QAD Exodus Broadhead


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-13 AT 03:14AM (MST)[p]I've been looking over reviews and the QAD Exodus Broadhead is looking pretty good. I'm looking for a 85 grain broadhead that will fly like a field point at long ranges to 100 yards. This one seems like it might do that, and is also reported to be a very strong broadhead. I know G5, Muzzy and Thunderhead make good broaheads, but I've seen too many reviews that concern me with their accuracy at longer ranges. Is there another 85 grain broadhead out there that can beat the QAD Exodus?
Don't know what reviews you've been read'n but if you read about issues with the G5 Striker at longer ranges not shoot'n like field points then those shooters are the problem not the broadhead. G5 Striker, Blazers , Easton Full Metal Jacket 340's an awesome killing machine at 466gr.

Once again, don't blame the broadheads. With today's compact broadheads, any flight issues you may read about have little to absolutely nothing to do with the broadheads and everything to do with the tune of the bow and/or the shooters form. Blaming a broadhead for flight issues these days is like blaming Ford Motor company for your truck running out of gas.

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