction in New Mexico.

Anything other than that puts them against hunters on the most important topic there is.

GregMc, tell me why WY is having a problem getting a established wolf hunt going.

Your answer will tell you why we never want to get in the position that WY is here in NM. It will be the beginning of the end.
Once it done there is no going back they put in wolves you will never get them out again,A Wolf season in NM You might want to ask Idaho,Wyoming,Montana,Utah, how that working out for them.

If you have gave money I would be asking for it back.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
30 seconds on the Internet will reveal the answer to your questions....


All I would like to hear is a answer YES or NO, not the spin of how great it will be having more wolves in NM so we can have a season on them, Those tags you take from the LO will just get used by the wolves. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Jeremy from NMWF says they are separate organizations. I give him the benefit of the doubt just as I would anybody else.
I am starting a new Org!

It is going to be called "EPA"! Everyone's Personal Agenda's will be solved!

I mean God for bid, if you do not a agree with one aspect or another!

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