President Trump and First Lady Covid positive!


Long Time Member
As if this year and this presidential race isn't wacky enough, The President and first Lady have now tested positive for Covid. Prayers that they both make a swift recovery. Doesn't sound like they have any symptoms yet......
I hope they load up on that Hydroxychloroquin and walk away unscathed.
I believe the President was taking that prophylacticly wasn't he?

I agree on the quick recovery, and that this is the greatest threat to the Presidency since Reagan was shot.
It kind of worries me.
1. He doesn't want to look weak. He wants to downplay the virus to keep people from panicking. Why would he go to Walter Reed a month out? Early this a.m. he was asymptomatic, then he had a slight cough, then he had a fever now he's in the hospital.... Seems to me it progressed a little fast.
2. His spokesperson said that he was just a little fatigued but in good spirits. Why take him there to Walter Reed then? He speaks his mind and makes the decision based on what he thinks is best. Is he kind of worried about this? I feel he would be the only person to decide to go to Walter Reed, especially after the WH put out a statement that they would convalesce at home hours earlier. Maybe it's cautionary, but he's a stubborn man.
3. He isn't taking the drug he was a proponent for. Why? Instead he's taking another drug that boosts antibodies. Why not load up on the hydroxychloroquine?
4. He hasn't tweeted ****. You would think he would want to put news out there that he's fine? The world is watching, now would be the time to do what he does best! Especially for his campaign.
5. He's old. He's a little bit overweight. Far healthier people have died or been or not if commission for weeks/months. Look at Boris Johnson.

IDK. Not looking great. My thoughts are with him and his family. We really do not need this as a country right now. I pray he pulls through soon.
He is the President of the U.S. At Walter Reed he will receive the best care to insure a far better chance of recovery. I think it is the case of being cautionary based on expert medical advice.
I have heard that this country has the best recovery results over other foreign countries due to our medical advances.

He is the President of the U.S. At Walter Reed he will receive the best care to insure a far better chance of recovery. I think it is the case of being cautionary based on expert medical advice.
I have heard that this country has the best recovery results over other foreign countries due to our medical advances.

I think they're being cautionary, but I noticed they didn't take FLOTUS. I know she's not President, but clearly they're treating them differently.

If anybody here thought it was standard caution to be admitted to the hospital, wouldn't you demand the same treatment for your wife?
I want to think it is out of an abundance of caution.

Why is he taking an experimental drug that has only 300 test subjects, with our president being one of them? I do not like the idea that our president is now a guinea pig. Especially if he is doing fine and this is just out of caution. Why do it then?

I would feel a lot more comfortable if the WH would've said first thing in the morning that he would be going to Walter Reed ASAP in order to monitor him, our president. They didn't.
Grizzy that same expert medical advice may have said it is not needed for the first lady. You have to remember she is far younger then her husband and it has been shown that it does not effect the younger persons as severe as the older generation on the average case. I got to give it to you, your TDS is so rampart that you will try to twist anything to ding the President. We will hold a crying towel for you in Nov.
I believe the President was taking that prophylacticly wasn't he?

I agree on the quick recovery, and that this is the greatest threat to the Presidency since Reagan was shot.
I've got to give it to you... You gave me a hard time about using "conjugate" on MM and then you whipped out prophylactically?

Well done ??

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