Poachers Everywhere


Long Time Member
I know that a lot of you guys are much more aware of the prevalence of poachers in some of your areas than I am. This one has been local news for awhile but they've finally got 19 guilty so far, they say there will be more.

It seems to me that these guys are often tied to TV shows. I used to watch a few of the different hunting shows but I've decided I'm done with that and I'm not much of a fan of the social media hunting crowd either. We don't have to worry about the anti-hunting crowd destroying us we're doing it to ourselves at a greater rate than the anti's can. Personally I believe in jail time for these guys $20,000 may not hurt them that bad.

Two more sentenced yesterday fines now up to over $141,000 dollars probably won't stop these criminals. Why no jail time? The crimes that they plead to or were convicted of was all prosecutors could prove if rumors are true the crimes are much more severe but weren't able to be proven.

This really pisses me off, and the famous Texas poacher supporter give us your take on how these poor criminals were just trying to feed their families and couldn't be expected to follow all these silly laws enacted by overreaching governments.


The rumor is the big mule deer was darted in Colorado and brought to the property for these tools to hunt but at the present it hasn't been proved. I'm not sure this is true but I'm pretty familiar with the area and I've never seen genetics like that around here.
Cornhusker, the main hunter involved will be paying out a total of 50 thousand dollars in fines and court cost. He only got 5 years of no hunting or even being in the field with someone else hunting. I feel it should have been at least 10 years or even lifetime.

I can see your point of jail time, but again why should the tax payer have to pay for the criminal's room and board. I say hit them with heavy fines, get jail time if they fail to pay it, and remove their hunting rights for a very long time including not being with a person who is hunting in the field to make sure he is not hunting in violation of his probation. Include fishing rights gone also.
Those outfitters should be banned from outfitting in the future and also loose all hunting & fishing rights for a long period.

If they do not respect our game laws, remove hunting rights and let them go to the local bar and play shuffle board for entertainment.

I can understand a person violating game laws to feed his family, but these idiots were commercial poachers and should be punished severely.

Where there is money and opportunity you will find crime. I would imagine stuff like this happens ALL OVER the place but only 3-5% get caught.
I'm surprised Homer didn't get on here and say "only in Utah" but he'd be wrong again. This kind of stuff happens all over even in his beloved Cali.

I agree, jail time just costs us money but I do like the stiff fines. I too wish the probation would have been double or even a lifetime hunting ban.


I'm not a fan of putting a ton of emphasis on taking their hunting rights away. They?re poachers, do you really think taking their legal hunting rights away is going to stop them?? I mean seriously, if I was a poacher and you took my hunting rights away as punishment, I'd probably be hunting the Henry?s every year. Just saying... they're poachers, you have to hit them where it hurts. Putting there ass in jail, and fining them would hurt a lot more imo.
Alright I'll jump in this. I think taking away hunting privileges is a total joke. First I agree with what other people have said here. If someone is already illegally hunting whats it to them to keep illegally hunting? Second if someone is a good hunter and gets caught up in some zealous BS he then gets turned into an illegal hunter. That's not a big deal. The big deal is he turns his kids into illegal hunters.

Example: I'm going to be totally honest so I am sure yall will all get pissed off. Lets say someone decides to take away my hunting privileges for whatever reason. Guess what I am going to do next fall? That's right I'm going to load my kids up and go hunting. To me, telling me to not hunt, is like telling me not to be white or heterosexual. Telling me I can't teach 3 little kids to be hunters is like telling me I can't teach them about Jesus. I here people talking about "the kings deer". When the government starts telling people they aren't allowed to hunt or teach their family how to be hunters THAT'S THE KING TELLING YOU WHO OWNS THE DEER!

Next for all you guys that want prison time for these dudes I bring you an example. Last night I watched a true TV show about 4 boys who murdered a 90 year old vet who told them he didn't have any money when they tried to mug him. Here in the real world, and thankfully, all four are charged with capitol murder and will never see freedom again. In a world where the poachers get jail time you gotta decide which one of those 4 boys doesn't get jail time. Sure only one of them pumped five rounds into the victim while three others beat him and went through his pockets and didn't try and help him. I'll make it easy. Which one of those three gentlemen do you want walking around the streets with your kids. You pick.
Tri, Your Post was the perfect example of why we need to give jail time to poachers in "Extreme" cases. But not just jail time whenever. They need to serve their jail time during the hunting season to keep them from doing exactly what you described.

P.S. If you are convicted of poaching and lose your hunting privileges. You are the last person I want teaching your kids "how to be hunters".
>Next for all you guys that
>want prison time for these
>dudes I bring you an


> In a world where
>the poachers get jail time
>you gotta decide which one
>of those 4 boys doesn't
>get jail time. Sure
>only one of them pumped
>five rounds into the victim
>while three others beat him
>and went through his pockets
>and didn't try and help
>him. I'll make it
>easy. Which one of
>those three gentlemen do you
>want walking around the streets
>with your kids. You

First of all, jail and prison are two different places for two different types of offenders in very different circumstances. You?re a troll, but not stupid, so I assume you knew that. But maybe you didn't? So one of two options: 1- Either you're uneducated on what you speak and you need to go have a fake dinner with three fake lawyers so the can explain it to you; or 2- You did know the difference and you decided to post it anyway knowing what you posted is not correct, and therefore you are a liar. Let us know which it is, you can choose.

