Pick Big Buck Contest Winners ... Please


Founder Since 1999
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-17 AT 10:28AM (MST)[p][font size=+1 color=darkred]Time to pick Big Buck Contest Winners![/font]

This year our contest winners will receive a Gift Card for their choice of Black Ovis, Camofire, Cabela's, Camera Land, or Bad Ass Outdoor Gear.

Please help me pick winners (You'll like the pics). Below are some links to photo pages. Take a look and let me know who you think should win in each category. Also, I have threads going in the General, Mule Deer and Elk forums. Each thread is to pick winners for different categories, so be sure to visit those threads and help me out there too. There are some great photos you all will enjoy seeing if you haven't already.

I've narrowed them down a bit, here you go...............

Most Impressive Big Buck - $100.00 Gift Card
(Lots of choices, but they are all BIG ones I was sure you all would want to see them)
1 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/393.html
2 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/355.html
3 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/353.html
4 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/317.html
5 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/295.html
6 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/294.html
7 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/292.html
8 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/290.html
9 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/250.html
10 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/249.html
11 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/248.html
12 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/246.html
13 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/211.html
14 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/207.html
15 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/205.html
16 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/171.html
17 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/15.html

Best Mule Deer Buck Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card
1 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/391.html
2 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/354.html
3 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/295.html
4 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/294.html
5 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/273.html
6 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/248.html
7 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/210.html
8 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/202.html
9 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/110.html
10 - http://www.monstermuleys.com/photos/PhotosID38/84.html


Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Most impressive buck #8
Field photo #5, of course I might be a bit biased, he's my son and I'm the old guy in the picture.
6, 6.

Founder, any plans to upgrade the site so we can have polls like all the hunter hunting forums? Sure would make stuff like this easy!

Of those presented:

Most Impressive Buck #9

Best Field Photo #6

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Pretty Dang tough to pick out my favorites out of that line up! But if I could only pick one for each category, ide go with:

#9 for most impressive buck
#6 for best field photo
More feedback needed. Some of you who haven't looked through the photos, please do. Good stuff. Then let me know which should win.


Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
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[font size=+2 color=darkred]Contest Winners Picked![/font]

Well, that giant buck in the high country photo was easily voted the best overall field photo, and because a photo can only win in one category, that opened up the best mule deer buck field photo and there were a couple I had to pick from based on votes here in the forums. Tough choice.
For all the other categories, forum voters had unanimously picked winners, so it was easy for me. All of the photos were sure good ones.

Thanks to all who shared photos and all of you who helped pick winners. I'll email or PM winners.

Best Overall Field Photo (Any Species) - $250.00 Gift Card

Most Impressive Big Buck - $100.00 Gift Card

Most Impressive Big Bull - $100.00 Gift Card

Best Mule Deer Buck Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card

Best Bull Elk Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card

Best Any Other Species Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card

Best Youth Any Game Animal Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card

Best Archery Taken Trophy Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card

Best At-Large Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card

Another Best At-Large Field Photo - $100.00 Gift Card

Hunt Adventure Challenge Winners!

RoadlessHunter - Wins Easton Pickup XT 3000 Hunting Pack

iccyman001 - Wins Easton Pickup XT 3000 Hunting Pack

sn_outdoors - Wins Horn Hunter Fanny Pack

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!

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