Poncho's anyone?


Long Time Member
I'm looking for a good poncho, it seems none of the upper echelon companies make one. A good poncho offers protection for your upper body and your pack, you can hunker down in a storm with one or use it as a tarp. It also could be worn on your ATV, draped over the handle bars but, the only ones I can find are just your basic cheap pvc version. If you know of a high quality poncho post it!


Check on a military surplus poncho.

I got one from a guy during the first gulf war and still carry it. Its big, camo, fairly low weight, and indestructable.

Hope it helps/
I second the military poncho idea.

I've carried one for 20+ years. Covers everything. I've sat out some nasty weather under one. Laid on the snow pack with it, made a sling using a pole to carry out game (no pack frame). Used it as a tarp in camp, made a blind, etc... Many uses.

U.S. Cavalry carries them: http://www.uscav.com/search.aspx?Search=poncho&tabID=548&os=1&CatID=5090

I'd be careful using one on an ATV though. Might get wrapped around the axel and make a mess of you.

I was looking for one also. Cabelas just came out with a new one I want to get. They are 20mm compared to the cheaper 10mm ones. They are also MossyOak camo. I think they are a new product regular price 20 bucks on sale for 10. They are in the new edition II fall catalogue.

Try looking at Cabela's website, I was just sent an e-mail notice about Christmas sales.
Go to www.cabelas.com try looking there. My neighbor borrowed mine and I haven't got it back yet.

We all carry the military surplus. New military ones are only a little more. Super durable and work awesome and easily fit in a day pack or saddle bags.

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