Plus, even if what you posted was correct, it's a false dichotomy you've set up. I don't have to choose. I don't want any of them walking around the streets with my kids.
Harsh sentencing for criminals does two things. One it punishes the criminal, two it serves to act as a deterrent to those who may think of committing similar crimes in the future. Will it deter them all? No it won't, but it will stop some of the more rational would be criminals.

If the punishment for theft was to have a hand cut off, would shoplifting and theft be as rampant as it is now?
Alright you want to start splitting hairs about whats in jail and who's in prison???? I can do that. Lets start talking about who you have to let of jail to make room for the deer poachers. Car thieves, hard core druggies, drug dealers, people who jerk off in front of little kids, people who trade kiddy porn, child abusers, burglars. How about the good old fashioned drunk drivers that still kill 30,000 Americans a year. Maybe you want one them released so those deer poachers who don't kill anybody can do some jail time. Take your pick smartass. Which ones out of that group you want sitting in the movie theater next to your daughter????? That's what is sitting in our county jails right now. Maybe up where you are at its the lolly pop gang but down here we have real problems with real crimes. You know dam good and well the point I was making boy.
>>You know dam good and
>>well the point I was
>>making boy.
>That's pretty pathetic even for you

Nah, that's sop for tri. Seen it many times.

I've got a Few DEW'S Chillin!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I am all for convicted poachers loosing hunting rights because it is effective. I doubt there is a game warden out there that doesn't think loosing hunting rights is an effective tool to combat poaching. A convicted poacher that looses his hunting rights has two choice.

#1 - Accept that he will not get to hunt during the probation period. This guy is more likely to take responsibility for his actions and less likely to continue poaching in the future.

#2 - Decided to hunt regardless of loosing his right to hunt. This guy does not take responsibility for his actions and is the worse type of poacher. These guys are also more likely to have problems in their business and personal relationships. Loosing his legal right to hunt won't stop this guy from poaching but if he gets caught again during his probation period the judge will be much harder on him. It also makes it much easier for a game warden that is watching this guy to gather evidence that will hold up in court.
It'll never even slow down until it's made a felony charge and they lose more than a few Franklin's and a license they obviously don't care about anyway.

Misdemeanor charges and temporary license revocation does nothing.
Don?t worry about his ?boy? comment. He gets mad when we prove beyond a reasonable doubt he is an ignorant liar.

Plus, he is the king of keyboard courage. The chance of him talking like that to my face (or anyone else?s) is the same as him posting something intelligent on a poaching thread. For those keeping score at home, that chance is exactly zero.
With tri states logic, if he gets a dui, (driving under the influence), he will keep drinking and driving, no one tells tri what he can or can't do
You Boys need to go down on the Utah Forum & see the New Rules on the HELL-RIGHT Thread!

You'd Never Stop all of these LAW BREAKIN BITTTCCHHES!

But I'll GUARAN-DAMN-TEE You the BS Would Slow way down!

But in this State they Treat it No Different than DUI's!

"Let's Slap their Hands,Fine them,Turn them Loose because We know We can catch them again & get some more Money out of them"!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I notice Nilla's huevos already shrunk up and he doesn't have anything left but trash to talk. Speak up when you are ready to choose who gets out of jail to make room boy.

For the rest of you fellas who live in some make believe land where you defend wildlife on the back of a unicorn and poachers get the electric chair you need to start thanking of something. ALL OF YOU HAVE BROKEN WILDLIFE LAWS. If you haven't you really don't hunt much. I have spent 27 years in the hunting industry. I don't have a single wildlife conviction. Not one. I HAVE BROKEN WILDLIFE LAWS. I don't do it on purpose, but the fact is we are the most heavily regulated, sport/ past time in the world. I feed and cloth 5 families from hunting. You think I'm crazy enough to intentionally break the hunting laws???? Hell no. If you hunt you will break the law. You can't possibly know every single wildlife law where you go. It is that impossible. I HAVEN'T MET A GAME WARDEN THAT CAN KEEP TRACK OF THEM.

Example: For a couple of years New Mexico tried a system where you print your tags and licenses on line. They did it for two years. This year they switched back. Every single New Mexico game warden I met during that time period was telling people a different story about tagging game. Some said the tag no longer had to be attached to the game at all. Some said you had to print it twice and attach one copy to meat and one to horn. One game warden said it was illegal to print the tag twice. One said the tag was supposed to be printed once and only attached to horn. Meanwhile I have a bunch of out of state hunters and myself all trying like hell to obey the law but dancing around whether we are committing a federal felony because all of us are planning on taking these animals home in different states.

I had a client here that got charged with killing an under age sheep and because it was Alaska and he is in Texas he got charged with a felony because he was planning on bringing it home. Guess what several thousand dollars later in attorney fees he got cleared of all charges and was given his sheep. HE ALMOST LOST HIS JOB OVER IT. He just wanted to go sheep hunting for Pete's sake.

