Predator: A question...


Long Time Member
Manny15 and I would like to know if there's a way to get a petition going to re-instate lion hunting in CA. I've read your posts on issues before, and it seems you know about how to handle this kind of "stuff". Thanks in advance for any help. Paul
P.C., you would first need to find out whether or not you have an 'initiative' process. That's how we got things done here, by 'initiative' or 'proposition'. The best way to do it would be to get some backing for a proposition to re-instate the hunting. If I recall correctly, I just read something in Petersen's regarding this very issue, I'll see if I can find out the bill's sponsor.

Muleynuts might also be a great help in this regard.
Thanks, I ain't got much money but I'm sure I can get some of the other guides in our area to pitch in if they think we could get some attention on this matter......Manny'
Not to butt in, we had a measure on the ballot a few years back and we didn't pull through. So we get the measure on the ballot and then what? We don't vote and there it goes again. Let me know if you're successful and I'll try to help any way I can.

I never heard about your attemps other wise I would have gottin envolved, we gotta keep tryin to get this up for a vote soon while its fresh in the media, I live up North near The Oregon boarder and we're all fed-up....but where does one start..?..I'm willin to freeze my butt off in front of the local Wal-mart with a petition....
What are there, 15 million morons in the LA basin and 8 million in the bay area and 7 million people in the rest of the state? As much as I would like to see it on the ballot and would do all I could to support it, those cats are going to have to start eating one a day to pass in this state. That might not be enough.

Been gone for a couple weeks so late posting on this topic.

Prop 117 that fully protected mtn. lions in CA was passed in 1988. And by a very slim margin I might add. Not supported in the majority of the state but passed over whelmingly in the Bay Area and parts of the LA Basin (liberal strongholds). Then again a Prop was introduced in '94 that would repeal prop. 117, and it failed. So another attempt would be ??able. Hey it's CA, going to just have to live with it.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I don't think enough hunters care, they say they do but can't break 'em away from the gosh darn Boob Tube long enough to get envolved.....sad!.......
kilbuc, that was the one (94). And what did we do? We sat on it! Sucks for us! Guess we'll have to move.
Start up another initiative and run film footage of "a cute, fluffy cougar" bringing down a deer and ripping the intestines from the deer's soft, warm belly. Continue to roll footage of the mountain-side kill of the the two mountain bikers last month. Cut to their funerals and then show video of the small children that have been attacked in the California and Colorado suburbs. Then have a voice over say "So you really think California's Game & Fish Department biologists should have no say over whether we have too many lions or not?" Vote yes on Prop 911 to end the brutal slaughter of the innocents and restore safety to California's recreation areas.

Thats what I did :7:7:7:7 And I havent been sorry since I left. I was there and voted in favor of the repeal in 94 and to no big surprise it failed. My suggestion is get out while the gettin' is good.


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