Photo uploading..(TF)


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-06 AT 01:04PM (MST)[p]TF, you and a few others on this site are the man (men) to ask when it comes to photography. That being said, how do you guys load such large photos when my photos are so small?

I have to downsize the photos to get them on here. Do you put the photos on another hosting site & then link them?

Thanks for your help.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-06 AT 01:13PM (MST)[p]No, i just down size them in photoshop to 600 pixels on the long size, at 72 dpi. You dont need any more data than 72 dpi because the monitors today cant read more data - well some can, mine can read about 92, but most cant.

So resize it to 600 - on the longest side and set the respolution to 72dpi and you'll wind up with a image in the 35-90 kb size.

If you use PS elements there's an option under file called "save for the web"

click that and set it to small, enter 600 on the long side and then hit apply and it will do it automatically for you, then save it as the title plus the word email and then up load it to the MM...
On PS I am trying the steps you listed.

I click on Image.
Then on Image Size.
Then I change the long side to 600 pixels.
Then I change the ppi to 72.

My photos are still 800kb in size. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
i dont know why it wont work.

try to resize to 72 dpi - just like you've done. then same as, and you will get a box that asked you format and size.

select small size jpg and watch the numbers at the bottom of the screen chande as you move the slider from small to large. If you save it at small, say 1 or 2, you will get an image that is smaller than 100kb.

The best way to do it is to use the "save for the web" function under file. It's allows a lot of control.

Click-a-Pic ... Details & Bigger Photos
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