Am I taking up for these guys that got convicted? HELL NO. But I can live with the justice that they got. If you think its a slap on the wrist you go pay their fines. You sit out 5 hunting seasons. The punishment fits. I can live with that. I am much more comfortable knowing that the authorities are zealous towards druggies and perverts than some selfish dude who whacked a deer illegally.
I already said who to let out in my first post, little fella. Need one of those fake lawyer buddies of yours to read it for you? I did use big two syllable words throughout my post, so I can see where the difficulty was for you.

Remember that time you tried to call me out with your fake dinner at with three non-existent lawyers saying what I predicted and could happen under the law was wrong, and then EXACTLY what I said could/would happen actually happened?

That dude learned a lesson about poaching. That's for sure!
Tristate is right we have all screwed up and had game violations while trying to keep the law. The difference is when someone purposely and purposefully breaks the law to get an animal. Like hunting on the winter range outside of season. The book should be thrown at someone like that.
"The difference is when someone purposely and purposefully breaks the law to get an animal. Like hunting on the winter range outside of season. The book should be thrown at someone like that."

What's the book? Looks like they paid through the nose this time and lost hunting privileges for years. Like I said before if you think that's a slap on the wrist go pay their fines for them. I sure don't want to pay those fines. Maybe everyone else around here is filthy rich but those size fines would upend my life. I can accept the justice those guys received. AND IT'S PLENTY POWERFUL MESSAGE TO ME I BETTER NOT BREAK THOSE LAWS.

My other point in the previous post was exactly what you see here. The childish twerp Vanilla claims he is a prosecutor. Do you really expect that whackjob boy to use any kind of level headed discretion on people he goes after?????? He lives in some alternate made up reality. A boy like Vanilla sees BDawg Jr. screw up filling out a tag for a deer and because he is wearing a flatty and didn't say "Your honor" he needs the "book thrown at him". That's what happened to my client in Alaska. Some childish gubmint employee got his panties in a twist, like Vanilla does, and decided to try and ruin a good man. BDawg, that could be you next time.

By the way Vanilla you are still lacking the huevos to answer. You pick.
Let's face it, our jail and prison space is already filled up with suspects who have committed far more serious crimes then someone poaching a game animal.

For the poachers, heavy fines and lost of hunting rights for years will help curb poaching. We all know that some poachers, after losing hunting rights, will go into the hunting field with buddies and share a rifle while hunting. Game warden comes along and the poacher will tell the Warden, I am not hunting, just here to help my buddy out. Having a judge to place that poacher on probation that will not allow him to be in the hunting field during hunting season, and not being with anyone else that is hunting will help to curb that violation that many of them do. If caught doing that, jail time may be the answer then.

If a guide or outfitter is caught violating poaching laws, they should loose their guide-outfitter license on top of the fines and no hunting for years.

> If a guide
>or outfitter is caught violating
>poaching laws, they should loose
>their guide-outfitter license on top
>of the fines and no
>hunting for years.

We have one in Utah that fits that description but he has connections so he skates through unscathed.
>It's weird to see tri and
>vanilla argue, you guys have
>so much in common

Nah, the city boy from TexASS lives for arguing on the internet. He loves this chit. He'll argue with anyone, anytime about anything.

Looks like neller has the sawed off little twat all fired up too.

Let Me get this #### Right?

Poachers know they Ain't going to Jail no matter how much Destruction they've done?

Several Didn't Like The Fines I'm Putting in Place on the New Deer Management Plan Called HELL-RIGHT,HELL-F'N-RIGHT!

So We're Just gonna Keep Slappin Hands for the Offense?

Who Loses Again?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Maybe if your pal hadn't shot an underage sheep (or close to) he coulda saved himself a few thousand dollars in attorney fees. And he never would?ve almost lost his job. Seems like an easy thing to avoid, don't do something stupid.
>Maybe if your pal hadn't shot
>an underage sheep (or close
>to) he coulda saved himself
>a few thousand dollars in
>attorney fees. And he
>never would?ve almost lost his
>job. Seems like an
>easy thing to avoid, don't
>do something stupid.

tough to argue with that....but he will

"Maybe if your pal hadn't shot an underage sheep (or close to) he coulda saved himself a few thousand dollars in attorney fees."

And that pretty much sums up my problem here and one of the biggest problems in our society.Not just that there is a lack of compassion for the wrongly accused but the fact that people try to still blame the accused for poor decision making even after they are exonerated. Yall are similar to the people who say clothing choices are the reason women get raped. Instead of realizing these injustices could happen to you or someone you care about so its better to combat the actual problem.

By the way. I mounted the sheep. It was a monster. The guy just ran into the wrong Vanilla on the wrong day in a government office and suffered because of it.


For you what is the level of punishment which is then no longer "a slap on the wrist"?
>"Maybe if your pal hadn't shot
>an underage sheep (or close
>to) he coulda saved himself
>a few thousand dollars in
>attorney fees."
>And that pretty much sums up
>my problem here and one
>of the biggest problems in
>our society.Not just that there
>is a lack of compassion
>for the wrongly accused but
>the fact that people try
>to still blame the accused
>for poor decision making even
>after they are exonerated.
>Yall are similar to the
>people who say clothing choices
>are the reason women get
>raped. Instead of realizing
>these injustices could happen to
>you or someone you care
>about so its better to
>combat the actual problem.
>By the way. I mounted
>the sheep. It was
>a monster. The guy
>just ran into the wrong
>Vanilla on the wrong day
>in a government office and
>suffered because of it.
>For you what is the level
>of punishment which is then
>no longer "a slap on
>the wrist"?

