Preseason Workout for a Good Cause??


Founder Since 1999
You up for a pre-preseason run?

As some might know, a little more than a week ago I lost my sweet wife, Karrie, to breast cancer. After battling that crap for 3 years, she passed away on her 34th birthday. I know many of you have lost people close to you, but for those who don't know what it's like, it hurts so badly. I lost my soul-mate and my kids lost their momma. It just shouldn't happen, just shouldn't.

Anyway, I joined a team that my wifes friend setup called "Karrie's Krew" and will be running the "Komen Race for the Cure" 5K on May 7th. I'm hoping a few of you would like to join me in not only the run, but also raising a few funds in an effort to save someone out there the pain my family has had to endure.

It'll be a good pre-preseason run to start getting those love handles a little smaller. Join the team or just donate if you can't or don't want to run/walk. I know there are lots of causes out there to donate to, but since this one hits home, and extra hard, I'm asking. Page:

OR to CLICK HERE for the Team Page

Post a reply if you join. We'll meet early a B.S. before it starts like last year. Plus, send a note to your friends.

It's hunting related!!

She shouldn't be gone............

Brian Latturner
I'm in, and proud to be part of Karrie's Krew! That was a neat experience last year. It's an amazing sight to see all of those people united and running together.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-11 AT 10:25PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-11 AT 10:05?PM (MST)

Brian I lost my father three years ago at the age of 11. I know it is somewhat different from you kids losing their mom, but I somewhat know what your kids are going through. It is something that will never completely heal, but it will get easier with time. I know that you don't know me, but if there is anything I can do let me know. It was the toughest thing in my life to get through, but with the love and support from my family and friends I made it through. Again if you have anything I can help you with just let me know. P.S. I am really going to try and make the run.

Coleman Farrington
Brian, I'm terribly sorry for your loss bud. I'll see what I can do to get my family to help out with the run again but I'll see you there for sure!! Stay strong in the mean time and if you need anything let me know.

Do you know when registration will end this year?? I may be wrong but seems last year we had a few that wanted to do it but were too late to get in??[/IMG] ~Z~
Brian there is not a time that i look at my wifes rifle and see the scope i bought at the mule deer foundation banquet in heber that i did not think of your wife and hope all was well for her, sorry to her of her passing. count me in for a donation.
You know you can count the Hiatt family in again! I just got the email the other day. We are part of the team man! See you on the 7th.

It's always an adventure!!!
COUNT ME IN AGAIN!!! I hope the weather is as good as it was last year.

Hey ~Z~ will you be going up there again via the flirt train. If so let me know??
You can count me in Brian, it is a great cause. Lost pop's to cancer, and yeah, it does suck. I can't run anymore, and walking is difficult, but I can sure donate to the cause!

So we've got Me, Paul, Coleman (maybe), Zac, Jim and Family, and Jason so far for the walk/run??
Is there anyone else who wants to meet up and do it? I hope a few more. We'll plan on meeting in that same place as last year about an hour or so before it begins......????? Sound good?

Brian Latturner
Sounds goood I'll see you at the Skybox an hour before the run!! And yes, Rug, we're taking the flirt train for sure!! That way we can drink a lil liquid confidence on our way up there lol...[/IMG] ~Z~
Brian, while I will be unable to walk with the Krew, you have my donation and my promise of safety, as I believe I am the tail car for the event. ( in other words I keep the utard drivers from running you all over) 

Skybox it is then an hour before start time. How many of you have been running? I've been doing it maybe once a week is all.

Brian Latturner
Anyone been working up to a 5k run?

I was going through stuff and found this video clip of my sweetie walking up on her first and only big buck. She was sure excited.

Brian Latturner
Donated to the cause Brian...wish we could make it out to the run but it's just a little far for us to drive.
LAST EDITED ON May-03-11 AT 10:32AM (MST)[p]Brian---Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers. I have already donated to the run for a team here in MI who are running for a highschool classmate of mine (graduated with me in 65). Therese had the same battle as your wife and so far is doing well through God's grace!
How'd it go, Brian? Pretty impressive event, huh! Hope it helped in some measure to know you are not alone, my friend. She will always live within you and walk beside you.

Sure a lot of people showed up!! I don't know if I can do that stuff again for a while though. Just seeing those ladies in the pink shirts (which means they have cancer) had me crying. Just too damn hard for me!!

I sure do appreciate all of you who donated. It's so incredibly kind of you all. It makes me feel good. Thank you!!!!

I'm not sure, but I think our team, "Karrie's Krew", was one of the best for raising money. That's cool, cause a cure needs to be found.

Brian Latturner
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