Proposed WY License Fee Increases

The primary function of this proposal which you seem to miss is that all of your choices will be considered before your application is suspended. Where now they only consider your first choice before your application is suspended intil the next round. As far as support goes I dont go on forums to get resident support I can do that in person. I also get pm's of support you dont see cause they dont want to be chastized.
That doesn't mean squat when most people only want their first choice with their PPs. Why would any resident, other than an outfitter, support this proposal? Yea, I'll bet you're just overwhelmed with emails and PMs of support on this, LOL!
Very simple! The way the system is set up now anyone with PPs has a better chance with two shots at their first choice necasue they go to the random draw,
There it is the wrong that needs to be righted. Your own words how do you think the folks with no p/ps feel about that?
Why would any resident, other than an outfitter, support this proposal? Because they want to put in for an area like elk 31 without burning their second choice and third choice. If they only want one area it doesnt cost them a dime
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-13 AT 04:11PM (MST)[p]Yep, and that's how he answered my question about why a resident would support it when residents aren't even involved in this, LOL.! Then he makes that comment about how do guys feel that don't have PPs like they can't buy them themselves! This guy needs to stay on the farm because he obviously is completely out of touch when it comes to hunting his state!
nope this is how I answered that question "Why would any resident, other than an outfitter, support this proposal? Because they want to put in for an area like elk 31 without burning their second choice and third choice. If they only want one area it doesnt cost them a dime.
" I proposed the "Fair lic fee proposal" as ahunter who would like to apply for a hard to draw tag and not end up burning my only shot."

That sums it up pretty well.

"Only reason non res comes into the picture is because they are all interconnected cant make rules for res that dont apply to nonres wher lic proceedure is involved."

The resident Deer/Elk/Antelope draws are totally separate from the NR draws and don't include preference points. Clearly WY can, and has, made rules for residents that don't apply to non residents.

In any event, you have a nice weekend. I'm going to watch some football and figure out where to apply.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-13 AT 07:50PM (MST)[p]I told you this guy doesn't know a thing about the draws in his own state and he can't even comprehend the difference between a resident and nonresident, LOL!!!
This proposal is BS! If you want to try for 31 then try. Why should you get a cahnce at 31 and then a chance at another unit? The benifit of the resident draw is there are no points. Every year you start over. Try for 31 until you get tired of not drawing or you draw the tag. Then switch to a better odds unit. You first said this is about raising money now its about you wanting mutiple chances. You are simply trying to manipulate the system to fit your needs. As a resident I don't like it! Keep the draw system the same please.
That's because it is ultimately about the money. Look at his don't see Larry Jenkins or Robb Wiley on here pushing for this.

Wonder why??

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