Hey Tri!

Go Down on the Utah Forum & Read My HELL-RIGHT,HELL-F'N-RIGHT Thread!

I Know they Ain't Never gonna Throw Some LOW-LIFE HABITUAL Poacher in Jail!

But I Did Raise the Price of the Fines!:D

And Even Niller didn't Like it!


If Somebody Broke in to your Taxidermy Shop & Took Everything or even some of it,tell Me You Wouldn't be mad at the THIEF?

We all know they're not gonna offer the GAME THIEF any Jail Time!


The Fee's went up!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

I wasn't attacking your stance. I actually wanted to know at what level of punishment did you no longer consider something a slap on the wrist?

As for people breaking into my shop and stealing, sure I get mad when that happens. Guess what! They can get jail time for burglary AND THERE IS A LOT MORE HOMES AND BUSINESSES BEING BURGLARIZED THAN DEER POACHED. So just deciding to make a jailable offense doesn't magically solve the problem. And just because I am angry at the offender doesn't mean I want his house burned down or him to meet a grizzly demise. Or his put so far into debt his kids will never recover from it.
Couple things here, first, I'm definitely not taking your word for it that the ram in question was a "monster." You've shown less than great judgement on this forum as well as a heck of an agenda against wildlife laws and management. Your unwavering support, or at least indifference to those that steal from the honest sportsman, is mind blowing. To each their own I guess but from what I've observed, you'd lie to build your online credentials on just about any topic and I have no doubt this is another of those cases. Just my opinion from afar though.

Secondly, the fact that your friend was absolved of charges and the case went away is in no way proof that he was "wrongly accused." There's evidence across the country that wildlife law crimes (and by definition they are crimes) aren't a top priority for court systems and prosecutors. When someone has the ability or desire to put up a fight it's well known that the courts will take the easy route and choose not to spend valuable dollars prosecuting. This does not mean the laws are any less important or that they are flawed, it's the world we live in. I believe this was part of the OP's original point. Anywho, I'll await your convoluted response that twists these words around.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-19 AT 11:33AM (MST)[p]:D :D :D :D :D

You gotta love an internet jury. You know why Vanilla loves an internet jury? Because its the same idiots he can pick to be on a real jury. Luckily the world is full of people like you shadows who don't need any evidence at all. Every person is guilty that the cops arrest or ticket. Who need due process, right? I mean if some internet chicken says your guilty then you must be guilty.

Enjoy your reality Shadows. Enjoy it right up to the moment Vanilla screws you or someone that matters to you.

For your viewing pleasure. :D

The way in which you respond is on par with the sun rise.

I don't feel like I ever outwardly stated that your "friend" did anything wrong in my last response, I was simply providing background as to reasons why he could've had the charges dropped as well as laying out why your clear biases may be clouding your explanation of the situation. If he truly did no single thing wrong then I'm glad he was cleared. Your track record here makes me think otherwise.

Regardless, I don't know the situation, my remarks were about the state of wildlife law as a whole and how people like you don't value/understand/care about them, as you've stated ad nauseam. Something along the lines of "I don't care if there's a season, go hunt them."

Eagerly awaiting your next response!
What is my "track record here"??? Please elaborate. I have never once promoted poaching on here. I have never once stated These people should get a lesser penalty. I have never once stated somebody "didn't do it". Pretty much all the titty baby whining people have done on here is because I didn't affirm their internet lynchings. That's it. Which is exactly the same crap you have pushed on this thread.

Go find one place anywhere where I have told anyone I am or should, or they should be poaching, and I will leave these threads for ever. Until then your just another person making stupid assumptions.
Easy pal! Just my observations. I mean, the time you started ranting about getting off your butt and hunting even if there's no seasons seemed pretty blatant to me but I'm sure you were just exaggerating for effect. I don't have the time or desire to search your post history, I'll just stick with the opinion I've formed of you off your semi-coherent internet ramblings. Happy Holidays!
Here's the Deal Here in this State Tri!

They Ain't gonna put anybody in Jail for Poaching!

The Poachers have the Attitude of:"Just Give me the F'N Fine"!

"I'll Pay it"!

That's Taught Them Nothing but to Break the Law Even More!

In My eyes they Can Poach & Pay My New Fines!

Or they can Use that Round F'N Thang Atop Their Heads & Take care of their Families!

The Choice is theirs!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I think shadow and troll should meet at the flagpole and settle this once and for all. :)
This chit is funny
And to think, the hunting season just ended. I can't wait to read what's on these threads by April

Carry on

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
>have never once promoted poaching
>on here. I have
>never once stated These people
>should get a lesser penalty.
> I have never once
>stated somebody "didn't do it".

This is 100% a lie.

Carry on.
who owns the animals?
I should be able to take game animals anywhere and anytime I want
you have a problem with Texas residents vagnilla?

