Photos in threads are now all full size


Founder Since 1999
I did not like the thumbnails in posts. So now when someone posts a photo, is shows up full size in the thread, yet can still be clicked on for a larger image.

AND, there's also a button with each photo upload labelled "Full image". One can use that to place a photo anywhere within the message. So you might write a paragraph, then want to insert a particular image, then write another paragraph and insert a different photo. To do this, use the "Full image" button to insert the image wherever your cursor is sitting in the text area.
Hopefully that makes sense.

Photo 1 (I click Full image)

Photo 2 (I click Full image of next photo)
I'm sure there was one around there at some point. But I just randomly grab a couple photos. No thought in it.

Click-a-Pic ... Details & Bigger Photos
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