Putting The Stimulus In Perspective


Long Time Member
The Stimulus: More Than a Million a Day Since Jesus Christ's Birth

Twice today, CNN has done short segments on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's declaration that

To give the proposed economic stimulus plan some perspective, "if you started the day Jesus Christ was born and spent $1 million every day since then, you still wouldn't have spent $1 trillion."

Both times they said the claim checked out, the second time with a famous mathmetician (although I think they just needed a calculator).

Christ's birth in year zero one, times 365, times 2009, gets you 733,285,000,000, or a bit over $733 billion. (Yes, I'm leaving out leap years.) You're not even three-quarters of the way there. (Politifact calculates from 4 B.C.)

Yes, the stimulus is less than a trillion?$819 billion in the version passed by the House. But that's still a bigger total than a million a day since the first Christmas.

look at it this way, Americans spent 2.3 trillion last year on health care, aprox. 16% of our GDP. 44 million plus go without insurance, its estimated ten thousand plus citizens die each year because of lack of medical care, medical bills are tied with home forclosures as the leading cause of bankruptcy. Compare with France, the nation with the highest quality rated health care in the world, they spent 9.5% of GDP. no one goes without, and no one goes bankrupt. If Americans spent 9.5% of GDP, like France does, we could afford an 800 billion dollar stimulas package EVERY YEAR, talk about WOW. Don't expect to hear that from the republicans though, While campaigning Ronald Reagon talked about how you could line dollar bills end to end from here to the moon and back, with the amount of the then 1 trillion dollar deb't, then he turned around and more than doubled that, right wingers like McConnell are idiot blow hards.

Don't expect to hear that from Democrats either because they will not fix anything either. They will send help and it will do nothing but add cost to an already broken system.

Now that Democrats have complete control I wonder why socialized medicine isn't at the top of the list of things to do in the first 100 days. They could surely find 2 vulnerable Republicans in the Senate and they own the House and White House. They could ramrod a fully funded health insurance for all law based upon the benefits provided by medicare and do in about 30 days.

What will be your excuse when this doesn't happen? Have you seen the Senate Health Care proposal that is "a uniquely American solution". This throw money at the existing system without guaranteeing coverage for everyone.

Left wingers like Barney Frank are idiots. It goes both ways.

What we have is right wing idiots who let us fall into the mess we're in, so we elected left wing idiots to dream up stupid ways to fix said mess.

To try and make this a partisan issue at this point is childish, there is no answer to this thing and we all know it but an attempt to fix it is demanded. for right wingers to laugh at some poor idiot trying to clean up the mess they left behind is beyond stupid and the public sees that. if Obama fails you'll have the other shot at making it worse you desire, but just what are your chances going to be once Obama gets done with his disaster? see where this is going? nobody wins so get real.

All I was pointing out is to Piper that his hatred of Republicans and the health care industry could all be over if his beloved Democrats had the balls to do what he is advocating.

I don't wish Obama to fail, I am an American first want to our country to succeed. Piper want our government to take over the largest employer in our economy and put millions more out of work by shrinking the size of the Health Care sector by half. He could apparently care less that our government has forced costs to increase rapidly.

Also if the beloved Democrats have all the answers in regards to health care and the great things a single payer system would do for our country how come the current proposal doesn't do much of anything except add another layer of bureaucrats.

It is a two way street and the Democrats have no more political will to make a single payer system happen then the Republicans do. Look at Daschle he worked for the industry that Piper hates and yet he was going to be the one to reform it. Not bloody likely.

I know I know, they all should be locked up together, ten years to life, and Barney Frank should be locked up in the womens maximum security prison for life
An interesting note, tonight my wifes friend is in the hospital having a baby, she came here on a work visa, stayed beyond the legal date and got knocked up by a mexican, it sounds like there are some complications, anyway its all totally free for her, but if my wife got pregnant, and since we work and are citizens, we would get a $12.000 to $30.000 plus bill to pay.
I don't think the dems have all the answers, in fact I'll be surprised if they have any. the republicans proved for 8 years they had the answers, unfortunetly most were the wrong answers.

As you say we're all in this together, all I'm trying to point out to some of our right wing friends is it was a team effort that got us in this mess, and you were the coach. don't forget that when you're pointing out the flaws in the mop up team's efforts.
>An interesting note, tonight my wifes
>friend is in the hospital
>having a baby, she came
>here on a work visa,
>stayed beyond the legal date
>and got knocked up by
>a mexican, it sounds like
>there are some complications, anyway
>its all totally free for
>her, but if my wife
>got pregnant, and since we
>work and are citizens, we
>would get a $12.000 to
>$30.000 plus bill to pay.

Piper ,I disagree most of your posts,but your last quote is totally true. Our health care system is rewarding unresponsible people, but raping the middle class.
The democrats took advatage of this during the elections.
Free healthcare has got to stop. I personally know of a 20 yr old wimp that has 3 kids (not related) ,has a minimum wage job and doesnt pay a dime for health insurance.
Iknow you can't not give healthcare to someone that needs it, but there has got to be some resonsibility. The middle class is getting screwed

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