Concerning that attitude pasted above. I have hunted Wyoming on about 10 occasions over the years. On one deer and antelope hunt in the Lusk area I and my father in law went into the local hardware store to buy some doe tags to go with our buck tags that we already had.
While talking to the lady behind the counter, who also happen to a ranch owner's wife she related the following concerning hunters from Texas.

She told us that they did not care for the Texan oil field workers because after being there for 6 months they felt they owned the state and the game animals. She related that they would shoot a deer or antelope and after walking up to it and finding the horns were not big enough to suit them, they would leave it in the field to rot and go after a bigger animal.

She also stated that CA. hunters were normally welcomed since they seem to respect property rights and game laws.

On another occasion I had a rancher, who gave us trespass rights, tell us that he would not allow anyone from Texas to hunt his ranch due to their disregard of game laws.

With that post above from a Texas hunter, I now can understand why people in Wyoming do not welcome hunters from Texas.

I am only one person from Texas. I have zero wildlife convictions. I am the one person on the thread that says he supports the judgement which these people received. It is justice. I do not support internet lynchings, or the whining of people who confuse vengeance with justice. I do not respect people who want to attack, belittle and deface people on the internet because they aren't getting their way. AND THOSE PEOPLE AREN'T THE LAW.
Holy crap. I just witnessed both of Tristates personalities in the same thread?

TRI: you can take the AVERAGE for ann elk or deer auctioned and see real quick poaching one is a larger charge than car theft.

AI deer here is $375k.

Elk are going in the $50k range

Second. What do you tell your kids about guns? Something along the lines of


Poaching ain't an accident, it's a criminal action with a deadly weapon.


I own the animals in my state. POACHERS steal from me and every other citizen of the state.

Like that sheep your girlfriend Waldrip stole off a closed unit

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I've got a big problem with Jerry Jones and Jason Garrett right now. Just to start on what Texas residents I've got problems with at the moment.
Dang I better up my insurance. I've got over a billion dollars worth of merchandise in here. :D

"I own the animals in my state. POACHERS steal from me and every other citizen of the state."

Okay so you decided YOU own the animals which in reality you don't but hey I can play along with a sucker. Lets say one of your $375,000 deer gets killed illegally that means the person just stole 13 cents from you. That's right. You're out 13 cents. Hey man I'm just breaking your crazy logic for you.

"Poaching ain't an accident, it's a criminal action with a deadly weapon."

Actually it isn't.

You really do operate in a wild fictional alternate universe.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-19 AT 11:26AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-19 AT 11:26?AM (MST)

First. I do own them.

That's why YOU as an NR pay a lot higher fee to kill one.

But let's follow your dumazz logic.

If someone steals your $70k powerstroke, im out exactly absolutely nothing.

So on you stupid scale, poaching still hurts me more.

And if we consider that buck would breed multiple does I'm out several fawns capable of using their daddies genes to sucker in some jackwagon with $375k.

Your powerstroke doesn't really produce other powerstroke, so, again poaching costs me and my fellow citizens more than a car thief.

BTW, speaking of the cost of AI deer.

How much is that ban your buddy WLH got slapped with out there gonna cost him?


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
"First. I do own them."

No you don't. You can't handle them when you want. You can't kill them when you want. You can't do anything with them without the governments permission and you aren't paying property taxes on them. You don't own squat. You've been lied to.

"That's why YOU as an NR pay a lot higher fee to kill one."

Really. Wow. So how much of my non-resident fee do you get??? None. Because you don't own squat.

"But let's follow your dumazz logic."

My dumbazz logic was nothing but trying to reason how your mythical $375000 deer aren't getting people thrown in prison.

"If someone steals your $70k powerstroke, im out exactly absolutely nothing.

So on you stupid scale, poaching still hurts me more."

Well that clears it all up. Nobody should face justice if it doesn't hurt Hossblur. WOW.

"And if we consider that buck would breed multiple does I'm out several fawns capable of using their daddies genes to sucker in some jackwagon with $375k."

And we are back to believing all der are worth $375,000. Man I had no idea I was running a multi-billion dollar a year company.

"Your powerstroke doesn't really produce other powerstroke, so, again poaching costs me and my fellow citizens more than a car thief."

Actually it doesn't. But math and logic really aren't your thing.

"BTW, speaking of the cost of AI deer.

How much is that ban your buddy WLH got slapped with out there gonna cost him?


No idea what you are talking about. But I don't sit around on the internet hoping bad things happen to people.
I sit around hoping consequences happen to bad people.

Is that what you mean about "bad things happen to people?"
>"BTW, speaking of the cost of
>AI deer.
>How much is that ban your
>buddy WLH got slapped with
>out there gonna cost him?
>No idea what you are talking
>about. But I don't
>sit around on the internet
>hoping bad things happen to

but I thought Wade was your friend? Didn't your friend tell you about what happened?
Gotta love Tri.

When it suits his cause, him and WLH are best buds. Then, when it doesn't he knows nothing.

Feel free to go back and look at his FAMOUS BLAAAMMM post to see how many times he references his "friend" Wade.

Also funny how this poaching subject seems to be his pet cause. Go look at all the poaching posts and see who the guy Is THAT ALWAYS defends the poacher. Is there a reason Tri? Get pinched?

