Perfect Day.... Almost


Very Active Member
My wife, two sons and I took advantage of a beautiful day on Sunday and went for a short hike into the western Wyo high country. It was perfect weather and other than a few flies it could not have been more perfect.

Still several patches of snow.

The boys had no trouble making it to the top of the pass.

This is what makes it all worthwhile.

Here's where is goes south. Shortly after leaving the trailhead and walking around the road closed sign I start to see atv tracks in the mud. The trail starts out as an old road grade and then switches to pack trail after about a 1/2 mile. I assumed the loser making the tracks would stop when the road ended. My ability to predict what even the dumbest person would do was obviously poor when the tracks continued up the pack trail. To fully complete the dipchit circle, this limpdick decided to run completely cross country with his atv.

Even my 8 yr. old couldn't figure out why someone would do this. My 6 yr. old is too young to understand the world has no shortage of morons.

I am putting this up in the hopes that the limpdick that made these tracks will read this. Since laws have no affect on you hopefully shame will. A 6 yr. old and 8 yr. old have more sand than you do. Grow a pair and get your lazy butt off the quad. If you do maybe you will lose a few pounds or tip over from a heart attack. Either way the world will be a better place.
Thanks for sharing those pictures and let's hope the moron on the quad went off a cliff with it somewhere never to be found!
Great pictures. sometimes those dipchits are forest service employees or some type of government employee that have to respond to an emergency or its some dipstick trying to ruin it for all us.

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