Last. If the measure of what I own as a citizen involves whether I can "handle" it, then that list is pretty long.

As usual he wants to pretend these cases are just some dude who hurries a shot and misses hitting another animal.

They ain't. They are generally repeat offenders. They almost always involve multiple offenses. And for some reason they never seem to poach does or cows. Almost like they were targeting? Almost as if it wasn't random accidents, but a premeditated action.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-19 AT 01:38PM (MST)[p]"I sit around hoping consequences happen to bad people."

Sounds like a sad existence to me. Maybe you are the kind of dad who laughs while beating his kids when they are bad.

So I can be clear. I think something is fundamentally wrong with anyone who derives pleasure from some one else's suffering or loss.


You literally didn't say one truthful thing about me in your latest post. Maybe whatever you are thinking you know about with Wade isn't that big of a deal to Wade. Did that thought ever cross your mind?
>So I can be clear.
>I think something is fundamentally
>wrong with anyone who derives
>pleasure from some one else's
>suffering or loss.

You are the only one talking about anyone else's suffering or loss, and certainly the only one talking about getting pleasure from it.

I don't get any pleasure out of people poaching. None, whatsoever. A certain satisfaction out of justice being served, yes. But pleasure, in my world? Nope...you don't come into my world because good things happened.
"You are the only one talking about anyone else's suffering or loss, and certainly the only one talking about getting pleasure from it."

No need to lie Vanilla. This isn't work.
We should all collaboratively poach Tristat's land and shoot all the animals. Wonder what he would think about that. I bet he would push for maximum charges against us all when caught.

You literally didn't say one truthful thing about me in your latest post. Maybe whatever you are thinking you know about with Wade isn't that big of a deal to Wade. Did that thought ever cross your mind?

Hmmmm, there were hundreds of posts. Everyone in here read them, we all know what you said.

We also all know you show up in poaching posts, always on the POACHERS side.

As for WLH, I doubt he does care. We are all just knuckleheads to him

Can your other personality Hunting Texas come back out to talk?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Pass me a dew elkassassin. On second thought, make it a busch light, I won't tell yer bishop!

Hey fondler, you gonna manage that name callin deal over the whole site or just the political forum? Seems like you didn't like the basement reception?

>Pass me a dew elkassassin. On
>second thought, make it a
>busch light, I won't tell
>yer bishop!

I'll Stick with My DEW DW!

But for You a 12 Pack of Busch Light!

If You Think I'm an Asshholle when I'm Only Drinkin DEW most wouldn't wanna contend with Me when I'm on other Beverages!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
"We should all collaboratively poach Tristat's land and shoot all the animals. Wonder what he would think about that. I bet he would push for maximum charges against us all when caught."

I have caught poachers before where I hunt. I didn't like it. Turned them over to the authorities. No idea whether they got life in prison or if the warden drove them home. I let the courts do their thing and I get back to doing mine.
"Hmmmm, there were hundreds of posts. Everyone in here read them, we all know what you said."

I literally have no clue what you are talking about. I haven't seen a thread about AI and wade Lemon and a Ban. and I know I haven't posted on one. Are you off your meds again?
Tri, I've mostly just been a lurker on this site since around 99 or 2000, I would be willing to bet that it is much easier to find posts where you are sticking up for the poachers and bad talking the Leo than it would to find you saying about time they got what they deserved! I don't have the desire or knowledge on how to look up old posts but feel free to prove me wrong if you would like. Until then you are as bad as a poacher if not worse in most folks eyes on these pages.
>"Hmmmm, there were hundreds of posts.
>Everyone in here read them,
>we all know what you
>I literally have no clue what
>you are talking about.
>I haven't seen a thread
>about AI and wade Lemon
>and a Ban. and
>I know I haven't posted
>on one. Are you
>off your meds again?

Your posts about your "good friend" WLH were in your BLLLLAAAAAAMMMM section.

As to posts on AI,check the date genius. An entire thread. In fact there are 2 posts. Utah section for those Texans playing dumb.

Copy and paste sucks.

I'd copy and paste the sheep post containing yourfamous defense of your "good friend" WLH but, that thing is a little large. Large enough that pretty much every dude in here read and contributed.

(3219 posts)
Click to EMail hossblur Click to send private message to hossblur Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
01:25 PM (MST)
"Antelope Island deer"
Saw Doyle's pick and his small writeup about all the hard work on the bought tag

Saw WLH pic, but for some strange reason there isn't a story about the hunt.

I wonder why?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I still can't tell what the heck you are talking about. There is almost no coherent grammar in your writing. There is still nothing about me posting in a AI, WLH, banned thread. Nothing.

The Blaaaaaaam thread as you called it had nothing to do with anyone getting banned nor did it have anything to do with AI.

Calm down take your meds.

Hossblur you might want to consult a physician.
"Tri, I've mostly just been a lurker on this site since around 99 or 2000, I would be willing to bet that it is much easier to find posts where you are sticking up for the poachers and bad talking the Leo than it would to find you saying about time they got what they deserved! I don't have the desire or knowledge on how to look up old posts but feel free to prove me wrong if you would like. Until then you are as bad as a poacher if not worse in most folks eyes on these pages."

There actually isn't a single thread on these forums when I "stuck up for poachers". As for proving you wrong, go look at this thread. I said the entire thread the law breakers got justice and I don't have a problem with that.

You will never here me say someone "got what they deserved". Nobody knows what anybody here deserved. That's not a statement I make. It's kind of like saying something is "fair". Statements such as those I leave to the women and kids.

The problem with you and many others here is yall believe if I disagree with yall I am sticking up for poachers when in reality I just want the criminal justice system to work and quit the tough guy internet lynchings.
>There actually isn't a single thread
>on these forums when I
>"stuck up for poachers".
>As for proving you wrong,
>go look at this thread.
> I said the entire
>thread the law breakers got
>justice and I don't have
>a problem with that.

Actually literally you are a lying sack of crap right now. Literally actually.

Btw, have you talked to your special friend Wade yet? Or are you two only friends when you write him checks?
I'm not going to try and argue the point with you Tri, there's no need to because you are always right, you've proven that time and time again. I was simple stating an outsiders observation of how you respond to poaching threads every time one comes up! You could easily defend this by pulling up old threads if you would like, I'm just not that ambitious
>I still can't tell what the
>heck you are talking about.
> There is almost no
>coherent grammar in your writing.
> There is still nothing
>about me posting in a
>AI, WLH, banned thread.
>The Blaaaaaaam thread as you called
>it had nothing to do
>with anyone getting banned nor
>did it have anything to
>do with AI.
>Calm down take your meds.
>Hossblur you might want to consult
>a physician.

You do make me laugh. Your spin is fantastic.

But here. In very plain English.

Your "good friend" WLH was guiding the public hunter on AI. They, 2 guides of WLH, on with the last name Lemon, entered a NO HUNTING campground and harassed a deer out of it. They were cited, and are banned from guiding the island (ALLEGEDLY)

Can't wait for your spin.

And as to POACHERS, your spin is so ridiculous even "lurkers" know what you say.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

In Texas, if convicted of poaching you pay CRIMINAL fines as well as are cited with possibility of FELONY jail time.

As well as CIVIL fines for restitution of animal based on cost of animal. Trophy costs apply to Bighorns, whitetail, AND MULE DEER.

Now what kind of a state do you live in where a simple man can make an "honest" mistake and get a $53,000 fine for shooting a whitetail(Johnson 278 score), or another man, just trying to feed his family got hit with an $18,000 fine and 5 years of JAIL TIME during opening weekends(Drinnon)?

Funny how civil restitution based on market was me "being off my meds", yet it is YOUR STATE LAW.

As usual. Spin that

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
You will never here me say someone "got what they deserved". Nobody knows what anybody here deserved. That's not a statement I make. It's kind of like saying something is "fair". Statements such as those I leave to the women and kids. -Tristate

I'd be interested to know what you're implying about women here. Tell us what you think about women, Tri. Show how big of a man you are!
You being off your meds is talking about me making posts on threads that don't even exist. You weren't even talking about civil restitution then. Then your last post is this crazy run-on sentence about fines and two guys I guess. Not sure what the hell your point is.

Calm down dude. Take your pills. Then come back and type one thought at a time and try and remember what you typed in your last post.

Maybe you'll get somewhere.
"I'd be interested to know what you're implying about women here. Tell us what you think about women, Tri. Show how big of a man you are!"

Go start a thread in the campfire area or send me a PM. Quit trying to hijack the thread and make this about me, boy.
>Go start a thread in the
>campfire area or send me
>a PM. Quit trying
>to hijack the thread and
>make this about me, boy.

Chicken. That tells us everything we need to know. Not that we didn't already know...
Not running anywhere Tri, patiently waiting for you to find a thread where you stuck up for law enforcement and denounced the poachers?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-19 AT 10:08AM (MST)[p]Well I guess these boys have had enough. We are down to three kids spewing crazy crap. Nilla wants to discuss my views on women, bigshotca is to dumb to go back and read my posts on this thread, and Hossblur is all over the place still talking about a totally unrelated thread from a few years ago and trying to prove deer are worth $375,000.

I'm starting to think all three characters are the same drunk snowed into his house somewhere and only a computer and whiskey to keep warm.
Usual spin. Same BS.

This coming from a dude who has spent years "educating us" about how tags prices should be driven by market forces. That tags are worth what the highest bidder pays, etc.

So now when I say poachibg fines should be based on the same, suddenly he has Alzheimer's.

But. He does know the law in his home state. And so he also knows, as usual, what he "educates" everyone about is pretty much BS.

Second. Tri. I know you read the posts. But I guess your going to have Alzheimer's again on your claim that you and WLH are "good buddies"?

If so. Can we talk to your other personality Hunting Texas. He seems to be pretty tight with WLH biggest client, the Waldrips. Maybe Hunting Texas would like to comment?

Ya. I'm asking you to GET OFF YOUR MEDS and let us talk to your other personality.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
So you pretty much don't want to talk about the OP anymore??????

I'm just guessing because everything on your post is just some weird accusations. I guess if yall have all given up I'll just provide yall with some music.

>AT 10:08?AM (MST)

>Well I guess these boys have
>had enough. We are
>down to three kids spewing
>crazy crap. Nilla wants
>to discuss my views on
>women, bigshotca is to dumb
>to go back and read
>my posts on this thread,
>and Hossblur is all over
>the place still talking about
>a totally unrelated thread from
>a few years ago and
>trying to prove deer are
>worth $375,000.
>I'm starting to think all three
>characters are the same drunk
>snowed into his house somewhere
>and only a computer and
>whiskey to keep warm.

Man, what a delusional world you live in. The rest of us are still here but we've got other things to do with our time outside of spinning peoples words and supporting those that steal from us. It's fun to watch you spin your wheels and I have no doubt you truly believe the nonsense you type but do you ever step back and actually read the ramblings you put forth?

At some point, when every other person is calling out your bs, you've got to realize that just maybe you're approaching things in an illogical manner. But who knows, maybe you're just ahead of your time and a revolutionary set to change the wildlife management world as we know it. Either way, I'll stick with believing criminals should be prosecuted to the full extent and be upset when they aren't. Merry Christmas, big guy.
Hey Shadows, the word "you" appeared a dozen times in the last post. I feel special.

This one goes out to "You"

I wonder Ms. Waldrip knows how Tristate feels about women in general? His alter-ego account used to claim it WAS her.

I guess he's done since he won't answer any questions.
You haven't asked any questions about the OP. Grow up, be a man, and quit playing games and we can start dancing.

By the way. I only have one account here. That's all I have ever had or will have. Haven't lied to you yet. You kind of got your wittle feelings hurt didn't you boy.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-19 AT 08:19AM (MST)[p]Welcome to the internet. I am pretty sure most people here are high but not on maturity.

By the way smokingfire Vanilla is a boy. Maybe you know something we don't and would like to share.

Also I gave the kid an out. I told him to PM me or start a new thread if he just wanted to talk trash to me and not hi-jack the thread. He did neither.
>Welcome to the internet. I
>am pretty sure most people
>here are high but not
>on maturity.
>By the way smokingfire Vanilla is
>a boy. Maybe you
>know something we don't and
>would like to share.

"I am pretty sure most people here are high but not on maturity."

I can definitely see that from your responses.
Speaking of Maturity, did you come to post something about poaching or how to slow it down, or poaching penalties???? Or are you just another kid that likes to throw stones?
I'll make you the same offer as I made Nilla. If you want to make a thread about me either go start a new one or PM me.

Why don't you post up something important about these poachers that got busted?
>I'll make you the same offer
>as I made Nilla.
>If you want to make
>a thread about me either
>go start a new one
>or PM me.
>Why don't you post up something
>important about these poachers that
>got busted?

I'd PM you but you are so close to getting to 5000 posts! I'm going to guess about 4000 of your 5000 posts are arguing with people so I'll assume you're at about an 8 out of 10 on that scale.
In Tri?s defense he does post 3 or 4 decent mounts a year, he just can't keep his mouth shut and always ends up in an argument! If I was a betting man he's probably around 5 foot tall and just got picked on to much when he was a kid? Now he's trying to make up for it being a keyboard tuff guy, could be wrong tho.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-19 AT 11:41AM (MST)[p]>In Tri?s defense he does post
>3 or 4 decent mounts
>a year, he just can't
>keep his mouth shut and
>always ends up in an
>argument! If I was a
>betting man he's probably around
>5 foot tall and just
>got picked on to much
>when he was a kid?
>Now he's trying to make
>up for it being a
>keyboard tuff guy, could be
>wrong tho.

5 feet tall and 5 feet wide. You?re not wrong. Like I said before, there is exactly ZERO chance he'd say any of this to anyone?s face.

Tri, I like to take a spin in the mud and poop with pigs every now and then. It can be entertaining, but I always do it on my own terms, not the pig?s. Pigs get slaughtered, they don't tell the farmer what to do. Back to your slop trough. Know your role here and stick to it.

Now you are welcoming ideas on how to address poachers? You usually tell everyone here to quit worrying about it and leave it to the courts. (Interesting when you think about who that actually includes leaving it to...) ;-)

everybody here knows exactly where I am and who I am. You're welcome to stop by anytime. I don't say anything here I wouldn't say right to your face. And nobody has ever said anything to me here that's worth me picking a fight over. Maybe one day you will grow up little fella and quit worrying about who gets or doesn't get picked on. I ain't going anywhere. The next time somebody posts something I am interested in I will tell you exactly what I think. I don't care if you and four other kids want to make wild assumptions and label me. I really hope some actual hunters and grown men start posting hunting stuff again and you kids go play faceyspace and twoot each other or whatever you kids do these days. I like to talk hunting with hunters.
>In Tri?s defense he does post
>3 or 4 decent mounts
>a year, he just can't
>keep his mouth shut and
>always ends up in an
>argument! If I was a
>betting man he's probably around
>5 foot tall and just
>got picked on to much
>when he was a kid?
>Now he's trying to make
>up for it being a
>keyboard tuff guy, could be
>wrong tho.

On behalf of all short men on earth, Tristate does not speak for nor do his actions represent the rest of us.

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